Although Lang Wenjie repeatedly said that he believed in Ding Changsheng, Ding still insisted on signing such an underground agreement with Lang Wenjie. Although he could explain clearly to Lang Wenjie, it was not necessarily that everything would understand him. When time came, Wanyou would come out and whether he would fall out with himself, which is not clear.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, Ding Changsheng insisted on signing this agreement with Lang Wenjie. The content of the agreement is very simple. It is only for the sake of making money for everything that he has done. It is also to break the minds of those people. In this way, Wanyou may come out earlier and faster.

"Wait until everything comes out. You can explain this to him clearly. He and I are old acquaintances. I hope he can understand my pain and don't sell me in it.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

Lang Wenjie's face is not good-looking. She knows all the talented people very well. All these years, the sword has gone sideways, and he dares to try any risk that others dare not take. Therefore, it is only Lang Wenjie who knows him best.

"No, I believe he has a sense of propriety.". Said Lang Wenjie.

Ding Changsheng didn't think so much about it. After talking with Lang Wenjie about this, he left. He had a lot of things and didn't have time to waste here. Wu Yuchen also called him and wanted to see him. After all, he came to Huzhou and didn't meet him. But Ding Changsheng didn't give her the chance and refused.

The Huzhou affair ended in a farce. The only thing that made Ding Changsheng happy was Jia Dongliang's attitude. To tell the truth, Ding Changsheng, under the banner of waving flags and shouting for private enterprises, was not to show Jia Dongliang's attitude to the officials in central and southern provinces. Since all the provincial leaders have this attitude, the rest of you should be careful not to deal with new energy bases What small action, otherwise, don't blame me to go to Jia Dongliang to complain.

Of course, Jia Dongliang knows what Ding Changsheng said when he met Jia Dongliang. As long as he asked the governors of the banks about the loan for small and micro enterprises, he would know who made the bad idea behind the incident. Therefore, Jia Dongliang will know what kind of person Chen Huanshan is and how they will pinch each other at that time It's not something Ding Changsheng has to consider.

Before Ding Changsheng left, he still met with Scarlett. They met in the cafe of the hotel in the same color of water and sky. They sat next to the lake, under a sunshade and two seats. They sat opposite each other for a long time without saying a word. Maybe silence is the atmosphere they want most.



They looked at each other, then spoke at the same time, and they both laughed.

"You say it first.". Ding Changsheng picked up the coffee and said.

"Well, ladies first. You know that. It's not easy.". She said.

Ding Changsheng smiles and signals her to continue.

"Now it is finally over. The next thing is to build two new production lines and increase production capacity. After all, we sell cars, not mobile phones. We don't want to engage in hunger marketing, and we can't let customers wait too long.". She said.

Ding Changsheng nodded and said, "is it still difficult to finance?"

"No, the loan should not be a big problem. It's the distribution of shares. I discussed with Zhou Hongqi. In order to make the company bigger, the company can't be so fussy. We're going to be listed. At present, the place of listing has not been determined. H-share or A-share. If you want to go to the market, as an excellent high-tech company, it's not a big problem. So, I want to hear from you "Of the world. She said.

Ding Changsheng frowned and asked, "go public?"

"Yes, I know that you are worried about all talents. I have heard that many people are interested in our company. Therefore, my opinion is that they should not be listed in China, but listed in foreign countries and listed in the United States. In this way, it is much more difficult for them to operate. Frankly speaking, I don't believe in domestic A-shares and H-shares, although it's a very difficult decision. For this matter, AI and I are interested in this issue Leia also had a quarrel. She meant that we had to prevent external capital from swallowing us, but now we have to go abroad to list. What do you mean? " Si Jiayi kicked the ball to Ding Changsheng.

Ding Changsheng stood up and walked to the lake. Although the sun was blazing, there was no warm place in Ding Changsheng's whole body, because what Scarlett said was true. Anyway, the domestic securities environment was indeed not suitable for the current IPO of Aihua high tech. all kinds of restrictions and all kinds of black box operations showed that the arrested people knew how many leeks they had cut by using the stock market, As a high-tech company, Ding Changsheng very much hopes that avatech will be a company that can survive for a long time, rather than become a tool for some people to launder money and cut leeks. Just look at the companies where barbarians use universal insurance to play. If you really have money, you can buy any company, but using insurance funds to do whatever you want, this is not a moral problem It was a legal problem. Therefore, the punishment was really light at that time, but there was no way. Tongxin association was not easy to be provoked. Even the Securities Regulatory Commission would be afraid of it. The commercial gangs formed by these people could already shake the economic stability of a region or half of China.

"Well, I agree with you. Go to the U.S. to go public. Although this is a helpless move, in order to ensure the long-term development of the company, in order not to let the company be eaten by some people, it can only be like this. However, Wall Street is not easy to mix, and it is better to be fully prepared.". Ding Changsheng said."Well, I'm going to find the best legal team in the world to operate this business. I can't help it. I know what you mean. It's not easy for us to establish this company. We can't just be destroyed by these people. Now, these big men in China are not short of money and courage. From time to time, they will come to the stock market to make a profit. If you look at the cashout of these big men in China, you can see what their money is It's clean. I don't want to let Aihua high tech be destroyed by these people. At that time, we people will be expelled from the company and controlled by these laymen. How long can the company last? Their ability to destroy the company is not ordinary. She said.

Ding Changsheng lit a cigarette, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "this is a great irony. At that time, we tried our best to prevent foreign capital from intervening in this high-tech project, but now we have to send the company to the wolf's mouth.".

"Not necessarily. In recent years, I have thought a lot and learned a lot. As long as the system is well done, there is no big problem. Moreover, we just go to the market, and all the technologies and R & D centers are in China. And now foreign R & D is very close to breaking through this technology, and we don't have much time.". She said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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