"Well, it's up to you. If you need me to do anything, you can tell me, or you can ask Qin Mo, who is in the United States during this period of time, and can help you in legal and financial aspects.". Said Mr. Ding.

That's what I mean. It's coming with your approval. Si Jiayi said with a smile.

Ding Changsheng said with a smile: "you are not without contact, this matter still needs to ask me, OK, this matter you operate on your own.".

Finally, she said, "originally I didn't want to promise her, but she said that you directly refused to meet her. She didn't dare to go to Zhou Hongqi and went to me. I brought her here. It seems that I have something to talk with you. You can talk about it. I'll go first.".

With that, Ding Changsheng didn't understand what was going on. He saw a man standing up in the cafe and came over step by step. It was Wu Yuchen.

Si Jiayi and Wu Yuchen look at each other and smile. Then Si Jiayi leaves and goes. Ding Changsheng does not move. Wu Yuchen sits opposite him.

"Hate me so much, I have done a lot, you should also get rid of it, or talk about, how can you get rid of your anger?" Wu Yuchen frowned and asked.

Ding Changsheng didn't say a word. Wu Yuchen looked at Ding Changsheng. She knew that Ding Changsheng was dead hearted to her at this time. The reason why he saw him again and again, and gave up his self-esteem again and again, came from his humiliation, not for his own heart's share of guilt.

"In fact, everything between us has been turned over. You really don't need to come to me again and again and say that. I really don't care. So, in the future, cooperation will be possible, and if cooperation is not possible, it will be OK for each of us." Ding Changsheng asked.

"Xu Jiansheng called me last night. He knew that you had come to Huzhou, so he wanted to talk to you. But he also knew that you would not talk to him. He could take out the name list of Juemin from his father and give it to you. But you should stop letting people attack his overseas industries. It's time to end.". Wu Yuchen said.

When Ding Changsheng smelled the speech and looked at Wu Yuchen, he just wanted to ask her if she meant the same thing. Wu Yuchen said, "this is the original words I quoted, I don't mean it.".

"Let him go to Hong Kong. I'll meet him in Hong Kong and talk about the next thing. Maybe it's good for him. The fox hunting team has already fixed his eyes on him. Don't try to play tricks.". Ding Changsheng said.

"He won't believe it, and Hong Kong will not go there. It's too close to the mainland. Now they are terrified birds. They dare not stay there for a long time. They are almost burned in Japan. So they live carefully now.". Wu Yuchen said.

"I won't go to other places. It's too far away. I'm in a tight time right now, so don't fool me. Otherwise, there will be no need to talk about it.". Ding Changsheng said.

Ding Changsheng didn't want to talk too much with Wu Yuchen, so within ten minutes of meeting, Ding Changsheng got up and left. Seeing Ding Changsheng disappear in the car, Wu Yuchen's face was very ugly. On a hot day, his face was cold and ice could be seen.

On the way back, Ding Changsheng and Mo Xiaoyu got in touch.

"Just now Wu Yuchen and I had a talk. He said that Xu Jiansheng wanted to meet with me. I said that in Hong Kong, he had not given me any news. I don't know if the follow-up will be successful. I mean, you should seize the time and increase the pressure to let them make a decision as soon as possible, and there is no longer any hesitation.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Well, dingo, is there any news from wanyoucai?" Mo Xiaoyu asked.

"I have talked with them. I hope Wanyou is not so stupid. The problem is that Wanyou is the major shareholder of Aihua high tech. although it does not have the right to vote, there are a lot of money in these shares. Many people are eager to try. I have to reach an agreement with Li Tie in the shortest possible time, so we have to take out Wanyou first. Therefore, we have to bite the matter ”。 Ding Changsheng sighed.

"Well, what's the purpose of your meeting with Xu Jiansheng?" Mo Xiaoyu asked.

"Exchange the list. If he doesn't hand over the list of marquis, you should continue to destroy it. Then you will know. But there is a premise that the list can come back, and they can never come back alive. In that case, we may be busy in vain.". Ding Changsheng said.

"I understand what you mean, and I mean the same thing. If they fall into the hands of Li Tiegang, all these things we do outside will be meaningless and may be taken back to the country.". Mo Xiaoyu said.

"That's no good. You can't let the brothers work in vain. Don't worry, I won't do it.". Ding Changsheng said.

"OK, thank you. Wanyoucai still has to trouble you there. This guy may have a long memory when he comes out. What he did this time is really a little too much.". Mo Xiaoyu said.

Ding Changsheng hung up the phone for a long time without saying a word, because he knew that no one could get up early without profit. Therefore, if Xu's father and son returned to China, there was no guarantee that Mo Xiaoyu and Wanyou could still get Xu Yijian.

But in other words, how many people in China would like them to come back? I believe there are too few people who have such ideas. Xu Yijian runs away smoothly, so many people can sleep at night. If their father and son are caught back, there is no doubt that it will be a huge earthquake. Those people do not know how much hope he will die abroad."Hong Kong? No, you can't go there. It's the mainland now. Aren't you trapped in the net when you go there? " Hearing this, Xu Yijian said.

"Where to go? Apart from there, he thinks other places are far away. Dad, it is now confirmed that Ding Changsheng is the black hand behind a series of fires, and our industry is still suffering constantly. I really can't imagine that Ding Changsheng's overseas influence is so great.". Xu Jiansheng said.

"It's not power, it's money. Of course, it's easy to do business if you have money. What about the person I asked you to look for, isn't it useful?"

"Yes, we have spent a lot of money, mafia and underworld, but the effect is not great. We have no goal now. We know that Ding Changsheng is behind the scenes. However, these people dare not go to China to commit crimes. We don't know who is attacking us. Many places are on fire when they are good. There is no sign.". Xu Jiansheng said.

"This son of a bitch, I really underestimated him, but Hong Kong can't go, it's really not possible to go to Russia or Mongolia. It's safer to go abroad. I suggest that we should choose Russia, which is bordering on the northeast, so we can find suitable places to meet. The list can be given to him, but he should stop attacking us first.". Xu Yijian said.

But just after this, Xu Jiansheng received their winery in Australia and was set on fire.

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