Ding Changsheng was helpless and angry. Wan Youcai was able to see clearly. After this incident, the relationship between the two people may be difficult to recover to the previous level. He would rather die of his own work alone than die of a pig teammate. This matter had nothing to do with himself, but now he pulled himself in.

"Are you a pig brain? Why don't you contact me? Do you know how worried I am when something happens to you? And, the company is in a mess. What are you doing? Are you still like a business man? " After connecting the phone, Lang Wenjie scolded wanyoucai. Wanyoucai was eager to know what relationship the disposal of those shares had with Lang Wenjie.

"You still remember those shares now. You know, because of your business, you are a major shareholder, and the delivery ceremony was blocked by many reporters for a long time. If your business messed up the delivery ceremony, I don't think it's too much for the people in the new energy base to peel off your skin. You still don't mix up enough in the river and lake. What else are you involved in? Are you tired?" Lang Wenjie asked without being angry.

"Well, let's talk about these accounts after autumn. What about those share transfers?" Wan Youcai asked.

"I sent you an agreement, which was forced by Ding Changsheng to sign. I said at that time that it was unnecessary to do this. Everyone was familiar with you. You had such a good relationship with him, but he felt that he had to tell me before making a deal with the people above, so that you would not have any idea. Now someone is targeting you, and the target is the shares of those new energy bases, If it wasn't for Ding Changsheng, you would be rotten in it this time, and no one would catch you. ". Lang Wenjie these days the backlog of anger all of a sudden vent in wanyoucai.

Wanyoucai opened the wechat in a hurry. There was a document sent by Lang Wenjie. He knew what happened to Ding Changsheng's attitude when he just talked to Ding Changsheng. As expected, the document said clearly that in order to get through the most difficult period of this period, wanyoucai's shares were transferred to Zhou Hongqi. After this matter was over, he would transfer his shares to Zhou Hongqi The shares are transferred to wanyoucai, and the profits generated in the process are also transferred. It can be said that Ding Changsheng and Zhou Hongqi did not take advantage of him in this agreement. This is a private agreement. Although the legal effect is difficult to determine, one thing is certain, that is, Ding Changsheng does not intend to swallow up these shares.

Ding Changsheng took a taxi back to the provincial capital. This time, she was going to let Shi Meizhen and her wife come to Mangshan. However, because of the urgency of the matter, since he and Li Tiegang have reached a deal, we have to do it. Otherwise, many of the following things will be wasted. The most important thing is to remove all the crises faced by the new energy base, We can't bring any crisis to this new enterprise, otherwise, we may be trapped in the cradle.

Sure enough, when Ding Changsheng was waiting for Xing Honggang to meet, he received a call from Wu Yuchen.

"Hello, what's up?"

"He called to meet you in Russia. At the border, he hasn't decided which city it is. But if you want to leave the country to see them, they won't come in to see you. In addition, I'll go with you so that he can see you. Otherwise, he may not trust you.". Wu Yuchen said.

Ding Changsheng didn't say a word. Until Wu Yuchen thought the phone was off line again, Ding Changsheng said, "OK, I'll contact you later.".

Xu Jiansheng does not contact Ding Changsheng directly. He always contacts himself through Wu Yuchen. Does this mean that Xu Jiansheng still trusts Wu Yuchen?

"Wait a minute. What they mean is, can you stop attacking their overseas industries first? Since you want to see them, everyone should be honest.". Wu Yuchen said.

Ding Changsheng said: "no way. If he wants to lose less, he should come to see me quickly. The earlier he sees me, the less he will lose. Don't think I don't know what they mean. It's no way. I'm still very busy here. I'm dead.".

With that, Ding Changsheng hung up the phone decisively. Wu Yuchen looked at the mobile phone, sighed at another mobile phone, and said, "you've heard it. This is the case. You can do it yourself.".

"This son of a bitch, I lost 500 million dollars in the past few days. This is the industry that we have managed for many years. This bastard, I have to kill him.". Xu Jiansheng said angrily.

"Don't say such cruel words. If you kill him, you may not have any money left in overseas. Otherwise, you can sell them to the bank. In this way, he may not be able to do anything to you.". Wu Yuchen said.

"Why, listen to your tone, as if you are happy with the result?" Xu Jiansheng asked discontentedly.

"Yes, what did I say? Xu Jiansheng, you owe me a lot, but I only don't owe you. Don't bite LV Dongbin. If you make me anxious, I won't go. You can trade with him. I won't do this.". Wu Yuchen said.

"Don't, I'm joking with you. You know me, it's all bad news and I haven't heard any good news. So, you still have to help me with this. After you come out, we'll find a chance to divorce. You can do whatever you want. I'll never look for you again.". Xu Jiansheng said.Search for official account official: if the fish is not updated, the fish will be updated in the official account. The new book will be released in the official account.

Wu Yuchen did not say anything, directly hung up the phone.

"Are you going to Russia? To see Xu Jiansheng and his son? " At this time, Wu Mingan came in from the living room and asked.

"Well, Ding Changsheng is going. I'll go with him. I don't know what Xu Jiansheng's idea is. But if I don't go, they won't believe each other. If the matter goes on, no one will be able to afford it.". Wu Yuchen said.

Wu Mingan frowned and said: "this matter has nothing to do with you. Why do you get involved in this matter? Find a chance to divorce Xu Jiansheng and finish it. Why bother with these matters?"

"No way. I owe him. I have to pay it back. If I have a chance, I will pay it back.". Wu Yuchen looked up to see Wu Ming'an, his face a little sad said.

Wu Ming'an knows what she means. He also knows that the knot between Ding Changsheng and Wu Yuchen can't be solved by themselves. The more involved they are, the more complicated it may be.

"This is a good place. What can I do for you? I heard you went to Huzhou. How was your visit?" Xing Honggang easily arrived at the place appointed by Ding Changsheng, a small private restaurant. If not for Ding Changsheng's positioning, he would not be able to find it here.

"I'm much busier than you are now. Do I look like someone to play? Minister Xing, if that list is brought back, how much will it affect you? " Ding Changsheng asked.

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