Xing Honggang was stunned when he heard the speech. He looked at Ding Changsheng and asked, "who got the list?"

"At present, no one has got it, but soon the list will be sent to the Discipline Inspection Commission Department. At that time, all the people on this list will become the objects of investigation. Therefore, it is not known how many people's fate will be changed by this list. However, it is not a simple matter. Xu Yijian is not so stupid. I don't know how to deal with it.". Ding Changsheng said.

"I thought that's what happened. I didn't expect someone to check it out. It doesn't matter. Since things have come to this point, there's no way to investigate. Xu Yijian and I, as well as Qin Zhenbang, have not dealt with it for a long time. It's normal for him to pull a cushion at this time. I'll make it clear when I get there.". Xing Honggang said nothing.

Ding Changsheng knows that there are many waves hidden under this indifferent relaxed expression, which is not what Ding Changsheng can experience. When he reaches the level of xinghonggang, there are many storms. He must have made preparations for this, but he has been living by luck.

"Some people have been staring at Xu Yijian all the time, but the list in his hand is a great disaster. You know, our party will never allow such organizations to exist. They don't care about such associations in the economic field, but in politics, this is a fundamental thing. Why Will it be allowed to exist? " Ding Changsheng said.

Xing Honggang nodded and said, "this is a matter of reason. I was also cheated at that time..."

"Yes, many people will say that as long as something goes wrong, they will say that the responsibility is not on their side. The matter of taking back the list from Xu Yijian's hand is now on my head. I don't know what I can get back. If possible, we will contact again.". Ding Changsheng said.

If Ding Changsheng didn't come to this trip, maybe Xing Honggang didn't know what was going on when he was investigated. However, the purpose of the investigation is very clear. It is for the sake of Xingshan. It has been a long time since it happened. If you didn't have anything else, it might not be a matter. At most, it's just that the party spirit is not strong But now I have hinted to you that if you have any other business, you should deal with it quickly. Don't pull out the radish and take out the mud at that time. It will be a big trouble.

After Ding Changsheng left, Xing Honggang sat here again for a long time, and then left here. He felt extremely heavy. This is a matter of reason.

Back in Mangshan, I had a meal with Liang Keyi at Liang Keyi's house. Liang Keyi cooked in person to reward Ding Changsheng, which is rare. Ding Changsheng accompanied her to finish the meal, and the two sat at the table to eat and chat.

"You have to go there in person. Xu Yi has a fierce heart and a hot hand. You should be careful.". Liang Keyi said.

"No problem. Since Japan, Xu Yijian and his son have been in Mo Xiaoyu's sight. This time I went out, I also met with Mo Xiaoyu. With him, my intelligence work is OK. So the rest is how to talk with Xu Yijian. It is said that he also has an industry in Russia. This time, I went to see how the talks went. It is not sure that anything will happen Love, but you also know, I can protect myself. If I can fight, I can run. Besides, although Xu Yijian hates me, he doesn't want to set this trap for me to drill. Mo Xiaoyu won't sit back and watch. ". Ding Changsheng said.

"I know, but I still don't think it's safe for you to go in person. Who else will go with you?"

"Wu Yuchen, she is still Xu Jiansheng's wife now, so if she doesn't go, Xu Jiansheng may not be willing to see me. If she doesn't go, many things are difficult to talk about. With her around, there is no need to guess each other about many things. It is the best to achieve this.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Hum, Wu Yuchen is a little girl. When I meet her next time, I have to deal with her. How dare I plan on me? Who gives her courage?" Liang Keyi said with some exasperation.

Ding Changsheng took up his glass and said, "don't worry. I'll help you clean her up.".

"Don't talk nonsense and tell you the business. When you come back from Russia, don't come back to Mangshan. Go to Heshan City. If you stay here, you will be a waste of talents. My father needs you. Now he has sent people to investigate the chishang group, but there is a great resistance. The resistance is not from the red trade group, but from within the government The people sent to investigate were perfunctory and could not find out anything at all. Can you think of it? In recent years, the chishang Group paid taxes in full last year. In the past few years, the tax was paid in full. Every year, it was fooled. The accounts are very good. The red trade group has been losing money and has no output. How to pay tax? " Liang Keyi sneered.

"Really? This is a great opportunity. If we hold on to this matter, we can bring down the red merchant group. What are we waiting for? "

"Yes, but the lack of execution is still a big problem. No matter how good a thing is, the person who implements it can't do it. It's a waste of time.". Liang Keyi said.

"It seems that the chishang group has been operating locally in recent years. Originally, Heshan City is a place where gangs are popular. In addition, if someone takes the lead, it will soon evolve out of control.". The official account of official search is

: if the fish is not updated, the fish will be updated in the official account. The new book will be released in the official account."So my dad said that this matter has to be solved. If it goes on like this, he can't do anything in his office.". Liang Keyi said.

Ding Changsheng can understand Liang Wenxiang's mind at this time. He has been to Heshan for almost a year. But up to now, it seems that his achievements are not outstanding. If he can't do something obvious, his coming to Heshan and all the further planning will disappear.

Maybe Xu Yijian couldn't bear to go on like this. His industries that he had accumulated for many years were destroyed one by one. So he went to Russia in a hurry. Wu Yuchen got the news. They were ready to meet Ding Changsheng in Suifenhe River and asked Ding Changsheng not to take anyone. They just went to Suifen river with Wu Yuchen to meet them.

Ding Changsheng hung up the phone and said, "is Suifen river very close to Russia?"

Liang Keyi didn't know. He took out his mobile phone to have a look. He found that Russia was across a river. He had to say that Xu Yijian had a good idea this time. He was separated by a river instead of on land. In this case, if Ding Changsheng went to the opposite side, it would be difficult to run back.

"I don't think he's well intentioned. Do you want to take some people there first, and then you'll have a helper. Otherwise, you'll be too dangerous yourself.". Liang Keyi said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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