Ding Changsheng knew that he was in a big situation at this time, so he sent he Lerui into the room. Even the door of the room was not closed, he stood at the door and looked at it. Then he withdrew and left.

Along the way, he also explained his situation to he Lerui. It is not the time to master the overall situation, so it is better to be careful. He letri understood and agreed to make an appointment to meet again in the next few days.

After Ding Changsheng left, he Lerui took a bath, then tilted on the head of the bed and began to make a phone call.

"I have done what you asked me to do. He is very careful now. I think it is difficult to calculate. You should not make such an idea again. Since you have the Cao family brothers to help you, don't bother me any more. What's more, you promised me that the land given to me by chishang group is true or false. If I know you cheat me, our cooperation will not be in the future.". He said.

"Don't worry, the Cao family really want to leave Heshan, because they know that their relationship with Liang Wenxiang will be difficult to ease again. Moreover, Liang Wenxiang urgently needs to build up his prestige. The problem ridden chishang group is a good target. Ding Changsheng's next target must be the chishang group. I told the Cao family brothers that they were mainly right The hand is Liang Wenxiang and Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng is a knife, and Liang Wenxiang is the one who holds the handle of the knife. ".

"I know, Lao Xu, it's time for you to wake up. I'm also very sorry about Xu Jiansheng. I hope you can come out early and don't be blindfolded by hatred. Many things still need to be done. The old man is still worried about you. If you go on like this, I'm afraid you can't stay outside.". He said.

"Don't force me. I've told you all about the list. Cao Yonghan is not a man to be provoked. I tell you, you can guarantee that he will stay in the mainland well. Maybe there is nothing wrong with him. If you force me too hard, he will jump over the wall in a hurry. He will contact you soon. His old backstage will be retiring soon. He is also looking for new backers, They will surprise you as much as you give them. Don't think that you threaten me. Cao Yonghan is a gangster. Once his own interests are violated, he will fight for a net. ". Xu Yijian said.

"Don't scare me. It's no use.". He said.

"I'm not scaring you.". Xu Yijian said.

Ding Changsheng had just returned home when he received a call from Du shankui.

I've found out. I'll send you the details. After that, he hung up. For a few seconds, it was impossible for the monitor to lock it. Although Ding Changsheng's phone was monitored, his phone numbers were many, and some of them were changed at a time. Therefore, the possibility of monitoring the complete information was zero.

Ding Changsheng turned on the computer, according to the routine agreed at that time, or the game, or the forum post, or the comments under the news of a certain website, the layman could not see it. Therefore, through such information dissemination, Ding Changsheng could perfectly avoid the eyes of monitoring, and could not only do something, but also hide himself.

"These materials are the memories of Wei Liangjia these days. We have done a simple investigation and found that 80% of the things in it are correct, and the remaining 20% are that the parties concerned can't find them, so they can't be verified. However, according to the 80% accuracy rate, it's very unlikely that they will make it up.".

With the following analysis of some materials, Ding Changsheng gradually saw the track of Cao Yongming. Of course, this is also the track of Cao Yonghan's rise, which makes Ding Changsheng look a little different.

"Wait for my information, I will report these to the higher authorities for approval before making the next arrangement.".

The news exchange between the two confirmed Cao Yongming's future fate.

The next morning, Ding Changsheng ran to Liang Wenxiang's home. His home was in the family home of the municipal Party committee. When Ding Changsheng arrived, Liang Wenxiang was already having breakfast. Seeing Ding Changsheng come in, he told the attendant to bring in bowls and chopsticks.

"So early, what's up?" Liang Wenxiang asked.

"Well, I'm not sure about something. I'd like to ask for instructions.". Ding Changsheng said. The official account of official search is

: if the fish is not updated, the fish will be updated in the official account. The new book will be released in the official account.

"Come on, what's not sure?" Liang Wenxiang asked.

Ding Changsheng handed the materials he had brought to Liang Wenxiang. Liang Wenxiang took the reading glasses and began to look at them. After carefully turning over them, he asked, "what do you mean?"

"I asked someone to do a survey on these materials. 80% of them are true and not exaggerated. He personally made three of his life, and the other one was also the chief conspirator and leader. These are enough for him to die several times.". Ding Changsheng said.

"What do you mean? What are you going to do Liang Wenxiang asked.

"What I mean is that we should arrest people in secret, not in Heshan or other places, and it can't be the provinces and cities around us. The people here have too many activities, and the surrounding provinces have their businesses. If they are found out, they will fail.". Ding Changsheng said.

Liang Wenxiang didn't say a word. After a while, he said, "it's a big risk. I'm not worried about these people, it's about the public security organs. I still want to clean up from the public security organs. I remember that there's a Liu Zhendong in Huzhou who's doing a good job. Can you transfer him?"Ding Changsheng was stunned and said, "it's OK to transfer here, but his qualification is too low. If he works as a leader, it will be very difficult for him to take charge of his own affairs for a while. After all, Heshan is too big.".

Liang Wenxiang nodded and said: "it's a pity that the punishment you're taking now. Otherwise, if you go to the Municipal Bureau, I'll be at ease. As long as the municipal bureau takes it down, everything else will be easy to do. Now they're playing horse's eye with me. It's really a headache for me.".

"Therefore, we should avoid the people of the Municipal Bureau and detain them in different places. In this way, let the red merchant group fight with the Municipal Bureau to see what kind of tricks they can play.". Ding Changsheng said.

"I'll think about it again. It's not easy to detain people in other places. It's very troublesome if you want to go to the city Bureau in the name of investigation today. I think the Municipal Bureau can't be an iron plate. Dig it from the inside. In this way, we can save time. Otherwise, the intervention of external forces will cause us a lot of trouble and coordination It will take a lot of our time. Liang Wenxiang said.

Ding Changsheng's idea is to make a quick decision. However, as the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, Liang Wenxiang should also consider the influence. He has been here for such a long time, and he has to be detained in other places to handle a case. What does this mean? He has not completely mastered the powerful Department of Heshan. This is a shame. The face of the leader should be good.

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