Although Ding Changsheng could not help Liang Wenxiang's decision, it was understandable because it was human nature.

Ding Changsheng is really a person with strong executive power. After going to work, he asked the municipal Party committee office to call the Municipal Bureau. Ding Changsheng wanted to do research. This is a famous teacher. How could he have to install it.

After dinner, Ding Changsheng and several people from the municipal Party committee went to the Municipal Bureau for investigation. The economic reform group has gradually gained influence in Heshan City. Therefore, since it is the deputy leader of the reform group to investigate, the people of the Municipal Bureau dare not ignore it. Otherwise, they don't know when they will shoot a cold arrow?

Of course, Ding Changsheng will not come here to play. Since he is a researcher, he has to look like a man. Although he is with the office of the municipal Party committee, he does not have a leader at a higher level. The people of the Municipal Bureau just look at changing the name of a group.

However, they were wrong. They thought that Ding Changsheng was just coming for a walk. However, the murderous spirit brought by Ding Changsheng was to let these people know that the sky of Heshan was going to change.

"Director Chen, I heard that you are not in good health. I still want to see you in the hospital this afternoon. I didn't expect you to come to work.". When Ding Changsheng got out of the car, the first thing he did was shake hands with Chen Mingkun, the director of the Municipal Bureau. As far as we know, Chen Mingkun's sense of existence is very low, because he has spent a year in the hospital, and Tu Jiayang is in charge of the daily affairs of the Municipal Bureau, but Tu Jiayang has a close relationship with the chishang group, which Ding Changsheng has already known.

Since we are going to investigate, we have to throw stones and mix sand. If we don't make any noise, what else will we do? This also makes Ding Changsheng realize that it is a delusion to rely on the people of the Municipal Bureau to handle the case of the red merchant group. We must be sure that there is no action here, and the news will leak out. Either we will handle the case in a different place or wait until the people who have cleaned up the Municipal Bureau will talk about it.

"It's not a big problem. I've been recuperating. Now it's OK. I heard that director Ding came to investigate, so I came here. It's not in the way of anything.". Chen said.

Under the introduction of Chen Mingkun, Ding Changsheng shook hands with several leaders in the Municipal Bureau. The others just waved, and then they went to the conference room.

At the beginning, people from the municipal Party committee office were worried about whether Ding Changsheng would not be able to hold down the scene when he was so young. However, when they saw this scene, they all secretly thought that Ding Changsheng was appreciated by the boss when he was young, and he was also made to be a deputy group leader. This is not for nothing. It is based on his ability.

When I entered the conference room, I thought it was a retreat, and then it was over with a meal. However, no one thought that things would run in an unpredictable direction, which made many people present unexpected.

"Director Ding, on behalf of all the officers and policemen of the Municipal Bureau, I welcome you to investigate. We will actively cooperate with you and say everything we know. Where do you think we should start?" Chen asked.

Ding Changsheng said with a smile: "no hurry. I have a lot of time. I don't have any specific duties. Where there is a hole, Secretary Liang will block me. It's very casual. I came here to investigate. It's not that there is a hole in the City Council. It's because Secretary Liang is very concerned about the City Council. In addition, I have experienced some unhappiness with the City Council. So I want to come to know about it Next, let's see if the comrades of our Municipal Bureau strictly abide by the laws and regulations in the process of law enforcement? "

Ding Changsheng said these words, his face gradually embarrassed, and from time to time to glance at these people present.

Chen Mingkun didn't expect Ding Changsheng to turn over his face when he said that he would turn over his face. However, it seemed that he was very dissatisfied with some people in the Municipal Bureau. He didn't come for himself. While he was relieved, he also took into consideration that it was not a good opportunity for him. During this period of his illness and hospitalization, he had signs of being elevated, which made him very angry, but his body If you don't try your best, you can't help it.

"Director Ding, where can I start with this? Our comrades have always strictly followed..." But before Chen Mingkun finished, he was stopped by Ding Changsheng. The official account of official search is

: if the fish is not updated, the fish will be updated in the official account. The new book will be released in the official account.

Ding Changsheng took out a piece of paper from his bag and said, "this is my way from South Sichuan to Heshan. I was stopped by your comrades to search my car and body, saying that it was suspected that there were contraband in my car. Director Chen, I am not giving you a problem. It is the behavior of these people that makes me very suspicious of their purpose. Several people surround my car, and no other vehicle is inspected I would like to ask these people why I checked my car. Director Chen, the police signals of these people are all here. Call the people. I want to talk to them face to face. ".

Chen Mingkun took a look. He didn't know these people, which made him feel very strange. So he looked at the people present and asked, "have you given any instructions to these people?"

"Director Chen, you don't have to ask them. They won't admit it at this time. Call someone. There's a phone call on it. It's more than half an hour away. All of you are leaders of the Municipal Bureau. If there are no people here who have called, how can they stop me?" Ding Chang asked suspiciously.

This matter made the people present very embarrassed, but it can only be embarrassing, no one wants to touch this mold.Chen Mingkun, regardless of this, was immediately called by the people with these alarm signals. Half an hour later, when all the people present were having tea and chatting, these people entered the conference room. Ding Changsheng sat in the middle of the room and looked at the upright people standing there. But when he saw the fourth person, he felt something wrong and asked, "did we meet at last, comrade?"

The man looked at Ding Changsheng and said, "I haven't seen it.".

"Comrades in front, do you still know me?"

Several people in front nodded, and Ding Changsheng asked again: "when I checked my car in the high-speed service area that day, was the last one there? Was that the man you were with that day? "

Several people were silent. Ding Changsheng thought for a moment and said to Chen Mingkun, "it's strange that after meeting with me, I dare not see me again. Is there a ghost in this?"

"This one?" Chen Mingkun does not know what to say, but it is certain that the person Ding Changsheng said is definitely not the one standing here now.

"I don't know who ordered you to stop my car for inspection, but this person is definitely not the one who stopped my car with you. What's more, the leaders of the Municipal Bureau are all here. Do you tell me by yourself, or do I check by myself, and then settle accounts with you after finding out whether you are aiding tyranny or being used by others. You can choose by yourself.". Ding Changsheng said with a gloomy face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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