As Liang Wenxiang, his biggest problem is that there is no one to be trusted as a broker in Heshan. He has a very clear positioning of Heshan's bureaucrats, that is, these people are not trustworthy. Therefore, based on this positioning, even if some people want to get close to him, they can't do anything.

However, after Ding Changsheng came, he made up for this defect. Under the help of Ding Changsheng, the first person to come over was Chen Mingkun, director of the Municipal Bureau. In Liang Wenxiang's office, he accompanied Chen Mingkun to meet Liang Wenxiang. It can be said that this was deliberately arranged by Liang Wenxiang. Although Ding Changsheng did not say a word in the whole process, Chen Mingkun's intuitive feeling was Ding Changsheng In Liang Wenxiang's eyes, his position is incomparable.

I will consider your suggestion. I hope you can recover as soon as possible and return to work. Liang Wenxiang finally said.

Secretary Liang, I'm in good health. No problem. I'll go back to work as soon as possible. Chen said.

Liang Wenxiang stood up and took the initiative to shake hands with Chen Mingkun across the table. Chen Mingkun's flattered hands took Liang Wenxiang's hand and bent down to show respect.

"Changsheng, send it to Director Chen.".

Secretary Liang, I'll go first. After Chen Mingkun left, Ding Changsheng and he went out of the door of Liang Wenxiang's office and took it to the elevator, and then to the downstairs.

"Thank you, director Ding. Go back and say to Secretary Liang for me. I promise that we will clean up the Municipal Bureau in the shortest possible time, and that the Municipal Bureau will be in the hands of the party.". Chen said.

"Chen Ju, I didn't say less good things about you when I was with Secretary Liang. Otherwise, Secretary Liang wanted to transfer people in from outside. I mean, the local people are the best. Local comrades are familiar with local affairs. I know that you have been excluded in the past few years. Now, you can make great efforts and don't miss the opportunity.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Director Ding, I understand. Let Secretary Liang see my performance.". Chen said.

"That's good. When we deal with each other in the future, we will see the people's hearts for a long time. If you do well, Secretary Liang will know it well.". Ding Changsheng said.

After seeing Chen Mingkun off, Ding Changsheng returned to Liang Wenxiang's office.

"Is this man reliable?" Liang Wenxiang asked.

"If you are reliable or unreliable, you have to try it. You must feel that the cadres in Heshan are more united and exclusive. Therefore, the best way is not to transfer people from outside, but to divide these people into different groups. If they don't bite, they will have to throw a piece of meat. Otherwise, It's always nice, nothing can be done. Ding Changsheng said.

"Well.". Liang Wenxiang nodded his approval.

Ding Changsheng took part in the discussion of the reform group more than once, but he never spoke and didn't say a word. However, Jiao Minghai didn't regard this guy as a decoration. When he met at the meeting, he would glance at him from time to time. Ding Changsheng always kept a record of his head down, as if he were a recorder.

Today's meeting, Ding Changsheng was born a little earlier, just as Jiao Minghai came earlier. Seeing Ding Changsheng alone in the small conference room, he sat down and asked, "Xiao Ding, I've been here for many days. What's your impression of Heshan?"

"Not good.". Ding Changsheng looked up at Jiao Minghai and said with a smile.

"Oh? Why not? " Jiaohai asked unexpectedly.

He thought that this guy had to be polite and polite. He said a good word and boasted a few words about the cow. But this guy killed the sky at once. But how could Jiao Minghai give up.

"Everything else is fine, the food is good, and the air is good. In short, the natural environment is good, but the political environment is not good, and the xenophobic ideology is quite serious. When I got off work and wanted to find someone to eat out, all the comrades here did not dare to go out to eat with me. At first, I was still puzzled. But later, I asked my better colleagues in private, and then I knew that I was afraid of being taken out for dinner with me Retaliation, mayor Jiao, isn't that normal? " Ding Changsheng talks nonsense. The official account of official search is

: if the fish is not updated, the fish will be updated in the official account. The new book will be released in the official account.

Jiao Minghai didn't have so many minds. It's not that he didn't think Ding Changsheng would talk such nonsense. He thought it was true. This is one of the manifestations of bureaucrats. He seems to be rather idiotic about things at the grassroots level.

"Is that so?" Jiao Minghai frowned and asked.

Ding Changsheng sighed: "well, mayor Jiao, do you know who was the first person to invite me out to dinner after I came to Heshan?"

"Who is it?"

"It's definitely not my colleague. It's Miss Qianjin from chishang group. Cao Ying, I didn't know how she knew me. If she had to invite me to dinner, I couldn't get rid of it, so I went. It's really sad to think about it. She was ostracized by her colleagues, but she got mixed up with a young lady of a rogue tycoon That's it. Ding Changsheng laughed at himself.

"Really, ah, I can remind you ha, that little girl is not easy to provoke, you can be careful.". Jiao Minghai a Leng, immediately said."I know, so it's all about business..." Ding Changsheng said.

After Ding Changsheng said all the things Cao Ying said, Jiao Minghai was stunned and said for a long time: "you young people, you dare to think about everything. How big an enterprise is the chishang group? How can it be said that people can be changed by changing people? It's really fantastic.".

"Yes, but I also think it's a good way. If Cao Yonghan has a little self-consciousness, it's good to adopt this method, so as to avoid the founder's accident in the future, and an enterprise will collapse.". Ding Changsheng said bluntly.

He knew the relationship between Jiao Minghai and the chishang group, so he said that. It was just a slap in the face of no trace to let him know the problems of the chishang group and how the stick was knocked down one by one.

"Today, we talk about the Municipal Bureau. Today, Chen Mingkun, the director of the Municipal Bureau, came to report on the work and mentioned the problem of Tu Jiayang, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau. There are many problems. Let's transfer them temporarily. This is what I mean. Anyone who has any opinion can speak up. This is the discussion of our internal group. We don't leave this room.". Liang Wenxiang said naturally.

This is a stick. Tu Jiayang is a dog raised by the chishang group. Everyone knows that Jiao Minghai's eating style is not so ugly, so he has always been very reserved in the affairs of the chishang group. However, Tu Jiayang is different. He actually listens to Cao Yongming's order to monitor Ding Changsheng. This is the rhythm of being squeezed by the door.

"Mayor Jiao, what's your opinion?" Liang Wenxiang did not give Jiao Minghai time to think about it and asked directly.

Facing Liang Wenxiang's strength, Jiao Minghai just said, "will this affect the work of the Municipal Bureau?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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