Hearing the speech, Liang Wenxiang said, "can no one work except him? I don't think so. A deputy director of the Municipal Bureau who ran into a bank actually went to the hospital to recuperate. Without the support of individual leaders, I don't think he has such courage. ".

As soon as Liang Wenxiang said this, who dares to say anything? So at the meeting of the reform group, the discussion was actually a personnel issue. Jiao Minghai did not make any more noise. Liang Wenxiang was strong. He knew that, but he was a bit too strong during this period of time. But what happened? He was a secretary, occupying a dominant position according to legal principles. This is a natural advantage.

"The next thing is, the chishang group is selling land, and all of them are outside real estate developers. This is a good thing. But considering that many plots have been held in the hands of chishang group for more than two years, what is the purpose of the land and Resources Bureau and there is no legal concept? Let them issue documents to the chishang group, either develop the land and start construction now, or take back the land and auction it separately, all in accordance with the law. ". Liang Wenxiang said with a loud voice.

This is for Jiao Minghai. The land and resources bureau is a government department. How does the municipal government work? It connives the chishang group to violate the law and discipline. How many other developers in the city must be thoroughly cleaned up in accordance with the provisions of the law.

"Secretary Liang, I think this is a huge project. Many developers have done this. The land they took a few years ago, covered it in their hands, waited for the land price to rise, and then developed it. If it was thoroughly cleaned up, I'm afraid it would pull out radishes and bring out mud.". Ding Changsheng finally said a word, this sentence or add fuel to the fire. Jiao Minghai looked up at Ding Changsheng, and Ding Changsheng still lowered his head to take notes.

"No matter who is involved in the investigation, it will be in accordance with the provisions of the law. If there is any law, why do you want the law?" Liang Wenxiang asked.

Before the evening, Liang Wenxiang's internal speech was spread all over the ears of developers in Heshan City. They knew that they were just suffering from the fish in the pond. However, if they were really taken back, it would be their own misfortune, because they did take the land and did not develop it. It is unreasonable for them to go anywhere this time, and the government is not afraid to sue.

The most worrying thing was the Cao brothers of the chishang group. They were sitting in the living room. Cao Yonghan looked at Cao Yongming and said, "it seems that this time is really hard to get over. I decided to find he Lerui and let her lead a lead. I went to the capital to pay homage to the wharf.".

"Big brother, does this work? We have spent a lot of money in recent years, but when it comes to the critical moment, it still doesn't work. In the end, it turns out to be such a result.". Cao Yongming said.

"What do you mean?" Cao Yonghan asked.

"I don't know, or we'll run away.". Cao Yongming said.

"Run, so many things have not been dealt with, where do you want to run?" Cao Yonghan frowned and asked.

"Run as far as you can, sell these things at a reduced price.".

"Sold? Now the city has given notice to those who come to negotiate. The land transactions with the chishang group are not protected. Who dares to trade? So many plots, worth tens of billions, who do you sell to? " Cao Yonghan asked.

Cao Yongming did not say a word, because he felt the danger. He had just received a notice. Tu Jiayang, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, was transferred to the municipal political and Legal Committee. He was not even a deputy secretary. There was no appointment. He was just given an office.

No matter how arrogant you are, you are vulnerable in the face of power. Therefore, as long as the leaders want to mess with you, there is no chance for you to resist. Even if Tu Jiayang is forced to work in the political and Law Commission, but if you go to the Municipal Bureau, will the people of the municipal bureau still beat you? The official account of official search is

: if the fish is not updated, the fish will be updated in the official account. The new book will be released in the official account.

At the same time, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau was appointed to assist Director Chen Mingkun.

He le Rui finally waited for the good news. At this time, he was having dinner with Ding Changsheng. This was Ding Changsheng's wish to make friends with the host.

After receiving the call from Cao Yonghan, he Lerui picked up his mobile phone and went out, then said a few words, and returned to Ding Changsheng's side again.

"You're really busy. You're busier than me.". Ding Changsheng said.

"It's not that I'm busy. It's a lot of annoying things to deal with. Otherwise, I'll die in peace. Many things you don't understand, and you'll understand them in the future.". He said.

Yes, I know it's more dangerous to seek skin from a tiger than to extract a chestnut from a fire. Ding Changsheng said.

I know, but sometimes something has to be done for peace of mind. He said.

Ding Changsheng nodded and no longer said anything. Each of them had his own ambition. Others didn't want to listen to his own words.

"I understand your kindness. The food here is good. I hope I can have a chance to eat here in the future. I'll treat you then.". He said.

"Well, when you invite me.".

"Well, listen to me, divorce Shi Meizhen. Liang Keyi is your next step. Shi Meizhen can't give you much help. Unless you leave the country now, you will be targeted sooner or later. In fact, someone is staring at you now. You can not believe what I said, but you can check whether what I said is true or not.". He said.Thank you. I know my own business in mind. Let's talk about it later. I don't have this plan yet. Ding Changsheng said.

He Lerui didn't say a word. She decided to call Qin mo later and tell her what she meant. Qin Mo would understand what she meant.

Ding Changsheng smiles and looks out of the glass window. At this time, the sunlight is a little bright. Ding Changsheng reaches out and pulls the bamboo curtain. But the bamboo curtain is not smooth. So Ding Changsheng moves back his chair and stands up to pull down the bamboo curtain. At this time, he sees a bang on the glass, a hole appears, and the sound is very sharp. Ding Changsheng is scared at first Then he grabbed he Lerui and dodged to one side and hid behind a pillar.

He guessed correctly that the glass was not naturally broken, but was broken by bullets, because after they dodged, the second bullet hit the bamboo curtain, which made a sound of breaking.

Ding Changsheng looked at he le Rui, he le Rui was scared to look pale and said, "what's going on?"

Ding Changsheng did not answer, but called Chen Mingkun to tell him what happened here. Three minutes later, the police siren roared and the police quickly blocked the restaurant. Fortunately, no one was injured.

"Director Ding, are you ok?" Fifteen minutes later, Chen Mingkun also arrived at the scene.

"It's OK. Check the ballistics. It should have been fired from the opposite upstairs. It's estimated that people have run early at this time. Do you have any clues?" Ding Changsheng said.

Chen Mingkun waved his hand, and his men immediately went to work.

1、 During the night, Ding Changsheng was shot while eating. The incident spread all over the official circles of Heshan. People were wondering who did it. Some regretted, some gloated, but others were worried about their own safety.

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