"Sister fengni, I like you?" Ding Changsheng pulled a chair and sat in front of Li fengni.

"Fool, my sister is a divorced woman. How could she marry you? What I hate most in my life is Tiger Wang. He ruined my sister's life. I heard that he wanted to set fire to my family. He just divorced during the day and lit the fire at night. It's not who he is.".

"Well, I don't know. The police station is investigating. Tiger Wang has run away, but he will find it sooner or later.".

"Well, I have implicated my father, otherwise there would not have been such a robbery.". Li fengni sad said.

"Sister fengni, I have said, if there is something I can carry with you, you should believe me, I will take care of you all my life.".

"Silly child, my sister is nearly thirty, and you are only eighteen years old. You will marry a daughter-in-law in the future. I am not worthy of it.".

"Sister fengni, don't say that. What I said is true.". Ding Changsheng grabbed Li fengni's hand, but he didn't let go.

Li fengni's heart is also a burst of moved, not to say that this man said is true or false, only this. Qing is difficult to pay off, he said, to own a lifetime to return. Perhaps in the future, no one will want to have their own, and they will not give birth to children. This has been spread to all around the country. Who will marry himself.

"I believe what you said, and I promise you that I will pay your debts all my life.". Li fengni was so excited that she said such a thing.

"Really, sister fengni, you really agreed.". Ding Changsheng grabs Li fengni's hand and is happy all of a sudden. This is what he expected, but he didn't expect to come so soon.

"Sister fengni, I will be good to you all my life. I applied for the self-study examination of Jiangdu University, and you can take an accounting class to study. When you have money in the future, you can manage my accounts. I want to open a company and run a business. I want to earn a lot of money, and I will let you take care of it.".

"What do you say? Your money should be in the charge of your daughter-in-law, but I don't care for you.". Li fengni said shyly.

"You are my daughter-in-law. You promised me just now.". Ding Changsheng stroked Li fengni's face with one hand and chuckled in a low voice.

"Nonsense, when did I promise you?". Li fengni thought, this is really a child card gas, this kind of thing can not be said on the grass, the face is red, but the heart is sweet, to tell the truth, Li fengni from a girl to a woman, she has not experienced the process of sweet love, and Ding Changsheng such means, easily captured her heart, even if there is no fire, No With Ding Changsheng's courtship, she won't stick to it for long. Once the sweet devil leaves the cage, it will never be locked up.

"No? I'll try again. Said to see, Ding Changsheng a bent over, and Li fengni's fragrant lips in his mouth, wanton raving.

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