These days, Ding Changsheng felt that this was the happiest time of his life. He was in love with Li fengni and talked about life and ideal with Jiang Hanhan. He really didn't find that the girl named Jiang Hanhan was so talkative. In the impression that he and she didn't talk at school.

"This is your book. I've brought it to you. I'm so tired. It looks like you're rich. Why don't you invite me to dinner at noon?". Jiang Hanhan tentatively asked, in her impression, Ding Changsheng is still that very hanging, very impatient with anyone, but I don't know what kind of life changes Ding Changsheng has experienced in the past year or so. He has already lowered his proud head, and now he is more and more realistic, because life is real.

"Well, say the place, I'm not familiar with it.".

"Let's go to the restaurant of our school. The food there is not bad.".

"If you don't go there, you can spend a few dollars for dinner. Don't save me money. I won't come here often in the future, so I still need your help in many things. It's also proper to invite you to have a meal.". Ding Changsheng said sincerely.

"Well, don't blame me for killing you. Let's eat fat beef.". Jiang said.

In fact, she has been to all these places, but she doesn't know if Ding Changsheng has any money, but she is embarrassed to ask, afraid to hurt his self-esteem.

"OK, give me the books. When will I finish reading them? I don't know if I can pass them.".

"You can do it. I think you were such a wonderful person at that time. At that time, we talked about who could surpass you this semester, but we were very disappointed after the results came out. Ah, were you very proud at that time?" Jiang Han Han asked.

"Well, that's all in the past. I don't want to mention it. Now what I want to talk about is how to make more money. This is the most important thing. What do you say?". Ding Changsheng's philistine style makes Jiang Hanhan feel a little disappointed, which is nothing. After all, Ding Changsheng was a mixed up social person, and Jiang Hanxi was just a little girl who did not come out of the ivory tower, a little girl who still loved to dream.

They were silent for a moment and walked on like this.


"Ah?" The two spoke almost at the same time.

"Ha ha, you say first, ladies first.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Well, what do I want to say? Forget it. You'd better say it first.". Jiang Han touched his head and said a little embarrassed.

"Oh, I want to ask, how is my sister's nurse looking for? I may go back in a few days. I don't trust her to be here.".

"Oh, this thing, I'll find it soon. It's OK. Don't worry. You'll just leave. And I, don't worry. Oh, by the way, your sister? I don't think you have a sister, do you Jiang Hanxi smiles with warmth and ignorance.

Ding Changsheng's heart a burst of tension, a woman's sixth feeling is really spiritual, should not be a blind guess.

"It's really a relative of mine. If I don't believe it, I'll take you to meet her later." Ding Changsheng tried to resist the agitation in his heart and brazenly made up a lie.

"OK, OK, I believe you.".

"Jiang Hanxi, what are you doing?" Two people are talking, next to the three boys, one by one dressed in flowing air, it seems that is not a good child.

"What am I going to do? It's none of your business. Get out of the way?" Jiang Hanhan heard the voice, and his face was disgusted. But it seemed that Jiang Hanxi knew these people.

"Li, boy, where did you come from? I warn you, stay away from Jiang Hanhan in the future, or I will chop your thigh.".

"Why chop my thigh As soon as Ding Changsheng saw that there were three people, he felt a little scared, but now he can't be stage fright. For no reason, because there is a girl beside him. If he shrinks at this time, it will be over in the eyes of this girl. It shows that you are a coward, so Ding Changsheng has to be brave.

Fortunately, he often carried water for the Huo Lvmao's family. These days, he became stronger and stronger. He learned to capture and fight with Zhang Qiang, and learned some moves. However, he had no confidence in dealing with three people.

"Ha ha, this boy, his mouth is still very hard, I tell you, because Jiang Hanhan is my woman sooner or later, you dare to move my woman, believe it or not, I will kill you.". The leader of the three suddenly got angry and said that Jiang Hanhan was his woman.

Ding Changsheng is also a man, and is a real man, more importantly is now puberty, is an impulsive age.

"Wang Dahu, what kind of excrement do you spray in your mouth? Who is your woman? Pull out your tongue again? Believe it or not.".

"Pull out my tongue, you pull it out, come here and pull it out. I wish I could." this guy named Wang Dahu was really a tiger. He bowed his head and stuck out his tongue, just like a hot dog. Hadahada went to Jiang Hanxi.

Jiang Hanhan retreats behind her in fear, and just falls back on Ding Changsheng. She can't help looking back. But she is frightened by the anger in Ding Erju's eyes. It's possible to kill people like that. Just as she is trying to persuade him not to be impulsive, Wang Dahu has already approached her. At this time, she sees Ding Changsheng's hands up and down, and only hears a plop, and Wang Dahu falls on her At your feet."Criminal law, if it is really strong enough, we must use criminal law to deal with such hooligans. Which of you will go first?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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