Yang Dazhi, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Haiyang County, is practicing calligraphy in his study. This is a project he has to carry out every night. Although he is much younger than Lin Derong, and he is a new generation of strong point trained by the Secretary of Baishan Commission for Discipline Inspection, in Haiyang County, none of his cases have been successful. It can be said that every case is a failure.

Although he was very angry, he had to master his temper, otherwise he would easily lose control of himself. The Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission was used to the darkness and corruption of officialdom, and it was easy to see the society in a gloomy way. Therefore, he likes some elegant activities, which helps to regulate his body and mind Believe that there are still good people in this world. No, good people are knocking at the door.

The Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has seldom been registered, especially in Haiyang County, let alone in the middle of the night. Fortunately, Ding Changsheng was opened by a woman, of course, Yang Dazhi's daughter-in-law.

"Hello, sister-in-law, I'm Ding Changsheng, mayor of Dushan town. I have something important to report to Secretary Yang.". Ding Changsheng is empty handed, natural but not artificial, respectful but not flattering.

"Oh, come in, Dazhi. Someone is looking for you.". The woman yelled into the room. It could be seen that this woman was not used to being visited in the middle of the night, so she was barefoot without socks. The basin in the living room showed that she had just finished ironing her feet.

"Ding Changsheng, what are you doing here so late?" Yang Dazhi didn't say welcome, but his tone was not so friendly, because they had never had contact with each other at all, and there was no friendship between Yang Dazhi and Zhonghua. Therefore, his attitude towards Ding Changsheng was not as intimate as Lin Derong.

"Secretary Yang, something happened in Dushan town. Can I report it to you alone?" Ding Changsheng always had a smile on his face, but Rao Shi Yang Dazhi was used to seeing the faces of various officials. He could not see what was hidden under his smiling face.

"OK, come to the study.".

Ding Changsheng followed Yang Dazhi into his study. He happened to see two big characters written on Xuan paper on Yang Dazhi's desk. It looked like a good brush, but it was not calligraphy. It was simple.

"What's the matter? Go ahead.". Yang Dazhi didn't even mean to give up his seat. The meaning was very obvious. After that, Ding Changsheng could not help sighing. Although he wrote two words to suppress anger, he was still furious.

"Secretary Yang, Zhang Yuanfang is likely to run away.". Ding Changsheng looked at the words on the table and said.

"What do you say?" Yang Dazhi is stunned and looks at Ding Changsheng.

"Secretary Yang, can I have this picture?" Ding Changsheng pointed to two big characters on the table and said.

"I ask you, you just said Zhang Yuanfang was going to run away. Do you have any evidence to say that? Do you know the consequences of saying this?". Yang Dazhi ignored Ding Changsheng's words.

"Secretary Yang, you may know that a teacher in Dushan town middle school has an accident. It is also related to sun Guoqiang and Zhang Yuanfang. Recently, Zhang Yuanfang frequently transfers to Beijing to Yunnan, so he is likely to run.". Ding Changsheng looked at the words on the table and said slowly.

"Where is he now?"

"It's under control because it involves whoring young girls. But I think this is a criminal offence. I think Secretary Yang still wants to know what happened to Jia Chengliang's explosion and the death of sun Guoqiang. These unsolved mysteries may be answered in Zhang Yuan's defense, so I came here in a hurry.".

Yang Dazhi's eyes gradually narrowed, looking at Ding Changsheng, and Ding Changsheng also looked at him. His eyes were clear and pure, and could not see a trace of dirt.

"Why did you tell me about it?"

"Because county magistrate Zhong told me that if he could find a real honest and selfless person in Haiyang County, that person would be Secretary Yang. This is the original words. If you don't believe it, you can ask the county magistrate Zhong for confirmation.". Ding Changsheng said that he vowed to do so. In fact, Zhong Huacai didn't say this. Besides, with Zhonghua's position, he could not carry a sedan chair for Yang Dazhi. But how could Yang Dazhi seek proof from Zhonghua.

"Ding Changsheng, you don't have to put a high hat on me. I'm sure I have to take care of what I should do, but I don't like to be taught what to do, and I don't like being shot.".

"Well, I'll take it as if I haven't been here. Good night, Secretary Yang.". Ding Changsheng is a little annoyed. I'm here to give you credit. You'd better put on airs for me. OK, since you don't want to lift the cover of Dushan Town, I'll do it myself.

Just when Ding Changsheng was about to open the door, Yang Dazhi actually laughed.

"Ha ha, I'm young and have a good temper. I'm just joking with you. Why should I take it seriously? I'm surprised. Why do you always take it seriously when I joke with you?"

"Probably because Secretary Yang is usually too serious.". Ding Changsheng borrowed the donkey from the slope and turned back.

"Where are people now?" Yang Dazhi put the pen into the inkstone and asked.

"Secretary Yang, if you ask about this case, I think it will not work in Haiyang County, and the Discipline Inspection Commission of Haiyang county can't use it. You should know better than me. Last time, sun Guoqiang was not pressured by someone secretly. I don't think he will commit suicide. So this time, Zhang Yuanfang should be put in Baishan City, so that the external influence will be less. What do you think If it doesn't work, it's up to you. Ding Changsheng said first."How to do it? You don't have to teach me. I just ask, where are the people?"

"It's estimated that you'll have to go to Baishan as soon as tomorrow night, so you can go to Baishan and wait. Moreover, the main undertakers of this case are comrades of Dushan town police station. You know the director, Cao Jingjing, the daughter of director Cao of the Municipal Bureau.".

"Oh? Director Cao also knows about it? "

"I don't know about this, but I should have known it already. Secretary Yang, I have something else to do. I have to go back to Dushan town. It's too late to disturb you.". Ding Changsheng left. Yang Dazhi couldn't help laughing at the word "Zhi Nu" on the table. It seemed that he couldn't get angry. This time, Zheng Mingtang, I had to fight back. Didn't you protect Dushan town all the time? Let me see what you have to say this time.

Yang Dazhi is a bloodthirsty animal. He doesn't sleep in the middle of the night. He puts on his clothes and goes out.

"Where are you going? It's so late.".

"I go to the office, you pack my clothes for me, I come back to get it at dawn, I have to go on a business trip for a few days.". Yang Dazhi said.

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