After coming out of Yang Dazhi's home, Ding Changsheng called Cao Jingjing.

"I've done everything I can. It's up to you. To be honest, what I'm most worried about now is how they can come back. If they can't come back safely, everything I've done will be in vain.". Ding Changsheng asked anxiously.

"You don't have to worry about that. They are very safe now, and I have sent someone to meet them. You can say it's safe. Don't worry.". Cao Jingjing said.

Ding Changsheng said that it's strange to rest assured. Haiyang county is originally very strange. The mayor of Shuanggui can commit suicide in a strange way. What's more, it's on the road and can't be said to be under control.

Seeing that the mobile phone is close to eleven o'clock, Ding Changsheng doesn't want to go back to the town, so he drives to the community where Xia Hehui lives. From the downstairs, there is no light in the room. I don't know whether he is sleeping or not at all.

She opened the door with the key given by Xia Hehui. The room was dark. Turning on the light in the living room was normal. At this time, Xia Hehui opened the bedroom door in her pajamas.

"I'm scared to death. Why are you here at this time?" Xia Hehui stroked her scattered hair and asked.

"It's not about Shi Lei. I've come to see some friends and ask them about their situation.".

Hearing that it was for her husband's sake, Xia Hehui got up and grabbed Ding Changsheng's arm in a hurry and asked, "what's going on? There is no help. ". Xia Hehui's eager appearance is not pretending, anyone can see it.

Ding Changsheng didn't speak. He just fixed his eyes on Xia Hehui for a while. After a while, he said, "sister Xia, you make me a little jealous. That bastard played with so many female students outside. You still like him so much and care about him. He betrayed you. Are you not angry at all?" Ding Changsheng breaks away from Xia Hehui's arm, takes off his coat and sits on the sofa.

"No, Xiaoding, I don't mean that. After all, it's a couple. You, you have to understand me.". Xia Hehui was a little flustered. She didn't think that her eagerness made the little lover jealous. But for Shi Lei's sake, she had to squat down and hold on to Ding Changsheng's legs. Anyway, she had to condescend and please Ding Changsheng. She was afraid that he would be angry and no longer care about her affairs.

"OK, OK, I understand what you mean. One day, husband and wife have a hundred days' grace. I know, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to do this. If there is no online hype, it can still work secretly, reach a compensation agreement with the parents of the students, and pay more money. But now I'm afraid it can't be done. Haven't you been online these days? The Public Security Bureau didn't dare to disclose any information about it. I know it through the relationship. Shi Lei is also a worthless commodity. After he went in, he admitted everything in a short time. When, where, and in what way did he remember so clearly? The most shameful thing is that your husband recruited female students after school Go to the classroom and do that on the platform. Are you still so concerned about him and love him? Is it not enough for him to hurt you? " Ding Changsheng said the truth, of course, there are many details he did not say, he should slowly tell Shi Lei's disgusting behavior to Xia Hehui, let her completely disappointed with him.

Xia Hehui's face gradually became dull. She understood Ding Changsheng's meaning, and she also believed that Ding Changsheng would not cheat her, but she always chose to escape and ignore these things. However, when Ding Changsheng put these things in front of her naked, she could no longer pretend to go on. She had to face the reality.

"Will the death penalty be imposed?" Xia Hehui asked.

"I don't know, but it belongs to the extremely bad behavior, even if it can't be sentenced to death, it is estimated that it will be indefinite. When you come out, it is estimated that you will be 50 years old. Sister Xia, he has ruined your whole life. With such a husband, you can hardly raise your head in this life.".

After hearing this, Xia Hehui laughed bitterly, "what can I do? This is my life. What can I do? I have to bear it.".

"Sister Xia, your life is not him, it's me.". Then Ding Changsheng pulled Xia Hehui up from the ground and put it on his knees. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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