After Zhang Yuanfang was arrested, Cao Jingjing reported the result of Shi Lei's trial to Miao Zhendong and Chen Junwei. A few hours later, when Ding Changsheng asked Lin Derong for this matter and reported it to Yang Dazhi, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, almost all the officials in Haiyang County knew about it. However, what Cao Jingjing did not report was that she had controlled Zhang Yuanfang, according to the conclusion of her discussion with Ding Changsheng As a result, it is more appropriate for this matter to be initiated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Not only the officialdom, but also one person who got the news at the first time was Zheng duangang. At the moment, Ding Changsheng was on the sofa with Xia Hehui, Shi Lei's wife. Zheng duangang was obviously not in such a good mood. For him, if Zhang Yuan was arrested, it would be a greater threat to him than sun Guoqiang, because what sun Guoqiang knew about Zhang Yuan Defense all know, but there are many things sun Guoqiang does not know, Zhang Yuanfang also knows, so Zheng duangang at this time is extremely angry.

He repeatedly wiped a Japanese War knife with a white towel, which he took for more than 300000 yuan. It is said that it was the commander's knife of an army general when Japan invaded China. Although it has been more than half a century, the knife still radiates cold light. Suddenly, he throws away the towel in his hand, holds the knife in both hands, splits it vertically, and puts one on the table The tri colored pottery horse of the Tang Dynasty was split into two parts, but it was not broken. I don't know whether it was because of the fast knife or the good quality of the porcelain horse.

"Fool, fool, I should have thought that this guy would have an accident sooner or later. I might as well have killed him earlier.". Zheng duangang said naturally to himself, but this time it is estimated that it is troublesome. It will certainly not be as easy to deal with as he treats sun Guoqiang. The people of the Commission for Discipline Inspection are not idiots. The last time it was unexpected, and this time it was estimated that it would be a wall of iron and could not be penetrated.

It has to be said that Cao Jingjing did work hard this time. In addition to Chen Jing and Yang Zhen, she begged director Cao to send four people to meet them. Of course, these people are Cao Jianmin's most trusted people in the Municipal Bureau. Obviously, Cao Jianmin must take the credit of his daughter this time.

On the evening of the next day, three cars drove into a villa on the outskirts of Baishan City. It can be seen that there are strict security here, and there are still people with wolfhounds on patrol. The most exaggerated thing is that there are soldiers standing guard at the gate. In fact, this is just no sign. This is the industry of Baishan military division. Because Cao Jianmin and Han yepingguan, member of the Standing Committee of the municipal Party committee and commander of the military division, are stationed here The Department is not bad, and Han Yeping likes his daughter-in-law very much. He always wants Cao Jingjing to be his daughter-in-law. However, his son has been obsessed with scientific research. Now he is a doctor and is still studying for a degree.

So when Cao Jianmin proposed that he wanted to borrow a safe and reliable place to do something, Han Yeping did not frown. He directly lent it to Cao Jianmin without even asking what he was doing.

Zhang Yuanfang was wearing a headgear all the way. He couldn't see where he was. When he took off the headgear, his eyes couldn't adapt to the strong light in the room. He squinted for a long time to see that the man sitting opposite was Yang Dazhi.

Why are you here, Secretary Yang? What do you mean? I'm a member of the Communist Party and a deputy to the people's Congress. It's illegal for you to do this, do you know? Does Secretary Zheng know? " Zhang Yuanfang is still very arrogant.

"You two go out first, and I'll talk to him about something.". Yang Dazhi said to the two people after Zhang Yuan's self-defense. They hesitated for a moment and looked at Cao Jingjing outside the door. Cao Jingjing nodded. They went out. Cao Jingjing closed the door. If you want to get help from others, you can't do without sincerity.

"Zhang Yuanfang, I don't have time to talk nonsense to you. First of all, I'll tell you about your current situation. Your qualification as a deputy to the National People's Congress has been suspended this morning. As for whether Secretary Zheng knows, I think he knows, because it is known throughout China that there is a secretary of the Party committee in a town who participated in the case of * * middle school students. That person is you, and Shi Lei has all of them It has been said that one of those students is pregnant, and the child is likely to be yours. We are going to do a DNA test. Of course, you can deny it. But even if you don't have a confession, the court will still sentence you. This is an end. I think that even if you behave badly, you will not be guilty. This is certain. "

Zhang Yuanfang looks at Yang Dazhi strangely. He knows that as long as Shi Lei spits out, he has no way out. What he worries most is that Zheng Mingtang will kill people. Sun Guoqiang is a good example.

"Let's talk about another ending. You know what I want, and you know who I want to deal with through you. Since it's cooperation, it's better to be frank. Are you frank enough to say what I said?"

"Secretary Yang, I think you have found the wrong person. I don't know anything and I don't understand what you mean.".

"Don't worry. Listen to me and make a decision. Another outcome is to prove that you have nothing to do with the case, and the child is not yours. You introduced that girl student to someone else. It's someone else's child. You can't find any evidence about you. But we have another plan. Do you see what's in the plastic bag on the table ?”

Zhang Yuanfang looked back, then looked back, his expression was numb.

"It's a bag of monosodium glutamate, but it looks very similar to methamphetamine. They said that it was found in your bag, and there were several witnesses as evidence. You went to Yunnan for drug trafficking. I really don't understand why you, the Secretary of the Party committee of the town, would go to drug trafficking. The reason is that you owe the usury of the underground gambling house. You really can't afford it, so you have to take risks because of you It's said that money will come quickly for this thing. Of course, the usurer has also found a good place... ""You are framed. When did I go to drug trafficking and when did I go to drug trafficking..."

"Listen to me, Zhang Yuanfang, you are not young. Why are you still so depressed? If you promise to cooperate with me, there will be no drug trafficking, and you will be able to come out within a few years. But if you don't cooperate, I believe they will be very happy to replace that bag of monosodium glutamate with methamphetamine, and the quantity is enough to be sentenced to death Give me a reply in 30 seconds. Yang Dazhi finished and looked at Zhang Yuanfang, which made Zhang Yuanfang palpitating, because his eyes looked like gray wolf looking at lazy sheep. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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