Jiang Hanhan was at a loss for a moment. She had never seen a boy cry in front of her, so she didn't know how to persuade her. But there was a feeling that deeply hurt her heart, that is, Ding Changsheng had really experienced an inhuman situation, otherwise, he would not be so determined. Maybe he was really wrong, and his experience was from books And TV see, but Ding Changsheng is really experienced those real incomparable life.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that, and I didn't know about your past events, so..."

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Ding Changsheng quickly took over the paper towel handed over by Jiang Hanhan, and immediately recovered his youthful and brilliant expression.

"Ding Changsheng, can I discuss something with you?" Seeing Ding Changsheng's present state, I don't know why, Jiang Hanhan suddenly wants to help this once his idol.

"What's the matter?" Ding Changsheng was also stunned.

"My father's business is not very big now, but it's OK. Look at me, a girl, who is still studying medicine, so he can't help him at all. He often laments at home and says that I've entered the wrong line and insists that I take over his class. Ding Changsheng, we are also classmates and friends. How about, for the sake of our hometown, come and help my father How about the salary? You can rest assured that you will never be treated badly. Jiang Hanhan said cautiously, looking at Ding Changsheng's face.

"Jiang Hanhan, I understand what you mean. Thank you. I haven't thought of the development plan of the provincial capital at present. Wait a moment. I will definitely come here when I have the opportunity. In recent years, I still want to do something in my hometown. I can't adapt to the life of the provincial city for a while.".

"Excuse, are there people in my hometown who can't let go?" Although Jiang Hanhan was extremely disappointed in his heart, he said jokingly.

"How can I? I just want to do something in my hometown, and my original intention is not to do business.".

"Not in business, what do you want to do?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I just think that more money is a good thing, but no matter how much money you have, it's still a common people. Do you think that the more money, the greater the danger, so you don't have the ability to protect your money. I'd rather not have the money?".

"What do you mean?"

"I have no intention of suffering, just nonsense, it is not early, I have to go back to the hospital, another day to see you.".

"Well, Ding Changsheng, I don't think you are the same as before.".

"Oh? It's different "

" I can't say it, it's just a feeling ". Jiang Hanxi's answer is a little bit amused.

"If you ask a male toad what is the most beautiful, his answer must be a female one. There is no doubt about his appreciation level, but the environment is different. You are now a college student. I have experienced something in the society that you may not experience in your lifetime, so this is the environment changing people.

Ding Changsheng, this is one of your changes. You would not have said such a witty remark before.

"Ha ha, I may have said it before, but you don't know it. If you want to hear it, there will be opportunities in the future.".

After parting with Jiang Hanhan, Ding Changsheng strolled on a busy street in the provincial capital. Although there were still several streets away from the hospital, Ding Changsheng, who was used to walking back to the hospital in the countryside, chose to walk back to the hospital.

A Mercedes Benz 600 is speeding down the street of Jiangdu City. A beautiful woman sits in the back seat, leans her head on the car bed and looks out through the light brown glass. It's hard to say what she is looking at or maybe nothing.

In fact, she didn't want to come to this province. This is her forever sad place, but she had no way. She disappeared for more than a year. Looking at her aging father, she had to stir up the company's heavy shock. She saw a familiar figure. Although she was not very clear, she was sure that it was him. Even with more money, she could not repay him Although the benefactor gave him a million yuan, it can only make her feel better. The longer the time, the more she wants to forget that time, but the clearer her memory is.

"Uncle long, stop and pull aside.". The woman said softly.

"Yes.". Don't ask why, just do your own thing. Qing, uncle long slowly parked the car on the side of the road. He saw something different in Miss's eyes from the rearview mirror.

Yang Fengqi turns around and looks for Ding Changsheng through the window glass, but Ding Changsheng is in trouble at this time.

"Hey, boy, how about playing with me? Do you know whose territory this is? I'll say it again.". Wang Dahu was almost hysterical. He was hit by someone for no reason today. The more he went back, the more he wanted to be. So he gathered several small gangsters and came out to look for Ding Changsheng with iron bars and Jin knives in their hands. It was a coincidence that Ding Changsheng returned to the original road after seeing off Jiang Han letter, so Wang Dahu met him.

"I said you are not a fly. How can you be found everywhere? Did you not hit hard enough just now? Your boy's memory is poor.". Ding Changsheng looked around and found that there were five people in all. They all had guys in their hands, and they had become a semicircle surrounding Ding Changsheng. Although his mouth is still hard, he is already thinking about how to escape. If he can't beat him, he will run. This is the old man's famous saying, and he must not suffer from the immediate loss.

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