"Uncle long, help him.". Yang Fengqi worried command way.

"Miss, we are here to investigate the investment this time. It's better not to be fussy. Although I don't know why you value him so much, the boss won't agree.". Uncle long watched Yang Fengqi grow up, and he also knows the boss Yang Dawei's mind, that is to find a support for his daughter. Otherwise, his family business is not guaranteed. Once he is 100 years old, whether Yang Fengqi can survive or not is still unknown.

But that supporter will never be the little gangster in front of him. This is uncle Long's evaluation of Ding Changsheng.

"Go ahead, I know.". Although Yang Fengqi is talking, his eyes never leave Ding Changsheng.

Uncle long sighed, opened the door and walked back.

"Well, boy, if you kneel down and beg me and call me dad three times, I'll spare you. But if you dare to pester Jiang Hanhan in the future, I'll see you fight once at a time.".

"It's not sure who will fight who, Wang Dabiao. If I don't scare you, I won't believe that you have these people following you 24 hours a day. As long as I catch them once, I will certainly hurt you.". Ding Changsheng has been optimistic. The boy on his right side weighs a baseball bat. Compared with other people, it is the lightest one to hit. So he wants to move his feet to break through from there.

"Hello, uncle, how could it be you?" Looking up to run, Ding Changsheng saw the approaching uncle long.

"Hey, why are you making trouble again? Who are these people? You owe people money?"

"Owe them money? Hehe, where, they owe me money, a total of 250000 yuan. They eat black, they don't want to give it, they want to shut up. ". Hearing what uncle long said, Ding Changsheng could not help but beat him upside down.

"Dead old man, who are you? Go away and don't mind your own business. Otherwise, you will be beaten together.". Wang Dabiao said maliciously, especially when Ding Changsheng said that he owed money, his lungs were simply going to explode.

"Ha ha, I'm most annoyed that people say I'm a dead old man. Boy, go to the car first. My boss is waiting for you. These guys who don't know how to respect the old people, I'll take them seriously.". Uncle long said that his face was full of evil spirit.

"Good sou, master, you should be careful. These sons of bitches are cruel.". Ding Changsheng waved his hand, crossed several people and left the encirclement circle. When these people saw the sudden appearance of Uncle long, they were at a loss to let Ding Changsheng leave.

"Well, by the way, how much do they owe you?" Uncle long really cooperated very well.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand, don't forget to ask them to make an IOU. These money will buy you wine.". Ding Changsheng waved to the Mercedes Benz. He really wanted to see Yang Fengqi, although he knew that he could not have a story with Yang Fengqi in his life, because it was a Phoenix, a phoenix reborn from nirvana.

Hello, I didn't expect to see you again in my life. Ding Changsheng opened the car door, did not go in, saw the different, let people feel tall Yang Fengqi.

Hello, officer Ding. Come in and have a seat. Yang Fengqi shows his face and smiles. The gesture of looking forward to life makes Ding Changsheng stay a bit. Yang Fengqi leans over slightly and reaches out his green green jade hand which can be broken by blowing bombs.

"Oh, hello.". Ding Changsheng slightly bowed his head, stretched out his hand and touched Yang Fengqi for a moment and then let go.

"How could officer Ding be in the provincial capital?" Yang Fengqi thought in her heart that she must have got the one million yuan that she had given him and came to the provincial capital to play. In the end, it was the young people who came to the provincial capital to play. She thought that Ding Changsheng had forgotten how old she was. However, after more than a year of imprisonment, she had forgotten her real age. Sometimes she really did well, and the idea of living like this for a lifetime was the man in front of her She was given a second life.

"Two of my friends were severely burned and are now hospitalized in the Affiliated Hospital of the provincial capital. I'll come and have a look.". Ding explained.

"Oh, don't worry.".

"It's stable, and it will take some time to recover.".

"Are you here?" Ding Changsheng asked tentatively.

"I'm fine. I just came to see it.". Yang Fengqi said.

Ding Changsheng didn't believe that she came here to have a look. Such a car is not available to everyone. Besides, this Huajiang province is her sad place. It can be seen from the fact that she has given herself so much money to seal it. Yang Fengqi doesn't want her story to spread out. Therefore, Huajiang province is determined to come as little as possible, or not to come or not, and definitely not to come Yes.

"Oh, Miss Yang, if there is nothing wrong, I will go back first. There are still patients in the hospital who need my care.".

"Well, officer Ding, are you free this evening? Why don't I treat you to dinner?" Yang Fengqi asked tentatively.

"Well, my mobile phone is still that number. Miss Yang decides to call me. I'll go by myself.".

"Forget it, I'll fix a place and let uncle long come to pick you up.". Yang Fengqi said lightly.

Ding Changsheng did not speak any more, closed the door and left. Uncle long in the distance didn't know what to do. He had already knocked several guys to the ground. Wang Dahu was lying on the ground to write what to see. Ding Changsheng gave a faint smile. The people under Yang Fengqi's hands were so hard to provoke. He felt that he was better to stay away from him. Now he had no idea of Uncle Kai and Yang Fengqi.He is already a man, not a boy. Men are very clear about what they want and whether they can achieve it, while boys only consider what they want, not whether they can achieve their goals.

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