Ding Changsheng can not go, but curiosity makes him accept Yang Fengqi's invitation without doubt. At the moment, he stands on the steps of the hospital gate and looks at the Mercedes Benz driving slowly in the distance.

"I didn't expect you would dare to come?" After getting into the car, uncle Long's face showed an uncertain smile. "Uncle long, what do you mean? Will you kill me?"

"Did I say I won't kill you? I've killed many people, but I don't want to kill people like you?"

"Oh, then I can rest assured. Ah, uncle long, why, I'm not qualified enough?"

"Because you are stupid enough, I don't like to kill a fool.".

"What do you mean?" Ding Changsheng asked timidly.

"Boy, do you know what our lady is?"

"This, I really don't know. Please enlighten me.".

"No, I don't have the obligation, but I have a piece of advice. I don't know if you would like to hear it or not?"

"Uncle long, no matter how we say that we are old acquaintances, I am a younger generation, what should not be said, you say, I will be listening to my grandfather nagging.".

"Ha ha, you're a bit smart, but I don't want to call you grandson.".

It doesn't matter. Before I see you, I have to pretend to be a grandson. Ding Changsheng said.

Believe it or not, you'd better stay away from the lady. It's good for you.

"I know, just see this side, after that, we will walk half way up the road towards the sky.". Ding Changsheng said without hesitation.

"Well, boy, you know the current affairs. This is a reward for you, but you have to ask for it yourself.". While driving, long Shu took out a piece of paper from the farmer's pocket and handed it to Ding Changsheng in the back seat.

"What is this?"

"See for yourself.". Uncle long stopped talking.

Ding Changsheng was a little puzzled. Did he give himself a check again, but when he opened it, he couldn't help laughing. It was actually an IOU written by Wang Dabiao. "Today, I borrowed 500000 yuan from Ding Changsheng for turnover and paid it off within a week. Otherwise, interest will be charged at 10% of the daily interest. Wang Dabiao ".

"I said," Uncle long, I'm just joking. Can Wang Dabiao have so much money?

"You don't know, Wang Dabiao doesn't have money, but his father has money. I came to Jiangdu with my young lady this time to find an investment partner. You can try it, but you'd better think about it. Otherwise, you'll have to take the money and die to change it.".

"Oh, I'd better give it to Uncle long. If you go and ask for it, I'll give it to you. I don't lack money now, or I can do something with more money.".

"Really? But it says your name? "

"This is easy to handle. It will be over if we write a debt assignment agreement later.".

"Good boy, you know the law, have you ever been to school?"

"Understand a little, graduated from high school, did not take the university entrance examination.".

Young people, it's right to learn more. Uncle long said with a smile, but at this time Ding Changsheng couldn't laugh because he saw that the car had left Jiangdu City and was driving to the mountains. His heart was a little uneasy and his face was a little pale.

"Dragon, uncle long, where are we going

I'm afraid, it's too late. Uncle long is even more proud. Just now, this boy is still fearless. He is expected to pee his pants later.

Mercedes Benz all the way around the mountain road, although I don't know where to go, but the scenery outside the window is really good.

"This is Fenghuang Mountain in the western suburb of Jiangdu City. Let's go to chrysanthemum mountain villa. Don't worry. If I want to kill you, I don't need to drive you here. I can solve you in the toilet in the city, and people can't see that you are homicide.".

You mean suicide in the toilet

"There is such a person, what's wrong with committing suicide in the toilet? If you can die in the toilet, at least someone can find you. If you die in a remote place in the wild, I'm afraid you become a fossil, and no one will find you.".

"Uncle long, it seems that you are very good. Why don't you take me as a disciple..." Before Ding Changsheng finished, the Mercedes Benz stopped with a brake. He noticed that the car was parked at a copper gate. The door gradually opened and no one could be seen. However, it gave the impression that it was very mysterious, and there were people peeping at it everywhere.

After entering the gate, the speed slowed down obviously. Because the road became narrower, Ding Changsheng knew why it was called chrysanthemum mountain villa. Except for some trees, there were almost no green plants here, all of which were chrysanthemums, mainly white chrysanthemums.

"Go up, she's waiting for you.". Uncle long stops in front of a foreign house and points to the upstairs.

"You're not going up?"

Uncle long didn't speak, just shook his head.

There was no one on the first floor. Until I got to the second floor, I saw a figure standing on the terrace on the second floor, gazing into the distance. It seemed that the mountain wind was a little cold. The figure's hands held his arms. From the back, the high bun showed a white pink neck. The low collar sweater looked like it was growing on the body, which was fit and slim. Below was a straight wool skirt, Just in the place close to the hem opened a foot long gap, let people directly see the leg wearing meat colored silk stockings, straight and smooth.This background is too familiar. The last time I saw this background was at the railway station in the early morning. She left lightly. Now, she is more emotional and real in front of her. But I don't know why, Ding Changsheng always feels that she is getting farther and farther away from her.

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