Ding Changsheng's step is very light, but it is not so light as to be imperceptible. But even after hearing Ding Changsheng's voice, Yang Fengqi still doesn't look back. Sometimes she is very hesitant. She doesn't want anyone to know her own experience. She tries her best to hide, sometimes it is self deception.

It's like the man behind her. She wants to hide it. She wants to kill him immediately, but her conscience is too bad. If there is no such man, maybe she is still wearing shackles in the shabby room, waiting to see the dark, waiting to see the man who is inferior to animals endlessly trampling every night.

Ding Changsheng hesitated for a moment, or picked up a windbreaker on the cane chair and walked to Yang Fengqi, but she had not reached her side. Yang Fengqi slapped Ding back on Ding Changsheng's face. After finishing, Yang Fengqi's hand dropped down and trembled slightly. She didn't know whether the reaction force was too strong, so she felt very painful For heartache.

Ding Changsheng was stunned. What's the matter? Damn it, I didn't want me to come. When I came, I wanted you to fight. He wanted to turn around and leave. But at this time, he saw a kind of desperate look, which he had seen when he first saw Yang Fengqi. But at that time, there was no expression. It was a resolute look. Now, this look is mixed with anger and fear What are you afraid of?

Ding Changsheng raised his hand and touched his face. He was sure that there must be five bright red finger prints there. Damn it, he was really cheap. Running here to be beaten was really cheap. But the present thing still has to pass. Even if you want to leave, you should also make it clear. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will not be able to live in peace in my life. It's the same for anyone else. No one wants to be in charge of a scandal that he or she won't let out all his life.

Ding Changsheng still walked by and put the windbreaker on Yang Fengqi's body. He turned and left. After a few steps, he stopped and didn't look back: "Miss Yang, I'm really sorry that your slap today woke me up. Maybe we are just passers-by. From then on, I don't know you and you don't recognize me. In this world, no one will know that again.".

With that, Ding Changsheng is about to go downstairs. "Come back.". Yang Fengqi seems to have just returned to his senses.

"Miss Yang, what else can I do for you?" Ding Changsheng turned and said coldly.

"I have something to finish. Sit down.". Yang Fengqi's anger just now seemed to have exhausted all her energy, and she was powerless to speak at the moment.

Ding Changsheng wanted to turn around and leave, but he knew that without Yang Fengqi's permission, he could not get out of chrysanthemum mountain villa, so he had to come back. This time, he was not so polite. He pulled a chair carelessly and sat down as if no one else was around.

"Let's go 'what's the matter? It's getting late. I have to rush back," Ding Changsheng said faintly. Mother, the women are really energetic, and now they are still burning with pain.

"Officer Ding, I'm sorry. It was me who lost my temper just now. Please forgive me.".

"Do you like to slap people when you lose your manners?" Ding Changsheng has no intention to give up. Although he does not know what Yang Fengqi will say next, it is estimated that it is the only time to raise the price, so the shelf must be fully taken.

"Officer Ding, I repeat, I'm sorry, it was my fault just now. It was my fault. Please forgive me." Ding Changsheng stopped talking. He wanted to see what cards the other side played.

Yang Fengqi laughed and did not speak. He picked up the coffee pot on the table, filled it with a cup and handed it to Ding Changsheng, "this is made by myself. Officer Ding, please taste it.".

"Dare not".

Yang Fengqi feels the anger in Ding Changsheng's heart, but he doesn't think so. In fact, the anger in Ding Changsheng's heart has almost disappeared, but because of his affection, he can't finish the calculation. He has to recover something as compensation.

"Listen to Uncle long, you asked him for a pair of transparent glasses?"

"What's the matter?"

"Do you wear it now?" Yang Fengqi Jiao smile way, that look is despise Ding Changsheng, but will never let people feel that is contempt.

"Do you want me to wear it?" Ding Changsheng's face showed a rare smile, meaning deep looking at Yang Fengqi.

If it's buried in the chrysanthemum, you'll dig it in my eyes.

It has to be said that Ding Changsheng's eyes are very good. Yang Fengqi is indeed a rare beauty. Although he was unkempt and unkempt at that time, even if it was that way, it was hard to hide his appearance. However, the current unique style makes Ding Changsheng feel that it is worth slapping again. Thinking of this, he would like to give himself a big mouth, how could I be so cheap.

"It's not good to gamble. Are you out of money?" Yang Fengqi put down his coffee cup and asked, as if the one million dollars were not money. He said it was so relaxed.

"Since you gave it to me, are you going to go back?" Ding Changsheng murmured in his heart.

"No, I want to give you another million dollars. Let's make a deal.".

"Give me another million? Trading? " Ding Changsheng asked in reverse. He thought he had heard the wrong thing, but Yang Fengqi nodded seriously. "You didn't hear me wrong. It's a million dollars. Let's make a deal.".

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