"If there is such a good thing, isn't it for me to kill?" Ding Changsheng accosted.

"You're right, it's killing people. But I think that with your intelligence, you'll do a perfect job. If you're not sure, I'll give you 500000 first.". Yang Fengqi said.

"Chen Biao?"

"Yes, that slap was in fact my impatience. At that moment, I may have been out of my mind. Recently, such a situation often happens. The fundamental reason is that I can't get through that barrier. I'm afraid that he will suddenly appear in front of me at some moment. I will not only lose everything I have now, but also lose the face of the whole family. Now, there is no one You know this, so as long as you do it, don't say one million, two million is no problem. ". Yang Fengqi leaned forward and said in a low voice. Although the low breasted sweater had a low collar, and he had already seen the black bra, Ding Changsheng at this time had no idea. He didn't feel hot and dry all over. Instead, he was cold all over, because he saw that Yang Fengqi's eyes were even colder.

"Oh, Miss Yang, are you kidding? I'm a little gangster, and I'm still half a policeman. Do you want me to kill people? Am I a child with no discrimination? I'm afraid I have a life to kill, but I can't afford to spend money. Maybe Chen Biao's front foot is dead, and my back foot is my turn. ".

"Where do you want to go? Am I the kind of person who breaks the bridge?"

"Aren't you? Miss Yang, maybe I really misread you. Everyone will have a bad day. Maybe it's better or worse. But it's the same. In this case, you are also the victim. I sympathize with you, so I save you. But now you let me kill people. I can't do it. If you think that all the people who know this matter have been killed, no one knows Well, you might as well try, but once this kind of thing starts, it will never return to the original point. I'm sorry, I have something else to do, so I'll go first. ". Ding Changsheng got up and left.


"What else can I do for you, Miss Yang?"

"What conditions do you need to do?"

"Miss Yang, as I said, I can't do it, and I can't do any conditions. In fact, why do you have to look for me for this matter? If you spend tens of thousands of yuan to hire a killer, why do you need to find an acquaintance like me?"

"If I look for a killer, I have to kill two, and that person is one I don't want to kill, there is no reason to kill.".

"You mean the child? You don't let go of your children? "

"It's not the child, it's you.".

"Me? Yes, I'm also an insider. Maybe I shouldn't have saved you, so we won't have so much trouble. ". Ding Changsheng's heart was shocked, but still forced to laugh at the way.

"You are my benefactor. I don't think my benefactor will trouble me, so as long as you do this, we will be even.".

"Yes, it's even. I know about your imprisonment and you know about my killing. But I won't promise you, because that's my bottom line.".

"What if I pay some interest?"

"Interest, what do you mean?"

"Well, let's not talk about the interest. I'll ask you one more thing. I've been holding my breath for a long time. Today, I finally have the opportunity to ask you in person. Why do you want to save me? I want to hear the truth, and I don't want to listen to hypocrisy, but a liar.". Yang Fengqi stood up and said solemnly.

"Because, because, because I'm a policeman?"

I want to hear the truth. Yang Fengqi is very dissatisfied with Ding Changsheng's answer. With a cool face, he leans in the nest of the rattan chair and looks at Ding Changsheng with disdain.

"Well, because you are beautiful, I love you. I don't want a beautiful woman like you to live in such a world. I have to rescue you. Otherwise, I feel uneasy. To be honest, from the first time I saw you, I wanted to see how to save you. I have been trying to find a way.".

"So you did it because you were so kind to the women.".

"Maybe, I always thought that you should be the real you now, and you were the Pearl dust at that time.".

"I'd like to tell you the truth. Although I'm physically free, now my spirit is even more confined. I'm afraid. I've always been afraid. Now when I hear the knock on the door, I feel like my heart is about to jump out. I dare not go to any media. I'm afraid that he will recognize me and come to me, but my identity and status can't be excluded from any media Therefore, I dare not open the Internet or TV every time I finish a media. My spirit is going to collapse.

"But I really can't help you with that. You'd better try your best.".

"Don't you want to see what I mean by interest?"

Ding Changsheng turns his head and looks at Yang Fengqi. Yang Fengqi smiles and reaches out his hand to Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng is more confused and unconsciously reaches out his own hand. Yang Fengqi grabs his hand and drags him from the cane chair. The two of them are in front of each other, but Ding Changsheng does not know. Therefore, Yang Fengqi pulls his hand into a large bedroom on the second floor.

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