"Manager Yang, I understand what you mean, but you can rest assured that I have a way to get all the documents of this batch of drugs in the shortest time. If you are interested, we can cooperate. In this way, you should ensure that the products are produced in the shortest time. How about?" Ding Changsheng had already figured out how to get the approval of this batch of drugs, so he was full of confidence.

"Mayor Ding, do you mean to cooperate with me to produce such drugs?"

"Yes, but it's not me. It's a relative of mine. He's a family of traditional Chinese medicine. If he hadn't been seriously ill this time, I didn't know that his own medicine would have delayed the further spread of cancer. Even experts in the provincial capital said that if there were no Chinese medicine, he would have died long ago, but now he is still alive and waiting for surgery. If you are interested, we will You can go to the provincial capital to see him. Seeing is believing and hearing is believing. ".

Yang Chengan's face became more and more dignified this time. During his trip to the mainland, on the one hand, he was investigating the market, on the other hand, he was also seeking new breakthroughs in the pharmaceutical industry, because his family had always been dominated by western medicine, and the production of Chinese medicine pills was only a subsidiary industry. However, with the increasingly fierce competition in the western medicine industry and the increasingly hot Chinese medicine industry, Yang's pharmaceutical industry also wanted to However, there has been no suitable entry point. The main reason is that Hong Kong is too small. Any action of Yang's pharmaceutical industry will be immediately known by its competitors. Moreover, Hong Kong also lacks materials for traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, when Ding Changsheng talked about this kind of prescription, he immediately aroused his interest.

"Mayor Ding, I don't know what kind of cancer you said this medicine can treat?"

"I said, not treatment, but to delay the deterioration of the disease. Frankly speaking, there is really no drug that can completely treat cancer in the world. It is good to delay it. The best way is to remove the cancerous cell tissue, so as to be safe, right, manager Yang.". Ding Changsheng corrected.

"Unexpectedly, mayor Ding still knows medicine?"

"I learned from my relative, just a little bit. I know that Mr. Yang is worried about the sales. I can tell you clearly that the sales is not a problem, because he is a drug for lung cancer. You can think about how many smokers and secondhand smokers are in the world. According to the conservative estimation of the state, you can calculate the profit in this, Right. Ding Changsheng is full of confidence in this medicine.

"Yes, if there is such a thing, if it can delay life, I think it is a good news for all lung cancer patients in the world.".

"So, for investment, I think Mr. Yang should make a decision as soon as possible. Of course, before you make a decision, I would like to drink Mr. Yang to visit the provincial capital. In addition, we can find an expert to ask about this problem. After all, only doctors can understand the value of this medicine.".

"Oh? Does mayor Ding know the experts in this field? "

"I know one, but I don't know him very well, that is to say, I have known him for a few days, because my relative is waiting for his operation time, which is Professor Qin Anhao from the first people's Hospital of the provincial capital.".

"Oh, so mayor Ding knew Professor Qin.". Yang Chengan asked in surprise.

"Manager Yang knows him, too?" Ding Changsheng was shocked.

"I haven't met Professor Qin. I just work in our industry. It's impossible not to pay attention to such well-known people. So I have known this person for a long time, but I haven't met him, and I haven't dealt with him.".

Well, I can introduce you to the provincial capital this time. I think we may become partners in the future. Ding Changsheng said confidently.

"Become a partner with Professor Qin?" Yang Chengan was surprised.

It's quite possible, but it's not sure yet.

"Oh, now I finally understand the problem of pharmaceutical procedures mentioned by Mayor Ding. With the help of Professor Qin, I think all problems will be solved easily. After all, he is an expert in this field, and the listing of drugs will be greatly advanced.". Although Yang Chengan was very excited in his heart, he didn't show it on the surface. However, Ding Changsheng could hear his heart beating. He was really worried that Mr. Yang's heart could not bear to jump out.

Since eavesdropping on the conversation between Qin Anhao and Wang Mingke in the lounge, Jiang Hanhan has lost the enthusiasm of the past when she sees Wang Mingke. Instead, she is polite. However, Ding Changsheng asks her not to show it and pretend that nothing has happened. Otherwise, it will not play a role of thunderbolt.

"Xiaojiang, I think your internship here is very good, and the combination of knowledge and practice is also very good. How do you want to increase your understanding of other departments?" Wang Mingke said to Jiang Hanhan with a smile, but the smile was more frightening than a beautiful snake.

"Director Wang, what do you mean?" Jiang Han asked timidly.

"This child, I mean, are you interested in going to other departments for internship to enhance your experience. In that case, it will be very helpful for your future employment.".

"Oh, I thought you were going to drive me away. Which department should I go to?" Jiang Hanhan thought that the fox would finally show her tail. This Wang Mingke was not a good thing. She would bring so many valuable supplements to her every time she went home. In the end, she sold me out. Her heart was full of indignation."Drive you away? You child, I'm not doing it for you. You can go to the respiratory department, that is, director Qin. You still need a little assistant. You can follow director Qin for a good internship. Maybe I'll find him and ask him to leave you. You know, it's not easy to stay in the first people's hospital. ". Wang Mingke's face is still hung with the innocent smile of human and animal, but Jiang Hanhan's heart is already cold.

"Well, when shall I go?"

"Well, as soon as possible, and ah, your friend's relative is not going to have an operation. Let him make a decision quickly. Professor Qin may be going to attend an academic conference in a few days. I don't know it will be several days before he can come back. His illness can't be delayed.". Wang Mingke asked with concern.

"Well, I'll hurry him up as soon as possible.".

"Well, by the way, you go to ask Professor Qin whether you want to take you with you. If so, you have to go through your formalities as soon as possible. Professor Qin is old and you can take care of him on the way.". The more Wang Mingke said, the more explicit he was, and even such a hint came out, which was really a kind of naked insult to the thin skinned Jiang Hanhan.

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