"When will you come back, I will quit. This heartless woman can really do it.". When Ding Changsheng accompanied the investigation group around Linshan Town, Jiang Hanhan roared on the phone.

"Well, what's the matter? Can you pay attention to the image?"

"No, I'll tell you that Wang Mingke said today that he wanted me to be an assistant to Qin Anhao, and that he would let me accompany him to the meeting. Do you think it's something that people can do?" Jiang Hanhan roared, if Ding Changsheng was by her side at this time, he would surely have a feast for the eyes, because Jiang Hanhan's mature chest with her big breath, up and down, a large range, also thanks to being at home, if in the street, it will certainly lead to traffic accidents.

"Did she really say that?" Ding Changsheng's face changed. It seems that things have changed. Qin Anhao wants to slip away. It's impossible. Even if he wants to slip, he has to arrange for it. At least he has to transfer his property. But who knows, maybe he has already transferred it. But when he leaves, he still wants to take away a bright girl, namely Jiang Hanhan. This courage is not small.

In fact, both Jiang Hanhan and Ding Changsheng think much about it. As for Wang Mingke's saying that Qin Anhao is going to the United States for a meeting, it's just a matter of nothingness. That's because Wang Mingke wants Ding Changsheng to make a decision on whether to operate or not. Otherwise, it may delay the operation time. Moreover, Qin Anhao is an expert in this field. If Qin Anhao is not present, whether the operation is successful I can't guarantee it.

"There is still a vacation. You should make a decision quickly. Anyway, I won't go back to practice. I asked my father to change my hospital for me.".

"No need to change it. I'll go to the provincial capital soon. I'll settle the matter for you. You don't have to worry about it. By the way, you don't have to be a doctor. You don't have to be a doctor.".

"Hey, Ding Changsheng, what do you mean, what do you mean that I'm not a doctor?"

"Oh, I'm not saying that you can't be a doctor, but your temper is not suitable for being a doctor. If you can't see it on the operating table, you'll quit and throw people on the operating table.".

"You, you slander me.". Jiang Han said with wheezing breath.

"Come on, I'm talking about a pharmaceutical project with the Hong Kong businessmen. If you are interested, you can become a vice president here and grasp the secret of the prescription for me. We can cooperate with the Hong Kong businessmen, but the ingredients and dosage of the prescription should be controlled by ourselves. We are our own people. I trust you.". Ding Changsheng said a little sour, but Jiang Hanhan loved to listen.

"Really, didn't you lie to me?"

"Of course, but there is no final conclusion. In this case, you can go back to school for a few days, and I will come to you in the next few days.". Ding Changsheng said that he was afraid that before he did not take action, Qin Anhao jumped off the wall in a hurry to make Jiang Hanhan stronger than Jiang Hanhan. At that time, the gains and losses would not be worth the loss. Moreover, it seems that Jiang Hanhan is no longer safe in the hospital, not to mention Wang Mingke, the traitor. Qin Anhao, the old lecher, is not what Jiang Hanhan can fight against.

It seems that he is going to do it right away, and Wang Jiashan's illness can not be delayed.

Jiang Hanhan asked Wang Mingke to leave, not to mention, without this little girl to clean up these things around her, she really felt less like something, but for Qin Anhao's orders, she did not dare to listen, so despite her reluctance, she still handed Jiang Hanhan out. In recent years, she did not know how many interns in her hands were handed over to Qin Anhao Some of the girls are already their colleagues, some of them have been transferred to other hospitals, but without exception, they still have an improper relationship with Qin Anhao. How many girls have given birth to Qin Anhao like themselves is not very clear, and she does not dare to ask.

In the dark basement of the hospital, she took her bag and went to her BMW Mini. When she turned on the lights, she saw a man coming from the light and waved to herself. After a careful look, it turned out that it was Jiang Hanhan's friend. So she put out the fire and waited for Ding Changsheng to walk in. When she wanted to ask Ding Changsheng what was wrong, Ding Changsheng had already walked around to the other side of the car He opened the door and got into the co pilot.

This makes Wang Mingke a little unhappy. She feels that this person is very impolite.

"Doctor Wang, there is something I want to talk to you about. Do you want to talk about it here or go out and find a place to talk about it?". Ding Changsheng took out his mobile phone and said.

"What do you mean? If there's no big deal, make a long story short.". Wang Mingke puzzled said, at the same time the expression of displeasure is more obvious.

"It's not a big deal for me, but it's a big deal for you and your family. Maybe it will fall apart and the family will die.".

"You, what are you talking about? If it's OK, please get out of the car. I'm going to work.".

"Dr. Wang, if it's OK, I'll look for you here at this time. Take a look at this. I'm sure you'll be very interested.". Ding Changsheng calls up the video in his mobile phone and shows it to Wang Mingke in front of her.

Wang Ke's face was white and his hands were sharp, and he was afraid of the steering wheel. But Ding Changsheng just let it go and turned it off. However, Wang Mingke's tension did not ease down. She knew that she was in big trouble."What do you want?" Wang Mingke wanted to take a mouthful of saliva to clear his throat, but he found that it was so difficult because her mouth was dry and there was no saliva to swallow. She asked hoarsely.

"Jiang Hanhan is my woman, my woman you dare to give it to others. Your courage is really not small, but also dare to hide his husband gave birth to this old man a child, your husband is not very fond of that child.". When Ding Changsheng finished this sentence, Wang Mingke completely lost the courage to resist and negotiate. Because Ding Changsheng did not put the video in this time period, Wang Mingke still had a ray of luck, hoping to settle the matter with money, but even this matter was known by him, so what is the meaning of everything.

"What do you want to do? Make a condition. I will do whatever I can.". Wang Mingke said powerless, for a married woman, family and children are undoubtedly her biggest weakness, so she had to choose to bow down.

"Can you really agree?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Looking at Ding Changsheng's expression and listening to her voice, she knew that she could not escape this man's palm.

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