Ding Changsheng was also quite surprised. He knew that there was bound to be differences in this matter, but he did not expect He Fei to jump out first, which made him a little wary, because it may reflect a problem, that is, Wang Baili and He Fei have signs of alliance. If this is the case, then this matter is worthy of his attention.

He took a look at Xiang Gang. Xiang Gang is now a deputy secretary. Of course, his opinion is also very important. Because of the different status, the perspective of the problem must be different. The economic development of Linshan town will bring benefits to every leading cadre in Linshan town. Although Ding Changsheng is a key figure in attracting foreign investment, he is not interested in attracting foreign investment There are still differences in the attitude of business between Ding Changsheng and others, but it is this difference that has led to the convening of the meeting to resolve differences today.

Ding Changsheng felt that he had been careless and his attitude towards these people had been a bit casual for a long time. Perhaps it was because he was young, or because he didn't take this matter seriously. At this moment, he was a little worried about the prospect of this meeting.

"Let me just say a few words. I don't think it's easy for us to have an opportunity in Linshan town. With the efforts of mayor Ding, it's getting better. However, we have to understand that there are not many such opportunities. Although there may be more opportunities supported by Highway 1, what I'm saying is if, if these two opportunities can't be grasped, will it affect the future recruitment Who can guarantee that we don't pay attention to foreign investment? Once the county investigates this matter, who will bear the responsibility Xiang Gang's words are not heavy and his hat is not big. In this way, some vice mayor who want to support Ding Changsheng, such as Wang Haitao, dare not speak.

Wang Baili didn't expect to say that to the gang Association, and He Fei was also surprised, because the feedback from all aspects means that Xiang Gang and Ding Changsheng are closely related. Xiang Gang's counter attack caught Ding Changsheng by surprise. He knew that there was no need for the meeting to go on tonight, so he did not intend to speak. However, it seems that Wang Baili did not want to go on like this. He is the key person in charge of this investment promotion project. There is no final affirmation from Ding Changsheng that there will be hidden dangers for future investment promotion. This is Wang Baili Worried, because since Kou Dapeng was transferred to the county, Kou Dapeng has become Wang Baili's goal.

"Mayor Ding, tell me your opinion. You are the person in charge of investment promotion. We want to hear your opinions.". Wang Zhenli is sincere in looking at this meeting, but is it meaningful for all of her to hold this meeting?

Looking at Wang Baili's hypocritical and sincere eyes, Ding Changsheng really wants to slap her in the face. However, this is not a fight in society, but a meeting. This is politics. Politics means that no matter how atmosphere and how indignant you are, you have to play within the rules formulated by everyone. Otherwise, everyone will kick you out of this The circle of the game.

When you really learn to use rules against your opponent one day, you will be a mature politician. Of course, you may also be a politician.

"My opinion is very clear. I am the main person in charge of these two projects. No one wants to keep these foreign businessmen in Linshan town more than I do. However, I am thinking that the purpose of attracting investment is to develop the economy, to develop the economy of Linshan Town, and to make the life of the people in Linshan town better. But is it because we have to sacrifice to develop the economy As for the interests of the common people, I think it's worth thinking about it. I admit that it's a good opportunity to attract investment, and it's also an opportunity to establish the image of Linshan town. However, I still insist on choosing the site in the hilly area in the southwest direction. The cultivated land around Linshan town is not suitable for site selection, if we all have the same idea I insist on my own opinion and ask director Qin to record my opinion, and I reserve my opinion. ". Ding Changsheng said seriously.

When we said our opinions just now, we didn't realize that this was a very important meeting because we didn't notice that Qin E-Xiang, director of the party and government affairs office, was recording. Such a meeting record needs to be signed by all of us. So we realized at this moment that what we said was really water thrown out, spit and nail, and we could not go back on our regrets.

"I'd like to say a few words. I've listened to all of your opinions, and most of them agree with it. But it's a pity that mayor Ding opposes the selection of the plant site in the area where the cultivated land is located. In fact, I quite understand the meaning of mayor Ding. Farmers will have no source of livelihood if they have no land, and our land requisition compensation is still unknown. If there is no compensation for land acquisition, land acquisition is a big problem This is also a tough battle, so I said that I understand the meaning of mayor Ding, but do we still have a way back? There is no way out. We can only move forward regardless of everything, so as to make development opportunities for the future of Linshan town. I think the people in Linshan town will understand us. We should step up publicity and education to let everyone know that we are doing this for him Hello, so I think that as long as it is for the economic development of Linshan Town, everything has to give way. ".

Wang Baili's words are the final word. He Fei looks at Ding Changsheng, and suddenly has a kind of pleasure. Although he and Ding Changsheng have nothing to do with each other, the feeling of envy, jealousy and hatred has gone deep into the bone marrow. He has already regarded Ding Changsheng as a competitor in his heart. He has a good family background and an uncle of the organization minister. What does Ding Changsheng have? How can he become mayor? Therefore, it is in this mind that he has done some things for the sake of opposition."Do you have anything else to do?" Wang Baili finished his speech and asked politely, but Ding Changsheng was not polite.

"Secretary Wang, since we all agree to build a factory in the cultivated land area, I suggest that I should be mainly responsible for the investment attraction, while the deputy mayor of Hefei should be responsible for the land acquisition. What do you think of this way?"

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