Xiang Gang may feel that he has done too much, so when Ding Changsheng proposed that He Fei should be responsible for land acquisition and demolition, he was the first to agree. In any case, it must be done by someone, and Wang Baili was also happy to see it succeed. So it was decided at the meeting that He Fei was fully responsible for land acquisition and demolition.

He Fei wanted to retort, but everyone said so, and he couldn't say anything because he had a good time just now. If he didn't take any responsibility, I'm afraid these people would not let him go. He had been in the Baishan municipal government for such a long time, and he could see clearly the tricks of these people.

The site has been selected, and everything seems to be going on in an orderly manner. The signing ceremony of the two projects has also been put on the agenda.

In order to adapt to the mountain road conditions, Xie Heyang left his BMW in the provincial capital. He did not know where to get another Hummer. When the car ran into the government of Linshan Town, He Fei was disheartened and wanted to go to the land acquisition site. Half a month has passed since the land acquisition was not smooth, and less than one third of the farmers signed the land acquisition agreement And the most difficult thing is that there is a big thorn in it, because there is a family whose ancestral grave is within the scope of land acquisition. He has talked about it several times, but he can't get along with it. Then he knows that he has been co founded by these guys in Linshan town.

Xie Heyang didn't wear camouflage clothes today. Instead, he wore orange sports clothes. He Fei, a newly graduated college student, caught his eyes. He had heard that Ding Changsheng had appointed a business consultant. He had met with foreign businessmen before, but had not dealt with them. He knew that this woman seemed to be the former wife of the former county magistrate It sounds a little complicated. Fortunately, Ding Changsheng was the Secretary of the former county magistrate. Otherwise, all the gossip would come out.

"Hello, consultant Xie. What can I do for you?" He Fei hurriedly approached to say hello.

"Who are you?" When Xie Heyang saw He Fei, she did not know him. Although Ding Changsheng forced her to become a business consultant, she only worked so hard for her own business. As for the officials of the town government, she really despised him. Even if she was not the husband of the county magistrate, her family was in central and southern province. Otherwise, Zhonghua's uncle, Zhong Fengyang, would have been a good candidate It's not going to take so much effort. Barrett and Xie's relatives will not.

"I'm He Fei, the deputy mayor here. Did consultant Xie come to me for land acquisition?"

"Mayor he, I'm sorry. I'm not looking for you. I'm looking for mayor Ding. Is he in?" Xie Heyang looked at He Fei and felt that the light in his eyes didn't look like a good man. So he said a word, and without waiting for He Fei's consent, he went straight to the office building.

"Yes, yes..."

Xie Heyang didn't hear the latter words, because she had already entered the office building. He Fei stood downstairs and watched Xie Heyang wriggle his sexy little butt into Ding Changsheng's office. He couldn't help narrowing his eyes and adding his lips, "bah, bah..." Damn it, it's all dirt. It's a damn bad luck to take this job.

"Oh, sister Xie, why are you willing to come to my little temple? Liyuan Village can't open it?" Ding Changsheng saw Xie Heyang come in, and quickly stood up, around the table, extended his hand to Xie Heyang.

"The eldest son, do we still shake hands when we meet?" Having said that, he ignored Ding Changsheng's embarrassment and directly bypassed him to sit on Ding Changsheng's office chair. Ding had no choice but to retract his hand and scratch his scalp. Although there were no other people, he was still very embarrassed.

"Well, no wonder everyone wants to be an official. It's a good feeling to sit here. I'm a little thirsty after I've driven all the way.". Xie Heyang gently lifted the lotus finger, Yi made the Qi finger said.

"Oh, come right away, mayor Xie. Do you want green tea or black tea?"

"Green tea is OK, don't put too much.".

"OK, I'll be right now.".

"Ha ha ha ha..." Looking at Ding Changsheng's appearance, Xie Heyang laughed happily.

After joking, we are going to talk about things. Xie Heyang has not been idle enough to drive dozens of kilometers here to argue with Ding Changsheng.

"I heard that you are also a shareholder in that pharmaceutical company?" Xie Heyang asked.

"Sister Xie, what do you mean? I am a government official. Can I do business by myself? You think I'm like you. It's more intimate to see money than to see me.

"You? Can you compare with money? What's the use of you, or money? No man can rely on money. At least money won't divorce me. Xie Heyang said hate, but this is really not easy to answer, so pretend not to hear.

"That's because Wang Jiashan was a wandering doctor before, but his medical skills were quite good. At least he didn't kill people. Isn't that why he went to the provincial capital to see a doctor? An expert in the provincial capital was very interested in his secret recipe for lung cancer. He thought that if such a drug was produced, it would probably save a lot of people's lives, so he tried his best to encourage him to contribute the prescription You also know what it means to contribute. After thinking about it, the old man thought about it, and it would be better to produce it by himself. Then he asked me to find an investor, and then he asked me to find an investor. No, he asked Xianggang's Yang's pharmaceutical. That's the whole thing. What's the matter with me? " Ding Changsheng's words were all over the place.Xie Heyang seemed to be listening, but he didn't seem to listen. He stood up with a teacup, walked around Ding Changsheng's desk, went to the reception area outside, took a drink, and gently put it on the tea table. Ding Changsheng accompanied him to sit opposite her.

"You're bluffing me, aren't you? The eldest son, I also good to you, not only so hard to pull you to invest, to me you also hide, you also mean? Who doesn't know your relationship with Wang Jiashan? Besides, who else is there in Wangjiashan's family? If it wasn't for you, I don't know how many times this old man has died. I think you are more grandson than his grandson, and you still play this game with me. Is it interesting? "

"Ouch, sister Xie, why don't you believe me? You said that I am an outstanding national cadre, can I do such a thing? Don't you know that state cadres are strictly prohibited from doing business? I dare to go against the wind. "

"Oh, don't play this trick. There are more officials doing business, but you just don't know. Don't mention to me what national cadres can't do. Cadres, cadres, there is nothing they dare not do. They are called cadres. Just give me a word. I want to participate in this project. Tell Yang Chengan that if I don't participate in shares, I won't let him do this project.". Xie Heyang said domineering.

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