Ding Changsheng doesn't pay attention to He Fei because he knows that once the superior leader learns about this matter through other channels, his work will be passive. Moreover, if the city leaders first learn about this situation, and if the county does not know, then the matter will be more troublesome, because no one will cover up or explain for you at that time.

"Secretary Wang, no matter what the cause is, we must report to the county immediately, otherwise we will be very passive.". Ding Changsheng once again stressed his point of view. However, Wang Baili has not experienced such a thing now. What she thinks of is concealment. She thinks that this can be concealed.

Therefore, he did not take Ding Changsheng's words to heart, and Ding Changsheng kept on reporting to the county. She thought she was the Secretary of Linshan town. If this incident was reported, the superior leaders would think of her and doubted her ability. Therefore, her efforts for so many years may be destroyed by this incident. In the end, she is right The seriousness of the matter is under estimated.

"Mayor he, you are now in charge of the handling of this matter, and immediately investigate the cause. In addition, urge the police station. How long has it been and why it hasn't arrived yet. You are fully responsible for this matter.". Wang Baili pushed He Fei into the pit again. To tell the truth, Wang Baili didn't think much about it this time. He just saw that Ding Changsheng always had to report to the superior leaders, but He Fei and her ideas were the same, so she chose to believe He Fei.

He Fei is not a fool. He doesn't want to contact with this matter. In addition, Li Erque committed suicide because of land acquisition. If he goes to deal with this matter at this time, the Li family will not believe him.

"Secretary Wang, I haven't dealt with such a thing. I'd better find an experienced one.". He Fei looks at Xiang Gang, deputy secretary of the Party committee. At this time, there is no Ding Changsheng. This guy follows the principle that if you don't report, I have to report. After all, this is not a small matter. If it is not handled properly, it may lead to mass incidents.

Just into the office, saw the police station chief Zhang Qiang with several police into the town government compound, Ding Changsheng immediately dialled Zhang Qiang's phone.

"Director Zhang, you should report this matter to the higher level Public Security Bureau as soon as possible. You can't bear it. Don't make trouble for yourself. In addition, the investigation progress of this matter should be reported to me in time. Up to now, I don't know what the reason is and who is this guy? Make an investigation. ".

Zhang Qiang and Ding Changsheng used to be colleagues, and then became the police station director for Zhang Qiang, and found a successful relationship in the city. Chen Junwei, the director of the county bureau, promoted Zhang Qiang to the director. So when Ding Changsheng came to Linshan town to be the director, he kept close to Ding Changsheng. He believed that Ding Changsheng would never say this, so he hung up Ding Changsheng's phone and dialed immediately He called Chen Junwei, director of the county bureau.

And Ding Changsheng was not idle. He called Luo Xiangyue and asked her to report this matter to Lin Chunxiao with appropriate reasons. Anyway, this matter must be made known to Lin Chunxiao as soon as possible, otherwise, no one would cover up for him. In any case, his responsibility for this matter can not run, because he is the mayor of the town.

There is no doubt that this incident is a big scandal. With the current media transmission speed, it will soon continue to ferment. As soon as Lin Chunxiao heard this, he immediately called Ding Changsheng's mobile phone.

"Ding Changsheng, what's the matter with you? You can't stand it for a day, don't you? What's going on, you give me an explanation? "

"Secretary Lin, we didn't expect that. We have sent someone to take charge of this matter. It seems that it is a contradiction caused by the land acquisition through investment promotion. You can rest assured that we are dealing with it. We will report the result as soon as we have the result.". When Ding Changsheng received Lin Chunxiao's reprimand phone call, he was not nervous. On the contrary, he was relieved. As long as the leader knew about this matter, the rest was how to deal with the aftermath. Because there is such an unwritten rule in Chinese officialdom, that is, if the lower level really can't handle this matter, the best way is to go to the leader and get an instruction, which is equal to If you do it well, the leader will be very happy because you did it according to his instructions. If you fail to do it, the leader's instructions will be in front of me. Therefore, the leaders will not deal with you. This is the wisdom of an official, or the wisdom of being a man.

"Who is in charge of it?" Lin Chunxiao asked anxiously.

"He Fei, deputy mayor of the town, was personally designated by Secretary Wang Baili to be in charge.". Ding Changsheng said quietly.

"Pig brain, what can he do, let him be responsible, this matter can only be more and more chaotic, Ding Changsheng, I now let you take charge of this matter, no matter what means, at all costs to resolve this matter as soon as possible, if there is a bad impact, you, the mayor, don't do it.". Lin Chunxiao angrily hung up the phone, and then immediately called Wang Baili.

If you are polite to Ding Changsheng, Lin Chunxiao and Wang Baili are both women, and Lin Chunxiao is not so polite. When Wang Baili came to Ding Changsheng's office, he was obviously just scolded by Lin Chunxiao, and his face was very ugly. Moreover, the first sentence when he opened the door was: "mayor Ding, didn't I say that? Don't report, don't report. Why do you report it privately? "

Ding Changsheng saw Wang Baili enter the room without saying a word, turned the direction of the notebook computer, then pointed to the computer and said to Wang Baili: "Secretary Wang, I'll explain two points first. First, I didn't report to Lin Chunxiao, and I don't know how Lin Chunxiao knew about it. Second, you can look at it in half an hour Let's comment on the matter. Nu, this is microblog. The spread speed of this matter is unimaginable. I think, tomorrow, maybe today, a large number of media reporters will come here to interview. You can take a plan. How can we deal with this matter then? " Ding Changsheng was extremely calm, because he knew that if there was chaos at this time, the whole town would have to be paralyzed."What do you want to do? I just received a call from secretary Lin, asking you to take full responsibility for this matter. We don't care about it. You can do it yourself.". Wang Baili said and turned away.

Ding Changsheng is really angry. Is this what a party secretary in a town should say? Is this attitude suitable for a party secretary?

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