But in any case, he can't give up because he has an opinion on Wang Baili, and now Lin Chunxiao has ordered him to take charge of this matter, so he can't leave this matter out because of some small things.

Wang Haitao, you come to my office, right now. Seeing Wang Baili out of the office, he immediately called Wang Haitao. Among the deputy town heads, Ding Changsheng trusted Wang Haitao more, not only because Wang Haitao was a subordinate cadre, but also because Wang Haitao was a capable person. He was not too many smart people, and his ideas were ahead of time. Otherwise, Ding Changsheng would not let him help him in charge of investment promotion.

"Mayor Ding, is it because of something outside?"

"Yes, I saw the ambulance coming. Now I'm responsible for handling this matter. You help me. Now you go to investigate the cause and effect of this incident. You can't let go of every drop. You can report to me at any time. No one can say anything about it except me. We must maintain a unified caliber. Do you understand?"

I see. I'll go right away.

"Well, bring more people, bring Wang Zhiwu, this boy has many ideas, remember, we must pay attention to safety.".

"OK, I'll go right away.".

"Oh, by the way, call Wudan. I have something to look for her.". Ding Changsheng ordered.

When He Fei received the call from Wang Baili, he felt relieved. At the same time, he was very nervous. The cause of the matter was the land acquisition. It seems that Li Erque took this step mainly because of his own attitude. Thinking of this, he also felt a little regret, but there is no regret medicine in the world. He wanted to take advantage of his own opportunity to deal with this matter and put it down, but Lin Lin Chunxiao is ready to change generals, which makes him very passive, but there is no way, he can only withdraw now.

Although there is sufficient preparation in mind, but bad news one by one reported to Ding Changsheng's desk.

First of all, in the afternoon, Li Erque's body, which had been taken away by an ambulance, was forcibly taken from the mortuary of the county hospital by a group of people, and there were still a large number of people. It has been identified that Li Erque's people took Li Erque's body.

Secondly, Wang Haitao has found out that Li Erque committed suicide because of land acquisition, and the main reason is that our cadre's work method is rough, there is no room for discussion, and the time limit for others to remove the ancestral tomb is not given, and there is violence in law enforcement. In other words, the government is not tenable in theory.

Thirdly, Li Erque, the dead man, has a high prestige in Linshan Town, because he has two sons who are studying in universities, which is very famous in the small town of Linshan town.

Fourth, according to the investigation, Li Erque may not be angry for a moment, but may have come prepared, because a bottle of highly toxic pesticide phoxim was found on the roof of the building, and the county hospital also confirmed this point. Although the cause of death was the death of a smashed skull fracture caused by a fall from a high place, the dead did commit suicide after drinking medicine.

Fifthly, Li Erque suffered from two kinds of cancer. He had no hope of living. To end his life in such a way is to express his dissatisfaction. On the other hand, it is not possible to fight for some money for his family, because he committed suicide in the courtyard of the town government. The town government will be responsible for this, but it is impossible for him to end his life in such a way I picked it up clean.

"Mayor Ding, it seems that this is going to cost money and avoid disaster.". Wang Haitao looks at Ding Changsheng, who is at a loss.

"Yes, it's impossible to settle the matter in such a big way. First of all, don't spread the information. The Li family just took the body back. Later, you and I will go to Li Erque's house to have a look, and then we can say that the main responsibility for this matter lies with us.".

"Well, what about those media outside the door? They have been waiting for a long time.". Wang Haitao warned.

"I see. I'll report these matters to the leaders of the county and listen to their opinions.". Ding Changsheng said a little tired.

Seeing Wang Haitao go out of the door, Ding Changsheng stabilized his mood for a while, then slowly picked up the phone and dialed Lin Chunxiao's phone. He had never experienced such a thing, so he had no bottom in his heart. But he knew that he could not shrink back at this time. If he could not handle it well, it was his own ability, but if he drew back at this time, then this was his attitude What leaders need now is an attitude to deal with problems.

"Secretary Lin, it's me. I'll tell you what I've learned..."

What are you going to do? Tell me what you think. Lin Chunxiao also slowly calmed down. This is not the time to get angry. He must calm down to come up with a good way to deal with it. Otherwise, he will be in a mess, not to mention commanding others.

"After reporting to you, I'll go to the home of the deceased, which can be regarded as a consolation. If something like this happens, it's inappropriate for our government not to come forward. As the mayor of the town, I have to go to his home to have a look. At least, we have to be interested. Second, I think some reporters have already gone to the county. Let's set up an incident investigation release group, All the news about this matter will be released by us here, so as to avoid the media's random speculation caused by different caliber, which will be more troublesome. "."In addition, I think that according to the current situation, we can finally make up for the end of the matter. Therefore, we should prepare part of the funds, pay immediately after the negotiation, and sign an agreement immediately to avoid this matter from continuing to ferment. This is all I can think of for the time being. Secretary Lin, do you think that's ok?"

"Well, I think so. In order to show that we attach great importance to this matter, the county should send a deputy county magistrate to check it out for you, OK?"

"I can't get it. I don't know who secretary Lin sent here?"

"The head of Kou County is originally the Secretary of Linshan town. He is familiar with the town. It is better to do the work than you do. Let's just contact me if you have anything. You can contact with Kou County Magistrate directly now.".

Although Ding Changsheng's calculation is very good, things often don't come according to his plan. Before he can hang up the phone to Kou Dapeng, Wudan rushes in and even forgets to knock on the door.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Ding Changsheng asked in a hurry. Ding Changsheng had just called Wudan to come over and let her keep an eye on the Internet and tell him the important news on the Internet at the first time.

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