But now that it's all over, it's impossible for him to come back. Li Yonggang said sadly.

"Yes, but the living should understand the mind of the dead. He tried his best to send you two brothers to university. He must want you two to live well and have more prospects. Moreover, he must not want any of you to have an accident.". Ding Changsheng said meaningfully.

Li Yonggang looked at Ding Changsheng and did not speak. However, his younger brother Li Yongqiang was not a fool. He also recognized the threat in Ding Changsheng's words. He was only a few years younger, so it was impossible for him to be as tolerant as his brother Li Yonggang.

"Are you threatening us?" Li Yongqiang couldn't help saying.

"I don't have that skill. I'm just talking about a fact. Imagine if you two go back and ask your relatives and friends to urge you to carry your father to petition, you know what form it is now. If so, you will make public anger in Linshan Town, because the first highway has just been built in Linshan town In the critical period of attracting investment, the bad reputation will certainly affect the investment promotion. When the time comes, you will leave. But what about your relatives and friends? They'll have to stay here. What's the consequence? "

"What would it be?" Li Yongqiang asked maliciously.

Ding Changsheng didn't answer the question, but said, "besides, you are still studying and are still a student. If you are included in the petition, will your future road be easy? Which unit will accept a person who is always appealing for help, so I am very clear about what I mean. That is to solve problems in the town. In this way, it will be good for everyone. ". Ding Changsheng has a needle in his sleeve, half pulling and half big. For the smart people with culture, you have to conquer them with your smarter head. Only in this way is the best way.

Although she was ready to be criticized, when Tang Bingkun, Secretary of the Baishan municipal Party committee, called Lin Chunxiao in person, she still felt invisible pressure. It seems that the incident became a big one, not only because someone committed suicide in land acquisition, but also because of some subsequent events. Although Ding Changsheng dealt with these matters in a public spirit, some things could not be handled because of his youth It is so tactful, for example, to kneel down and offer incense to Li Erque, which has been interpreted by the media as numerous versions. Even the purpose of his kneeling is more than that of Li Erque's suicide.

Before going to Tang Bingkun for training, she went to the old leader Si Nanxia. Now, Sinan Xia is the Deputy Secretary of Baishan municipal Party committee, or Tang Bingkun. In order to fight against Cheng Qianhe, the mayor of Baishan City, Tang Bingkun and Si Nanxia have a good relationship. Sinan Xia is a scholar type leader and has won Tang Bingkun's trust.

"Old leader, you criticize me, I did not do well, to your shame.". Lin Chunxiao sat on the opposite side of Si Nan Xia. He was silent for a while and finally said a word.

"What are you criticizing? I don't think we should criticize you, but we should also praise you. You see, Haiyang county has opened up a situation now. I heard that the investment attraction of Linshan town is good. No enterprise is willing to invest for many years. Now you are not happy to have investment.".

"But it's just because of the investment promotion that people have lost their lives. No, Secretary Tang asked me to come. It's probably because of this.".

"Well, what's going on in the newspapers and on the Internet is really outrageous. But now that public opinion is free, we can't control other people's mouths. What can we do? We can only do our own thing well. If we let others lead by the nose, it will be troublesome. You must jump out of this circle.".

"But someone must stand up and take responsibility for this, otherwise, there is no way to explain to the society.".

"Well, what are you going to do?" Sinan asked.

"It's said that Ding Changsheng can't bear the responsibility for this, and there's Zhongjia's face in it. But minister he's also very troublesome. He Fei's training went down and something happened to me. Minister he and you are not good-looking here, so I'm also scratching my head. Yesterday, Secretary Tang asked me to come here today, and I'm still struggling.". Lin Chunxiao looked at Si Nan Xia's face as he spoke. However, he didn't seem to have any reaction. It seems that after he became deputy secretary, his joy and anger were not reflected in his appearance. When he was the Secretary of the Commission for discipline inspection before, he scolded and scolded without discussion.

"It's really hard to make Lao he. He's the only one who wants to become a successor. Now it seems that he can't help up the wall. He used to be like this when he was in the city. Now it's even more troublesome when he comes down. I've been keeping an eye on Ding Changsheng, not because of anything else, but because he saved Jiayi, which Jiayi often mentions But you are also right. Someone must take responsibility for this. He is the mayor of the town. According to the responsibility system of the chief executive, he should also bear the responsibility. Let's do it like this. He is still young. It's OK to have some experience. ". The next few words of Sinan decided the fate of Ding Changsheng.

"Old leader, is this unfair? As far as I know, he did not have much responsibility in this matter, and after the incident, he took the initiative to take the responsibility of solving the problem. Yesterday, he reported that he had contacted the party concerned, and the problem should be solved soon.".

"There is no absolute fairness in the world. Just like this, you mentioned it. If you don't handle this matter well, some people will say that you are unfair. You have just established your foothold in Haiyang county. I don't want to lose anything. Things in the officialdom are changing rapidly. It's good to be a man and do things. It's better to be careful.". Sinan Xia said meaningfully. Lin Chunxiao of course also understood the meaning of the old leader, because the old leader was surrounded by many powerful enemies in the city. If one is not careful, it may bring the enemy the reason to attack him because of his negligence. Therefore, the management of matters and people on the field is never isolated.Although Ding Changsheng insisted on waiting for himself to deal with the affairs of the Li family before leaving, Lin Chunxiao made up his mind and asked him to hand over his work to Kou Dapeng. In order to show the county's attention to this matter, Lin Chunxiao dismissed Wang Baili and Ding Changsheng in one breath, and let Kou Dapeng, the deputy county magistrate, temporarily manage the whole town.

In this way, the suicide case of Li Erque in the town government ended with compensation of 300000 yuan and the removal of the mayor and secretary.

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