Almost all people don't believe that this is the result of the Li Erque incident, but it is true. Some people say that Ding Changsheng was wronged and suffered for others, while others say that he is sharp and sharp. It is inevitable that such an outcome will occur.

But Ding Changsheng didn't pay attention to these things. For such a result, he once tried to avoid it. However, he thought that he was too kind. If he could treat others with sincerity, he would not deceive me and do everything with sincerity. However, this idea is good. The reality is much more cruel. He originally wanted to take over the right to deal with this matter from He Fei He wanted to be able to avoid the frustration, which he thought could not be avoided.

"Changsheng, if you want to open up a little bit, you are still young. Secretary Lin has no way to do this. If you continue to be mayor of the town, you may be attacked more. In another sense, it is also your protection. You should realize this.". In Ding Changsheng's office, Kou Dapeng and Ding Changsheng sit opposite each other. These two people became friends because of a woman, but the relationship between them now is far more than that at that time.

"Uncle, I know, who let me have no one behind me. Secretary Lin has no way to deal with it. It's better to pinch soft persimmons. I've recognized it. However, uncle, I really don't want to leave Linshan town. Now I'm just beginning to get better. I'm really not willing to.".

"Don't worry, there won't be any accident if I stay here.". Kou Dapeng comforted him that if a deputy county magistrate was appointed concurrently as secretary and mayor of the town, we could see how hasty Lin Chunxiao was when he made this decision. Even the members of the connecting class dared to do so without being ready. It was indeed a knife of the Discipline Inspection Commission at that time.

"Forget it, uncle. I know you can't stay here for long. Forget it. If you don't want me to stay here, I just want to go further. My undergraduate education has not been completed. I plan to take a good rest for a period of time and take down the bachelor's degree. If you don't stay here, you will have a place to stay.".

"Hey, you boy, who are you going to fight with?"

"Uncle, you should understand me. It's hard to bear the responsibility for others. Forget it. I've finished the handover of mine. I haven't really had a good rest in the past two years. Take this opportunity to have a good time.". Ding Changsheng comforted himself.

Lin Chunxiao asked Luo Xiangyue to call Ding Changsheng and ask him to come to the county Party committee, saying that he wanted to talk with him. However, Ding Changsheng's friends wanted to see him off, but Ding Changsheng had already driven dozens of kilometers away. Lin Chunxiao asked Luo Xiangyue to call Ding Changsheng and ask him to come to the county Party committee, saying that he wanted to talk with him. But Ding Changsheng said that his family was still hospitalized in the provincial capital, so he had to I went to the provincial capital. Since I didn't hold the government post, I planned to accompany my family well.

"This bastard, this is angry with me.". Lin Chunxiao listens to Luo Xiangyue's report and laughs, but he doesn't take it seriously.

"No one should be angry, secretary. I think Ding Changsheng is wronged.". Luo Xiangyue complained for Ding Changsheng.

"Do you think he was wronged?" Lin Chunxiao asked.

"Well, I think it's OK for him to do the work. What's the reason for this? You know it. Why?"

"Yes, we all know what's going on? But the public don't know. If you look at the media, can he still do it? I have a reason to avoid him. If you look through his resume again, it's so simple and so young. If you dig deeply, maybe there will be more things. Let's make him disappear in the public's sight, and we can talk about it later.

"Oh, I say, but why don't you tell him about it?"

"Look at this guy, the whole child's temper. Does he give me a chance to say it? Forget it. You can talk to him sometime. I don't care about him now.".

The autumn sun shines on the earth. Ding Changsheng holds the steering wheel with one hand to make the car drive steadily on the road to Jiangdu. One hand reaches out of the car, facing the oncoming wind, he stretches out his hand and feels the cold autumn wind.

When the car passed a hill, a man suddenly jumped out of the grass in front of him, which scared Ding Changsheng. He stepped on the brake in a hurry. After a smell of burnt car tires, Ding Changsheng recalled it. Looking ahead, the car was only one meter away. He kicked the door open, got out of the car and pointed to both Said a girl with her hands around her body.

"If you want to die, why do you have to blackmail me.

"Ouch, I'm scared to death. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm also in a hurry. A friend of mine was caught by some hooligans, and he had to ask us to take the money. Otherwise, he would sell us. I'm sneaking out. Can you take me for a while? Ah, they're coming here. Hurry up, please.". The girl asked pitifully, and Ding Changsheng followed the direction of the girl's fingers and saw several men running towards this side with sticks.

"Is that true? You didn't steal, did you? " Ding Changsheng asked in disbelief.

"What's the matter? Come on. Do you think I'm a thief like this? Give me my mobile phone, I will call the police first, otherwise Xiaomeng will be finished. ". The girl ran to Ding Changsheng's car, but Ding Changsheng didn't run. Since he was dismissed, he always wanted to find someone to fight. Originally, he wanted to go to the provincial capital to report for a boxing class, find a few meat bombs to fight every day, and vent his feelings. Unexpectedly, he met him today. If what the girl said is true, saving one life is better than building a seven level butcher Ding Changsheng has been practicing the thirteen Taiji movements of a turbid Taoist, but doing good deeds is the same principle. Both Buddhism and Taoism are of benefit to the world."Over there, hey, I've got into the car. Hey, chick, get down. If you don't get off, I'll take the car with me right away. Are you going?" At this time, Ding Changsheng stood beside him, but it seemed that these people ignored him directly.

"Old three, go up, pull this little girl down, and dare to run. Let's see how we can deal with you when we go back.".

Before the words fell, a guy was going to pull the door, but she was locked by the girl. She hid in the middle of the back seat, shivering all over, nervously watching the villains outside the car. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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