When Ding Changsheng stepped on the land of Jiangdu airport, his heart was completely quiet. Only when he got to his own site could he settle down.

"Where are you going? I'll see you off."

"No, I have a car to pick you up. It's hard for you. I'll go back and report the situation first. I'll call you when I have time.". Zhou Hongqi then picked up his bag and walked out of the airport alone. Ding Changsheng followed him. Sure enough, as soon as he got out of the hall door, he saw a man in sunglasses taking over Zhou Hongqi's bag. Zhou Hongqi immediately got on the bus and left.

Ding Changsheng could not have such a good life. He had to take the airport bus to return to the city by himself. When he turned on his mobile phone, he saw several phone calls. Among them, Luo Xiangyue was the most frequently called one. His mobile phone and landline phone added up to seven or eight calls.

So I quickly went back to her.

"Ding Changsheng, you are willing to call me at last. What's the matter? You're going to play missing all the time. Don't call me if you have the ability.".

"No, sister Luo, it's like this. I was on the plane just now, so the phone was turned off. What's the matter? What's the instruction from sister Luo?"

"Instructions? How dare I tell you, Ding Changsheng, you are really nothing. When I went to the provincial capital to see you that day, you agreed that you would not leave Haiyang county. Did you say that at that time? What I want to ask is, are you really bullshit

Ding Changsheng was stunned. Sure enough, it did come, but it came too fast. Zhonghua said that it would take a few months. Has the arrangement been made now? And I didn't say hello to him before. If so, I had nothing to say. I did not want to leave Haiyang County in order not to leak the news.

"Well, I'm right. I have no words.". Seeing Ding Changsheng on the other end of the phone, Luo Xiangyue thought that he had said too much, and he also had a little regret. What did he say about a colleague who was going to leave? As the saying goes, if there are many friends and many roads, why do you have to do this?

"Sister Luo, in fact, I, I also know today that you care so much about me, but for the sake of revolutionary work, we should learn to hide our feelings. We are a brick of revolution, where we need to move..."

"Ding Changsheng, you go to die.".

"Dudu..." Ding Changsheng's ears came a busy tone, he laughed and dialed the phone.

"Ding Changsheng, don't call me in the future. I don't have colleagues like you.". Luo Xiangyue was flushed by Ding Changsheng's words just now. But after thinking about it, he has not been so heartless all the time. Moreover, before that, they often joked, but why couldn't he afford to make a joke this time? Think about answering Ding Changsheng's call again.

"Sister Luo, I went on a tour this time, so I don't know what happened. You scold me when you answer the phone. I have to know why I was scolded. What's the matter?"

"Don't you really know? If you give me more time, she will reuse you. Why can't you be so impatient? There are no other people here. You can tell me the truth, aren't you Do you remember secretary Lin? " At this time, Luo Xiangyue's temper has also softened. No matter how much she said she could become the Secretary of the county Party committee secretary, Ding Changsheng had a lot to do with it. So she felt that her words were heavy.

"Sister Luo, I'm here to clarify a point. First, I don't know what to order. Second, I don't remember anyone. I said that I'm responsible for what I do, but I don't want to bear the blame. I've been in the officialdom for some time. I understand the rules, but I can't do anything too far." 。

"I see what you mean. Do you have to go this time?" Luo Xiangyue asked.

"Do you think there's still something going on here, sister Luo? What's more, I also believe in one word, that is, trees move to death, and people move to live. If you don't stay here, you have to stay. Where can't I be a Luobu? "

"Well, yes, you have finally admitted that you are the Lord now. Well, director Ding, I wish you prosperity as soon as possible, and then you will be able to glorify your ancestors.".

"Director? What director? Sister Luo, can you make it clear? I don't quite understand. Ding Changsheng really does not know what position Zhonghua has arranged for himself, but he will never be the director of the district government office. It is forbidden by the district head. Zhonghua is only the executive deputy district chief, and it is impossible to make him an office director.

"Don't you really know? I heard that you should go to Xinhu District of Huzhou City to be the deputy director of the education supervision office of the district government. But how do I feel that it seems to be degraded use? You are still a normal subject in our Linshan Town, but you have become a Deputy Branch there. So you want to work there as a deputy director with no real power? " Luo Xiangyue said a little sarcastically.

"Well, for a person like me who has made mistakes, the party and the people can still let me work and reward me with food. As for what kind of official and what to do, I don't choose jobs. Who makes me strong? Is it sister Luo?""Hey, you're fat, you're still breathing. OK, I've said all the good things. It seems that I can't keep you, the great God. How about it? When will I come back to see you off? I don't think you can come back this time. Anyway, we are also colleagues. ".

"Sister Luo, you're too polite. In a few days, I'll go back in a few days, and there are still some things left. It's good to finish the work by the way.". Ding Changsheng's voice is also a little low. To tell the truth, he really does not want to leave Linshan Town, because there are too many dreams of him. There are his roots. But now he must leave his own roots like dandelion and go to other countries to take root and sprout.

Deputy director of the education supervision office, he really didn't expect that Zhonghua would arrange such a position for him. It seems that Zhonghua is not very good to carry out his work there. Of course, there may be no suitable position now. Let Ding Changsheng familiarize himself with the environment first.

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