At the beginning, everyone thought that Ding Changsheng was only temporarily away for a period of time, and many people were rumored that Ding Changsheng would go to the Party School of the provincial Party committee. However, after only one month, the news came that Ding Changsheng was transferred to the deputy director of the education supervision office of Xinhu district government of Huzhou City. Many people were shocked, but they really couldn't imagine who he had caught up with A wing flew to the next city.

However, some well-informed people soon heard that Zhonghua, the old county chief of Haiyang County, was transferred to the executive deputy district chief of Xinhu District, Huzhou City. No wonder Ding Changsheng, the boy, would go there.

Xia Hehui seems to have become Ding Changsheng's foothold in Haiyang county. He has entertained Luo Xiangyue here. Today, it is not Luo Xiangyue who comes here, but Hu Jiajia, director of the Haiyang county government office. This is one of several people who have a good relationship in Haiyang county.

When did you find such a place? It's hidden. As soon as Hu Jiajia entered the door, she was taken into the private room in the backyard by Xia Hehui.

"I'm in Haiyang county now. I'm playing a role that everyone yells at. How dare I show up in the street? So I'd better be careful. If it wasn't for meeting you, I wouldn't come back. It's not good to find someone to handle the transfer procedures.". Ding Changsheng winks at Xia Hehui, and she closes the door and exits.

"Cut, you seem to be pitiful. Indeed, you are now a celebrity in Haiyang county. They all say that you have great skills. All of a sudden you went to Huzhou. How can you look at the small place of Yangxian in Shanghai?"

"Sister Hu, what you said is that I betrayed my country. Haiyang county is my hometown, and I don't want to leave. I can't help it. Well, sister Hu, I'll meet you on my way to deliver a message for the mayor of Zhongxian. He must have black eyes when he went to Xinhu District, so he asked me to ask you if he had ever thought of changing places?"

Hu Jiajia thought that Ding Changsheng was looking for her just to say goodbye. But when Ding Changsheng said this, she was very surprised. She didn't expect that Zhonghua still remembered her. No matter how the leaders use you, they can't help thinking about you at the critical moment. This is a kind of trust.

"Is that what the magistrate of Zhongxian really said?"

"Look at you, I dare to joke about this. I think he really wants to transfer you. Of course, as for the position, I don't know. From my arrangement, it can be seen that you can't hold a very important position just after you go.".

"It's nothing. Can you let me think about it for a few days, and the county magistrate has always been good to me. If I want to leave, I have to make it clear to the county magistrate and allow him a chance to find someone.". Hu Jiajia said.

"Ha ha, I can't see that elder sister Hu is still a kind and righteous person. No wonder county magistrate Zhong wants you to help him. I wonder if he has a crush on you?" Ding Changsheng joked.

"Ding Changsheng, your mouth is still so smelly. How can anything change its flavor when it comes to your mouth? A woman like Xie Heyang can't look up to, let alone me? Well, I can warn you, if you don't mention it in the future, otherwise, don't blame me for turning my face. ". Hu Jiajia belongs to a fox. He turns his face when he says it's over.

"Hey, sister Hu, I haven't seen each other for a long time. Are you serious? Come on, I'm in love with you, OK? "

"You really can't spit Ivory out of your mouth. I don't want to hear that in the future. Besides, what's the relationship between you and the owner of this hotel? How can I see her look at you wrong? I tell you, the wind is very tight now. Don't get angry. You can't get rid of these women. What do you do? And you should know these lessons. ". Hu Jiajia said solemnly.

"I know this. I know it in my mind. I am so decent and never engage in such a mess. I can guarantee this with Party spirit.".

"Cut, you can do whatever you like, it has nothing to do with me, anyway, I have warned you, and then someone will cry.". Hu Jiajia absolutely didn't believe what Ding Changsheng said, so he didn't take it seriously.

After dinner in Xia Hehui's restaurant, Hu Jiajia leaves, while Ding Changsheng falls asleep on the sofa in the private room. After Xia Hehui came in, she added a blanket to Ding Changsheng for fear of catching cold.

Just want to leave, by Ding Changsheng a hold.

"What are you doing? Are you really leaving? " Xia Hehui sat on the edge of the sofa. At first, she didn't believe it. But when she served the food just now, she heard Ding Changsheng and Hu Jiajia talking, and she knew that Ding Changsheng really wanted to go.

"Well, what are you going to do here? I'm gone. What do you do? "

"Am I not all alone? I went to prison a few days ago. Shi Lei agreed to divorce. I think I will be free after I get married, and I will have nothing to worry about. ".

"Well, if you want to continue to work as a hotel, I'll pay you as capital. If you want to find a job, I'll find you a job. How about it?"

"What? Are you going to let me be your mistress for the rest of your life Xia Hehui asked with a straight face.

"Why is it so bad to say? If you want me to marry you, you can, or I will marry you?""Hum, you dare to marry me again

"As long as you dare to marry, I will. Do you believe it?"

"Forget it, you, I'm not going to marry you. You're a little cream eater. I'm so old. I can't afford to be called an old cow eating tender grass. Do you really want me to go to Huzhou?"

"Go ahead, I'm going. It's not good for you to work in the hotel alone. Besides, Shi Lei is in it. You must have a lot of pressure here. There's no need to suffer from this crime. Follow me, I won't let you suffer any injustice.".

"I believe that. I just want to know how many women do you have? Especially women like me. Xia Hehui lies on Ding Changsheng's chest. Her face and Ding Changsheng's face are very close and close to each other.

"I don't know how many good sisters you have, but you can rest assured that you have always been my good sister. No matter how many sisters there are, the older sister is still important, don't you think?" Ding Changsheng turns over and presses Xia Hehui on the sofa. At this time, their faces are still very close, but their angles are different. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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