When he went to work on Monday, Ding Changsheng held his first meeting. The theme of the meeting was the next work of the education supervision office. These people in the education supervision office were used to idleness and thought that Ding Changsheng was just three fires when a new official took office, so they didn't care much at first. But after Ding Changsheng threw the topic out, everyone's eyes were straight.

"Director Ding, we admit that what you said is true, but it is too big to implement without the consent of the Bureau.". Yang Huacheng expressed concern.

"I know that's why we should first unify our opinions, so as to avoid the time when we are in chaos. All along, others take the supervision office as a subsidiary organ of the Education Bureau, and we have to listen to the Bureau in everything. However, the main task of the supervision office and the supervision office is to supervise, so from now on, we should deal with the unhealthy tendencies in the education system of Xinhu district And education related matters are under the supervision of the supervision office. I know that this is a work that offends people. If anyone doesn't want to do it, they can put it forward now. I am responsible for coordinating him to be transferred out of the Department. ". Ding Changsheng said with a cold face.

No one said anything, but Chen Hongqiang looked at Ding Changsheng with different eyes, but all of them were ignored by Ding Changsheng. What he wants now is the unity of mind, at least there must be no internal problems.

"Well, since everyone doesn't want to quit, I understand that everyone supports my work. There are two senior middle schools, three junior middle schools, seven primary schools and 21 kindergartens in the whole district. I think we should take a week to go through it and feel the actual situation. I think the focus is still on primary school, junior high school and high school. We should first understand It is the problem of teachers' ethics. I think that teachers can't be called teachers if they don't teach well in class and let students pay for tutoring classes after class. Since they like to teach outside tutorial classes so much, they should not stay in school and teach full-time outside. ". Although Ding Changsheng's tone is not very fierce, there is too much information in it. He wants to dismiss a group of teachers as an example.

But it's not within his power to expel the teacher, so it's up to the bureau to deal with it later.

"Well, let's divide it into two groups. One is to stay and watch the house, and the rest are to visit. Yang Min and I are in the same group. Liang Zhenming and sister Chen are in the same group. Lao Yang, you stay to watch the house. Do you have any questions?"

"I have a question, director. Can I change the group? I'm in the same group as Liang Zhenming?" Yang Min timidly raised his hand and said.

Ding Changsheng was stunned and looked at Yang Huacheng. He said helplessly, "I have no problem. Let's go to the bureau to say hello. I'll take action tomorrow. I'll emphasize the discipline. The purpose of this matter is confidential. If anyone leaks out, don't blame me for turning over and not recognizing people.".

Since listening to Yang Huacheng's words, every time he sees Zheng Xiaoai, he can't help but rely on Zheng Xiaoai as a mistress. Let alone, Zheng Xiaoai really has the capital and potential to be a mistress. However, being a mistress also belongs to the type of a good wife and a good mother, because from this woman's eyes, you can't see that kind of evil things, but more intelligent. This may be done with her It has something to do with teachers.

"Xiaoding? What do you want from me Zheng Xiaoai looks at Ding Changsheng who knocks at the door and asks in a bit of surprise. The former deputy director of the supervision office never comes to her, but this Ding Changsheng runs frequently.

"Director Zheng, there is something to report.".

"Oh, sit down and talk.". Zheng Xiaoai pointed to the chair opposite the desk and said.

"I'd like to take a look at the following schools to learn about the education situation in our district schools, and come to see if director Zheng has any instructions?"

"Oh, this is a good thing. To be honest, our bureau has no time to go down and sit in the office to listen to the report. It's a bit bureaucratic. Well, since you have this plan, I'll ask the office to say hello to the schools below.".

"No, no, director Zheng. I'm here to report this matter to the director general. You are the director of the supervision office. As for the greeting, you still don't want to do it. Only in this way can we see the real side.".

"Ha ha, Xiaoding, you are right. I can't see that you are young, but you are very experienced in work.".

"Director Zheng, don't praise me. I can't help praising it.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile, but it's easy to forget himself. Ding Changsheng is absolutely ecstatic today. At least Zheng Xiaoai is a little uncomfortable.

"Well, I know about it.". Zheng Xiaoai restrained her smile and said, "this is equivalent to asking for leave. Ding Changsheng is not good enough to stay and talk. Besides, there is really nothing else to talk about with Zheng Xiaoai in addition to the work.

After watching Ding Changsheng leave the office, Zheng Xiaoai can't help standing up to the window and watching Ding Changsheng walk out of the building to his car. What the hell is this boy doing? The supervision room has always been a place for providing for the aged. She had doubts about why the deputy director of the supervision office let such a young person go. Now it seems that there is a problem. This boy will not come Look for her.

although she is also the director of the education supervision room, she is the director of education. She has the final say in the education system. Even if there is a problem in the education system, will she supervise herself? However, it's hard to know if something will happen to such a young man. No, we can't be so indifferent. We should be prepared for everything.Ding Changsheng opened the door and sat in his car. Thinking about the conversation with Zheng Xiaoai just now, he couldn't figure out what was wrong with this woman. However, he just felt that there was something wrong with her. Was it that intellectuality covered up evil, or was she an intellectual woman?

When I was about to start the car to leave, I found that there was a Mercedes Benz sports car beside my car. Did anyone in the Education Bureau drive such a good car?

"Well, master, whose Mercedes Benz is in the parking lot?" When going out, Ding Changsheng asked the doorman.

"Who are you? Why do you ask so many questions?" Obviously, the security guard didn't know Ding Changsheng, so he was not polite.

"Oh, it's nothing. I scraped it when I backed up just now. You can tell me for me later. I'll go first.". With that, he stepped on the gas and went out the door. "Come back, you boy, come back. It's our director's car. Come back..."

"It turned out to be Zheng Xiaoai's car, and an education director actually drove a Mercedes Benz sports car. This is really interesting.". Ding Changsheng said to himself naturally.

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