After gathering in the Bureau, Ding Changsheng and Chen Hongqiang get on the bus and go straight to Huzhou No.1 middle school. According to Ding Changsheng's understanding, the teachers of Huzhou No.1 middle school and affiliated primary school are the best high schools and primary schools in Huzhou City.

"Director Ding, such a thing is very common all over the country. Why do you have to hold on to this matter? Besides, you haven't heard of any local supervision office's measures for such a thing?" Chen Hongqiang asked at this time. On the one hand, she was puzzled. On the other hand, it was also to remind Ding Changsheng that the matter was not as simple as he imagined. There was a very mature interest chain behind it. He would offend a large number of people by doing so, and it would not do any good to his official career.

"Other people don't care, that's what they don't do. I have to do what I should do one day when I'm in this position. What's more, if the students have already paid the money, then the teacher should teach well. If half of the teaching is in class, and the other half needs the students to get money from others, do you think it's fair?"

Ding Changsheng helped the steering wheel and whispered, "in fact, this is still a superficial injustice. You have not seen the deep unfairness.".


"If the teacher doesn't finish teaching the courses that should be taught in the class, he will only teach the rest of the courses only after the students get money to go to the tutorial class. Well, even if the students are willing to go to the tutorial class, have you considered that the family conditions of the students are different. It is very likely that the hundreds of yuan is the living expenses of a poor family for one month, so it is very likely that these students will not If you go to a tutorial class, the result is that the academic performance of these children will slowly drop, which will lead to difficulties in entering higher education and even failing to get into a good school. Then, it will affect their life. This is what I am most worried about. ". Ding Changsheng crossed the crossroads with a gas pedal, but Chen Hongqiang was attracted by Ding Changsheng's remarks just now. She always thought that Ding Changsheng was doing this activity for the sake of the new official taking office. She never thought that there would be such great significance behind this event.

I didn't think about it so much. I didn't think it was meaningful. Although Chen Hongqiang is still adamant, her tone is much more gentle.

"Sister Chen, do you think I have nothing to do to show my existence?"

To tell you the truth, I really thought that at first.

"It's no wonder that most people are used to a lot of things in the current society. This is the most terrible habit. When no one thinks it is unreasonable, it will become a deeply rooted thing and it will be difficult to change it in the future.".

"For example?" Chen Hongqiang sat on the copilot and turned slightly to ask.

"For example, our reform and opening up are basically successful, but there are two particular failures. One is the medical reform, the other is the education reform, and the industrialization of medical care. As long as we are in the hospital, we will become a white striped chicken. Do you like it or not? I believe that as long as people don't want to die and how expensive they are, doctors depend on selling drugs Alive, you say he's wrong? He also wants to support his family. The more drugs he sells, the more money he will make. Now the industrialization of education is the same. Originally, education should be borne by the state, but education is pushed to the society, which leads to this situation. Doctors lose their medical ethics and teachers' ethics. Many people see this, but they don't want to manage it. This is No As, I don't want to be an official who doesn't act. Nu, there are so many people in front of me? There seems to be something wrong. Huzhou No. 1 middle school arrived, but there were many people in front of the school, which seemed to be noisy, and ambulances roared out.

"It seems that something really happened.". After waiting for the car to stop steadily, Chen Hongqiang was the first to jump out of the car and run to the school gate.

Ding Changsheng followed and squeezed through the noisy crowd. At this time, the police also came. Ding Changsheng was worried about the vicious incident of off campus personnel attacking students. However, seeing that there were no signs of disturbance at the door, he was relieved.

"What's the matter? I'm from the district education supervision office. This is my ID card. Let me in. ". Ding Changsheng handed his certificate to the security personnel.

"I'm sorry, no one is allowed to go in now. Something is being dealt with now. The headmaster said that no one can go in.".

"Fart your mother, get out of the way, and you've read the certificate. If you interfere with your official business, I promise you'll have a lot to eat.".

"You, how do you swear?".

"What's wrong with you? Get out of the way, or I'll beat you.". Ding Changsheng pushed aside the security guard and entered the campus with Chen Hongqiang. At this time, he saw another ambulance driving into the campus. At this time, several teachers like people carrying a person ran down from the upstairs.

Ignoring the pursuit of the security guard behind, Ding Changsheng ran to the ambulance. He saw several teachers carrying a girl to the side of the ambulance with curtains. He saw the girl foaming at the mouth, and there was a smell of pesticide. It was obvious that this was the symptom of poisoning.

"What's going on? How can the child get poisoned?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Who are you? How did you get in? " Asked a teacher like man.

"I'm from the district education supervision office. My name is Ding. I ask you what's going on? who are you? The person in charge? " Ding Changsheng asked.This made the teacher even more nervous. Looking at the poisoned girl being carried to the ambulance, she said with a little relief: "I'm the principal Zhu Hongjun. This is an accident. It's an accident. Director Ding, come to the office and have a drink of water.". Zhu Hongjun remembered that he received a telephone call from Zheng Xiaoai, director of education yesterday. He said that people from the district education supervision office would come to the school to investigate and ask him to prepare. How could he know that such a thing had happened after self-study.

Ding Changsheng takes a look at Chen Hongqiang. Chen Hongqiang takes advantage of the chaos and slowly withdraws from the sight of these people, while Ding Changsheng follows Zhu Hongjun to the headmaster's office. There is no way to do it. The current research is just the same: drinking tea, eating dinner, listening to the report and going back to write a report. It's so simple.

Chen Hongqiang asked the students and found the teacher of the student who had just been carried away. At this time, the police also arrived and were collecting evidence in the classroom. Although Chen Hongqiang didn't go in, her perspective was different. At a glance, she saw a few lines of slanted characters on the blackboard. These words were written by the students, but the content surprised Chen Hongqiang and called quickly To Ding Changsheng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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