"Third, we also find that many teachers and school leaders have taken bribes on a large scale. Some of the bribers are students and most of them are parents. Here, I have to say that as engineers of the human soul, some teachers really do not want to be called teachers. They will know the situation of their children's families as soon as they enter school Some parents of children are rich, and those parents are powerful. In their mind, they have already divided the students into three, six and nine grades, so... " The meeting room of the Standing Committee is very quiet.

"Fourth point,..."


Ding Changsheng did not sit on the chair temporarily moved by the office staff, but just stood at the place where he just entered the door and talked. Some things these standing committee members know, who has no children? Whose children don't go to school? But they just listen to it, and they really don't pay attention to it. So when someone put all these things in front of them, they knew that the school and the teachers were not the situation of their time.

"Dear leaders, this is the work of our supervision office during this period of time. Please criticize and correct and give more opinions.". After bowing, Ding Changsheng still stood there without looking at Zheng Xiaoai. This woman was so insidious that she pulled herself here to report to the Standing Committee without knowing what to do.

However, in Zheng Xiaoai's eyes, she did not think that Ding Changsheng was very cunning. She had always been on guard against Ding Changsheng. She didn't expect that this guy could really succeed. She wanted to take this opportunity to beat him up so that she could use it for her own use. However, it seemed that she hated herself. She couldn't help laughing. She was a little child, and she still had a grudge.

"Well, well, what else do you want to ask?" Liu Chengan takes a look at Ding Changsheng, who stands like a javelin, looks around everyone and asks.

After more than ten seconds, no one spoke, Liu Chengan said to Ding Changsheng: "OK, you go out first, do a good job.". I haven't forgotten a word of encouragement.

At this time, we unconsciously looked at Zhong Hua. We knew that Ding Changsheng was Zhonghua's former secretary. We almost saw a joke today, but his performance after Ding Changsheng was a bit amazing. If ordinary people come in and see so many leaders, they can't break down after being scolded by the old leaders. The most likely thing is to turn around and leave But Ding Changsheng didn't, step by step, bit by bit, and said it in an orderly way without any confusion. This is the working ability, and it also reflects a problem, that is, Ding Changsheng really participated in the whole work process, otherwise, it would not have been possible to remember it so clearly.

"Xiao Zheng, it should be said that the work of the supervision office has been very solid during this period of time, but these problems have a long history, and it is impossible to solve them overnight. We mean to stop first and not to expand the area. For those found out, we should give a slight punishment. After all, they are teachers who have been teaching for many years. If you beat them to death with one stick, I'm afraid it will cause more social problems Go back to consider our opinions and come up with a practical method, OK. Liu Cheng'an always talks to Zheng Xiaoai in this way, which makes Zheng Xiaoai a bit unbearable. She knows what this is because of. She feels humiliated just because she knows what it is. She prefers to be like other normal staff members, even if she is scolded by the leaders.

She stood up and walked away. Everyone didn't take it seriously and continued the meeting.

Liu Chengan glanced at Chen Zhenhua, deputy secretary of the District Committee, and motioned him to preside over the meeting.

Chen Zhenhua cleared his throat and said, "let's start today's first item to discuss several personnel issues. Please tell me the general situation.". Since the Standing Committee members have communicated with each other in advance before the meeting, such a meeting will take a form and be decided in the form of the Standing Committee. Of course, if there is no result to be discussed below, it will be brought to the Standing Committee. Although it is unlikely that a show of hands will be held, it means that the matter is seriously divided.

"Let's first talk about the vacancy of deputy director of Longgang sub district office. This candidate should be determined today. It should be popular, but it is hot. After discussion, it has not been decided. There are several candidates, Hu Changlong, now working in the District Statistics Bureau, Li Ming Ming Ming, now working in the social security department of the Municipal Finance Bureau, all of them are at the deputy section level Willing to go down to the grassroots to exercise themselves, please discuss it. After Tang Lingling, head of the organization, closed her notebook for taking notes. He was familiar with the situation of these two people, so he didn't need to introduce them any more.

As a matter of fact, everyone knows that the reason why they are stuck on this candidate is that Longgang sub district office is located in the old city, and Xinhu district is facing a major difficulty in the demolition and reconstruction of the old city. The deputy director of the street does not look very well. However, the deputy director is to take a part-time job as the director of the demolition office of the whole street office. His power is not small and his responsibilities are the same It's big.

Yang Nanfei, the head of the District, recommended Hu Changlong, while Chen Zhenhua, deputy secretary of the District Committee, recommended Li Ming Ming Ming. As a result, things froze and no one would give in. It was very difficult for the remaining members of the Standing Committee to do so. Moreover, Yang Nanfei and Chen Zhenhua had no lack of communication with these standing committee members in private. However, the timing is very clever, because news is spreading wildly in the district Liu Cheng'an, Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, is likely to be promoted to vice mayor of the city. After this position is vacant, Chen Zhenhua, deputy secretary of the CPC Central Committee, and Yang Nanfei, district chief, also want to fight for the position. Therefore, both of them do not want to give in to the position of deputy director of the street office. This is not only a matter of face, but more importantly, to let outsiders see who has the ability to compete for the position of district party secretary."Let me say a few words," said Yang Cuihong, the propaganda minister. "In fact, I have also looked at their resumes. I have to say that they have rich experience in institutions but lack of experience in grassroots units. I think this is also the reason why they want to train themselves in grass-roots work. However, the deputy head of the street office is not good. I'm afraid it can't be done without some experience in grassroots work. It's just demolition You can't pass it.

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