"Minister Yang has a candidate?" Tang Lingling, head of the Organization Department, recognized the meaning of Yang Cuihong's words. Not only she, but almost all the members of the Standing Committee could understand what she meant. That is, these two people are not suitable for this position. Although the experience of grass-roots work is not an inevitable requirement of this position, the leadership naturally wants to take it up immediately and use it instead of teaching you how to do it again Don't do it.

"I'm just talking about it. The propagandists can't do this job, so I don't have any candidates.". Yang Cuihong picked up the topic and then shrunk back. This kind of person is the most hateful, but it is often such a person who plays a role in the critical moment.

Half an hour later, seeing that this problem has been delayed for too long, Liu Cheng'an is very impatient, thinking, Chen Zhenhua and Yang Nanfei, I have not given you time. Since this matter has been frozen, I have said to the Standing Committee for discussion. You have not done a good job under yourself, so far you are still stuck here, putting me as the Secretary of the district Party committee Where to put it? Although I have to go, I haven't left yet? Don't pay attention to me so soon?

Liu Cheng'an thinks more but gets angry. He takes a sip of tea with his eyes narrowed. He puts the teacup on the table with a jingle, and the teacup covers the teacup. Everyone is shocked. This is a habit of Liu Cheng'an, which is equivalent to Mr. Shuoshu's astonishment. As long as the noise comes together, it means that he has to make a decision.

"I think what Comrade Cui Hong said is very good. Grassroots experience is very important. We choose capable cadres, not young men and soldiers. We have no time to train them one by one. If we have the ability, we can go up and if we can't, we will go down. In fact, when it comes to ability and grassroots work experience, there was just one? Didn't you notice? " Liu Cheng settled down and said.

Just now, there were two people coming in. One was Zheng Xiaoai, director of education; the other was Ding Changsheng, deputy director of district education supervision office. Zheng Xiaoai could not be deputy director of the street office, so only Ding Changsheng was left. This surprised everyone, and secretary Liu's ideas were too wild.

Zhonghua is shocked. He looks at Liu Cheng'an and feels that he doesn't seem to be joking. This is a bit of a puzzle. No one in this room does not know that Ding Changsheng was his secretary to Zhonghua, but he and Liu Chengan have no personal friendship. Why did Liu Chengan sell this favor to him? He was puzzled.

"Secretary Liu, you mean Comrade Ding Changsheng?" Tang Lingling asked. She was not sure whether Liu Chengan was talking about Ding Changsheng, so she asked again. In fact, she was also very stubborn as an organization minister. Her superior leader, Gu Qingshan, the organization Minister of the municipal Party committee, said more than once that she was too weak. The organization minister must have his own judgment and not be the echo of secretary and district head.

"What do you think?" Liu asked.

Just as everyone was thinking about what to say, Chen Zhenhua, deputy secretary of the district Party committee, who was quick to think about Liu Cheng'an's intention, rushed to say: "I agree with Secretary Liu that although Ding Changsheng is young, he has good ability. It is said that he has worked at the grass-roots level and should still have experience. I think Comrade Zhonghua should be very clear about this. Do you want to let Zhong Cheng an go Can you introduce us to Comrade Hua? " Chen Zhenhua was afraid that everyone would not know that Ding Changsheng was Zhonghua's secretary, so he made it clear again.

This makes Zhonghua very angry, what do you mean? First, the recommender, and then I was carried out. What I knew was good. What I didn't know was that I asked Secretary Liu to talk about it? Well, it's not right. In this way Zhong Hua peeked at Yang Nanfei, who had been silent for a long time. As expected, Yang Nanfei's face was not good-looking. What a powerful trick. Just by nominating Ding Changsheng as the deputy director of the street office, he succeeded in alienating the relationship between the district chief and the executive deputy director. By this time, everyone knew Liu Chengan's intention of nominating Ding Changsheng as deputy director of Longgang Street office 。

Every superior leader doesn't want his subordinates to be a piece of iron, so he always wants to make trouble for the people below to fight. But the premise is not to fight too hard. Now Huzhou City is dissatisfied with the province because of the fierce fighting. However, it seems that Liu Chengan still thinks that the fight in Xinhu district is not serious enough, and he is still digging holes and erecting beams everywhere.

"I don't think Ding Changsheng is suitable for the position of deputy director. His previous work was in villages and towns. Longgang sub district office is not a town, but a village in the city. For Ding Changsheng, he has no experience in urban management, so I don't think he is suitable.". Zhonghua tried his best to start counterattack, but at this time it was obvious that there was little strength in counterattack.

"No experience in urban management? It's good to have grass-roots experience. I think we should give people opportunities. Since secretary Liu has said so, he should try to do it. If he doesn't give a chance, it will be unfair to Comrade Ding Changsheng, right, secretary Liu. ". District Chief Yang Nanfei finally spoke, and once he spoke, he refuted Zhonghua, which made Zhonghua complain incessantly. Grandma, you fight yourself. Why do you want to implicate me?

"Lao Yang is right. It's settled.". Liu Chengan clapped his hands.

At this time, Ding Changsheng had not returned to the unit. He followed Zheng Xiaoai's car to the Education Bureau. However, he didn't go to a meeting or something, but just wanted to discuss with Zheng Xiaoai about today's affairs. So when Zheng Xiaoai got into her car and was ready to leave, Ding Changsheng also ran into her sports car regardless of her image.Along the way, Ding Changsheng seemed to be a resentful wife. She said it endlessly. Zheng Xiaoai was in the wrong, so she basically listened until she got to the unit. She answered the phone, "what? When did this happen? How can they do this? We have just made some achievements here, and they are going to dig people soon? " Zheng Xiao AI is angry not to hit a place to say.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Zheng Xiaoai take off the earphone, Ding Changsheng asks.

"What's the matter? Thank me, deputy director Ding. Zheng Xiaoai looked at Ding Changsheng with tears and laughter. He wanted Jiang Wenshan to give an order not to let Ding Changsheng leave, but he was afraid of any misunderstanding. So the idea came up several times and was suppressed by her several times.

"Thank you? By what? "

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