As a matter of fact, as soon as Zhonghua left the building, his driver saw it, and Passat had already opened it. However, after Zhonghua saw Ding Changsheng, he said something to the driver and went straight to Ding Changsheng's car. At this time, Ding Changsheng had just hung up Yang Fengqi's phone.

"Whose phone call is so engaged?" Zhonghua asked.

"No one, just a friend. Where do you want to go or have some lunch? I know a place where the lamb chops are baked. It's very good.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Well, you know everything about the Standing Committee?" Zhonghua opened the door and got into Ding Changsheng's warrior car.

"Yes, just know, Zheng Xiaoai said, so I come to pick up the leader and ask for experience. Whether I will go or not, I will listen to you.". Ding Changsheng did not start the car, but seriously turned to look at Zhonghua and asked.

"To tell you the truth, I don't want you to go there. The water is too deep, and this time it's obviously the temporary intention of secretary Liu. If I don't see you today, I guess it won't be the Secretary Chen and the district chief Yang who won, but someone else. Just because of your appearance, secretary Liu has a good idea to kill two birds with one stone, so you picked up a leak." 。

"Kill two birds with one stone? What do you mean Ding Changsheng asked.

"Go, go first. Let's talk when we get to the place.". Zhonghua held a meeting all morning, which seemed to be a bit out of interest. Ding Changsheng quickly started his car and went to a halal Hotel, which was said to be a restaurant. In fact, it was similar to farmhouse entertainment. However, there were all slaughtered sheep here. You can feel assured to eat it, especially cumin lamb chops, which is a bit of prairie flavor.

"Leader, have a beer.".

"No, I don't want to drink any more. I'm afraid the organization department will talk to you soon. During this time, I will have a good understanding of Longgang Street office. This place is not easy to make. It is said that the Secretary has been gone for two terms, but it has not been demolished. Everyone knows that this is a big cancer, which is planned in the city On the axis of economic development, if this can not pass the clearance of demolition, I am afraid the city will have opinions. ".

"I know, leader, what do you mean by killing two birds with one stone?"

"Originally, I have been watching your business, but now I am forced to a corner. Before, secretary Liu asked Deputy Secretary Chen to nominate a person, and Yang District Chief asked district chief yang to nominate a person. Clearly, he was watching the two fight, and he was trying to find a balance between them. But now, he is looking at the standoff between the two and pushing you out, which is actually pulling me out This is to hit a nail between me and district chief Yang. This move is not poisonous.

"Is there such a relationship?" Although Ding Changsheng was a little confused at first, he thought it was.

"What's more, my uncle's destination has been determined and he will go to the National People's Congress. In this way, we will have no roots and no ties in central and southern provinces. We have to rely on ourselves. That's why I have been so tolerant since I came here. I hope you will have a solid and solid work in the future, and you can't leave it to others A good example of this is the case of the building jump in Linshan town. You should bear your own responsibility. If you go far away, no matter what you do, no one will say anything about you. Remember not. ".

"Well, I remember, it's just that the demolition work is not easy to do. It's not for me to do the demolition, I don't do it.". Ding Changsheng murmured while gnawing at the lamb chops.

"Well, do you think that the reason why there are so many people arguing about this deputy director is that you have to do what you want to do, and you have to do it if you don't. only this deputy director is selected by the district and appointed by the secretary. Do you think it's so good to be the deputy director?"

"Can't you not go?"

"What do you say?"

"Well, how can I be so unlucky? In Linshan Town, it's because of land acquisition, and here it's urban demolition. Leaders, I really can't do this job. There are two competing for it. Let them come.". Ding Changsheng wiped his hands and said.

"Now, it's useless to say that. You should be honest and honest to take office. In fact, it's not difficult to demolish houses. It's just that you should have a heart of love for the people. Don't collude with developers. The work of the masses is still very good. If you do well in the demolition work, what else can't you do in the world? Don't scratch your head when it comes to demolition. In fact, most of the time, it's caused by insufficient communication. ".

Although he was not promoted, he was also in charge of one side of the land. So when Ding Changsheng knew that he really wanted to go to Longgang Street office to be deputy director, he was very proud for a while. But now, his interest has not been at all. Zhonghua said it is light. Any official is willing to do the demolition, unless he is kicked in the head by a donkey.

"Congratulations, director Ding. You have left the supervision office in such a short time. You are the shortest deputy director in our supervision office.". As soon as he entered the unit, Yang Hua's achievements met him. When he heard about the news, he could hardly believe it. Although he knew that Ding Changsheng had a backstage and would not spend a long time in the supervision office, he did not expect it to be so fast."There is nothing to be congratulated about. It's hard to go anywhere.".

"Director Ding, although you are still director Ding there, this director is not the same as that director Ding. It's just a pity that our work here has just improved a little. You have to leave again. I don't know how to do the next work. If those teachers who have been punished know that you are gone, the future work will be even more difficult.". Yang Huacheng looks distressed and seems to care about Ding Changsheng.

"Lao Yang, although you and I don't get along for a long time, I know that you are a comrade who is highly responsible for the work. I will mention you to Director Zheng. But as for the result, you also know that I can't make the decision. I hope that after I leave, you can take charge of the work and continue to do what we haven't finished, so as to make the education system of Xinhu District cleaner." 。 , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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