Ding Changsheng wanted to talk to Yang Huacheng, and Yang Huacheng also wanted to ask Ding Changsheng to bring Zheng Xiaoai some words. So when they were separated, they talked frankly. They changed their own requirements in the way of language processing, but the central meaning of the other party had already understood.

They were talking. Ding Changsheng's mobile phone rang. Ding Changsheng picked it up and had a look. It was actually the call from the director's office. Obviously, it was Zheng Xiaoai. Ding Changsheng held the phone for a while and didn't know whether to answer or not. So he could not help but look up at Yang Huacheng. Although the words were not finished, Yang Huacheng still quickly stood up to say hello After that, he went out and didn't forget to bring the door when he went out.

"Oh, Lao Yang, I didn't mean that.". Ding Changsheng's words were shut in the door, although Yang Huacheng also heard, but resolutely out of the door, leadership, who has no privacy?

"Chief, what can I do for you?" Finally, Ding Changsheng pressed the answer button.

"Orders? Ha ha, director Ding, it's not too late to say that it's too late, but I won't have this power in a few days, will I? "

"How can, as long as the director orders, I will go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate to do so.".

"Hum, director Ding, don't be glib at this meeting. If you know you're going to leave, you won't pay attention to me.". Zheng Xiaoai joked that in the past, she was a colleague, but also a superior subordinate relationship. Because of the lack of self-confidence brought about by her improper origin, Zheng Xiaoai has been deeply troubled by her. She pretends to be strong in front of any subordinates, and never jokes with any subordinates. She wants to maintain the dignity of the leadership. She can't help but rely on power to embolden herself now.

"Where and where, I'm telling the truth.". Ding Changsheng called Qu Dao.

"Well, that's what you said. Well, I'll see you all the same in the lake at night. I'll treat you to dinner there. I'll see you later.". Zheng Xiaoai almost bit his lips at this time, which shows how difficult it is to make this decision.

To be a mistress of others requires the consciousness of a mistress. The first thing is not to seduce other men. Although having a meal together is nothing, if Jiang Wenshan knows about it, he will not be jealous. Men are like this. Even if they are rusty at home, they are not allowed to take a look at them. This is the only unchangeable rule of ancient male animal evolution Sex.

"Well, I'm afraid I may not have time to go.". Ding Changsheng thought about it or refused.

"Director Ding, I know that you don't have a liquor Bureau tonight. Why don't you give this face just because you have to leave?" Although Zheng Xiaoai said it very easily, but the meaning of the threat is very clear.

"Director, it's not a matter of face, it's true, I really..."

"Well, I'll wait for you there. I'll see you again. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.". Zheng Xiaoai said hang up the phone, Ding Changsheng looked at his mobile phone, has shown that the call is over.

"The lake and the sky are the same? I haven't heard of it. Ding Changsheng murmured.

I've just come to Huzhou, and I don't even have a close friend, let alone inquire about such a place. Forget it, just go. Zheng Xiaoai, can you still eat me? Just because he was going to have dinner with Zheng Xiaoai, Ding Changsheng didn't dare to ask anyone about the place he had never heard of. Otherwise, he could ask Yang Huacheng and think about it. If there is any news, it's not for fun. The mistress of the Secretary of the Municipal Committee of the private Council still wants to hang out in Huzhou.

After work in the afternoon, Ding Changsheng deliberately left a few minutes late. When all the office workers left, he quietly walked out of the building's door and didn't drive. He walked along the street for a long time before he waved and stopped a taxi.

"To where?" As soon as Ding Changsheng got on the bus, the driver asked.

"The sky and the lake are the same, you know?"

"Oh, yes, but it's a little far away, sir. Do you want to come back in the evening? This is my call. If you do, call me and I'll pick you up.". The driver handed over a business card.

"Master, this is a little far away. What do you mean?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Have you not been there, sir?" The driver asked curiously.

"Well, ah, yes, for the first time.".

"Oh, sir, I'm not from Huzhou. The reason why Huzhou is called Huzhou is because of the intersection of lakes and rivers. I don't know exactly how many lakes there are. The lake sky is a resort built by the lake. It's about 30 kilometers away from the city. Anyway, I haven't gone in. It's all places where rich people play. It's said that there are also gambling What? It's owned by a Hong Kong person. It's very famous in Huzhou. Many officials go to play. ". The driver is very talkative, so he introduced the whole process in great detail.

Ding Changsheng curled his mouth and said to his heart, what you are pulling is an official. This Zheng Xiaoai, is not he eating a meal? What's the point of doing this? You can find a place to eat.

Sure enough, when the road turned a bend, we came to the lakeside sightseeing road. From a distance, we could see a hotel modeled after the Qatar sailing Hotel standing by the lake. We could also see several trestles extending into the lake."That's the same lake and sky, and it's also a five-star hotel in Huzhou.".

"Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"So you are not from Huzhou. Huzhou people all know that this place is a famous Xiaojin grottoes, where you can leave any money for one night.". The driver said triumphantly.

"OK, thank you. I'll call you back if I need to.". Ding Changsheng got out of the car at the door and walked in. Before he could ask the waiter if he had a room called Zheng Xiaoai Ding, his mobile phone rang again.

You seem to be on time. Zheng Xiaoai said on the phone.

"Leadership summon, how dare to be late, but in such a place seems to be a bit too high-level bar.".

"What do you love when I treat you and don't let you pay?"

"Really, I'll be relieved. I'll find you where you are now."

No, tell the waiter to send you to the Diaoyu Island.

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