Ding Changsheng borrowed Tian e-ru's electric car to go home this time. Sitting on the stone stool in front of his house, Ding Changsheng seemed a little disappointed. Chen Erdan is also married. When can he marry a woman to go home.

"Er Gou, you don't go to me when you come back. I'm so busy that I have to come to you.". Chen er'dan looks very energetic in his suit. He has a cigarette in his mouth. He still looks cynical.

"You are busy with you. I will be there tomorrow and I can't delay your business.".

"Hey, I haven't seen you for more than a year. I want to nag you.".

"Nag fart, where's your daughter-in-law? Why don't you come to see my big brother? I don't have any rules.".

"Well, boy, you can figure out who is the elder brother. You are not a fart.". Chen Er'an is not annoyed. It's just that you derogate from each other.

"Well, I ask you, how did you get this daughter-in-law? It can't be bought. I'm a policeman now. Don't blame me for not reminding you that it's against the law. If you really buy it, you should return it or let someone else go back.".

"Well, I was just about to tell you about it. It's a bit troublesome to say about it, even more troublesome than buying it?"

"What, what's wrong with you? Did you come back when you couldn't get along with it?" Ding Changsheng asked quietly.

"Er Gou, you and I are brothers playing together, so I will not hide it from you. This woman, she, is my eldest woman."

"Your boss? What do you mean, you're a social jerk

"Well, it's not that when I first arrived in Wenzhou, I didn't know the importance and was afraid of being bullied, so I joined a small Gang. But later things were not what I thought. I was not bullied, but we were going to bully others. The woman's family was still very rich, but his father and our boss failed to fight for a piece of land, and I was defeated Our boss was so desperate that she came out of her way to deal with our boss. However, she fell in love with me and castrated our boss half a month ago when she went to bed at night. We couldn't get along in Wenzhou, so we ran back. ".

"Ai'ao, this woman is excellent. Are you afraid that she castrates you at night?" Ding Changsheng secretly laughs.

"No, we really love each other. That is, we don't know whether Wenzhou people will come here when we get married tomorrow, so we ask you to support me. Aren't you a policeman? If we leave after we get married, we can give an account to our family.".

"Er Dan, since you're back, why don't you go out and stay at home? Let's do it together. I know a big boss who will invest in building a big mine here in a few months. Then I'll introduce you to be a small foreman. After all, you can't live in a mixed society for a lifetime.".

"Really, what kind of mine?"

"I'm not sure about that now, but if it works, it's possible to find a job for you. Don't worry about it.".

"Well, let's go home with me. We'll have a good chat tonight.".

"You get married tomorrow. What am I going to talk to you about tonight?"

"Just because I get married tomorrow, I can't sleep with my daughter-in-law tonight, otherwise I'll marry a fart?"

"Oh, it's called pressing bed tonight, OK, but I have to come back tomorrow night firmly. You can't keep me any more.".

"Get out of here. If you want to stay tomorrow night, I'll throw you out too.".

"But if my sister-in-law takes a fancy to me, she wants to keep me.".

"Fart, your sister-in-law won't be so insightful. How can you look at such a little punk with no long hair like you?".

Ding Changsheng smiles and doesn't speak. Since his contact with Li fengni, Tian E Ru and Yang Fengqi, his confidence in his charm has grown exponentially. He really wants to see what kind of daughter-in-law Chen Erdan looks like, and actually makes Chen Erdan betray his boss.

"Daughter in law, daughter-in-law, am I back?" As soon as he entered the door, Chen Er Dan yelled, but before he finished speaking, Ding Changsheng, who was following him, felt a cold wind behind his head, and then he was strangled by his throat.

"Ah, ah, Chen Er Dan, help me.". Ding Changsheng spits out a few words.

"Ah, daughter-in-law, this is my brother. As I told you, Ding Changsheng, he is Ding Changsheng.". In a flash, Chen Er'an sees that Ding Changsheng has been taken down by his daughter-in-law Luo Zihan.

"Oh, really? I thought it was the bastard who sent it. The bride Luo Zihan quickly helped Ding Changsheng up.

"Oh, Er Dan, you are lucky this time. There is a shrew wife in your family.". Ding Changsheng coughs and says that Luo Zihan's feet have already kicked Ding Changsheng's buttocks before finishing this sentence.

"What are you talking about? You didn't enjoy yourself just now, or come back.". Luo Zihan took a look at Ding Changsheng, but this look was very unusual. Most people would look at their faces when they looked at others, but the fierce bride actually looked at Ding Changsheng's stall for a while.

Seeing Ding Changsheng's hair, he quickly pulled Chen Erdan aside. "Er Dan, you can't even tell your daughter-in-law the origin of my name?""Yes, what is it?"

"Oh, when I didn't say that, well, I'll come back tomorrow. I have something to do today. I'll leave now. Don't send it away.". Before Chen Erdan and Luo Zihan react, Ding Changsheng has already rushed out of the door, as fast as a dog.

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