"Er Dan, this is the Ding Changsheng you said. I can't see anything. Bear egg is a big scare.". Luo Zihan curled his lips and said.

"Zihan, you can't be gentle. How many times have I said that you should not use a knife or a gun at home. Look at you. I originally asked Ding Changsheng to be the best man to press the bed tonight. You've got it all at once. Who should I go to?" Chen Er'an said a little embarrassed.

"Really? Oh, it's really hard to do. Just ask him back. Besides, my parents will be here tomorrow. The wedding can be simple, but it can't be sloppy. You know, it's the first time I get married in my life. ".

"Ah, I said Luo Zihan, what do you mean? Do you want to marry again now?".

"Er Dan, do you want to smoke?". Luo Zihan rushes to Chen Erdan angrily, but Chen Erdan has already hid in the house.

Ding Changsheng really can't think of how a guy like Chen Er Dan can find such a fierce woman. He knows the means of that woman. Zhang Qiang taught him in the unit that it's an authentic catcher, and it's a move to defeat the enemy. It's no wonder that no one dares to ask for such a woman. If she doesn't like it, she will be castrated, Who can stand this? Wait. Maybe one day, Chen Er'an will become the second unlucky one to be castrated.

Early in the morning, the red rainbow door was blown up with a blower, and the names of the bridegroom and the bride were written in the middle. Chen Erdan's home has been surrounded by many people, all of whom come from the village to help. In rural areas, there is such a habit. If any family has a red or white wedding, the village's old and young men will come to help. This is a spontaneous nature. Moreover, those who have good popularity will have more people to help when they have something to do. Chen Erdan's father is a stonemason. He doesn't give much help to the villagers, so many people come here. They don't have to do it by themselves. All of them have done their own things spontaneously.

"Er Gou, you have a nice suit. Take it off and let me wear it.". Seeing Ding Changsheng standing by his side in bright clothes, Chen Erdan immediately looked a little shabby, so he asked to change clothes with Ding Changsheng.

"You're not good-looking. You're free to change anything. Are you sister-in-law?" Luo Zihan didn't have time to observe Luo Zihan carefully yesterday. Today, he couldn't help admiring Chen Erdan's eyes. He said that it was worthwhile for this guy to betray his boss for the sake of this woman's beauty. He could not help but have a small melon seed face, and even his body was excellent. What's more, his skin color was a little black. If he was whiter, he would be as good as Tian E Ru.

"Take it off to him. My parents are coming today. You can't lose your friend's face. Are you ding Changsheng?". Luo Zihan's mouth is full of ignorance. For such a woman, even Ding Changsheng, who has always been able to speak, is a little afraid.

In the crowd, a man in black stood in the crowd, but it was obvious that the man kept a certain distance from the others, with one hand in his pocket and a headset on his ear, saying something from time to time.

As the auspicious time of worshiping heaven and earth was drawing near, four chairs were arranged in the middle of the yard, which were the places where the bridegroom's eyes and the bride's parents would do.

"No, what can happen here. It must be the train or the bus is late. It's OK. We'll be there in a moment.". Chen Er'an's heart is a little uneasy. Although he comforts the bride like this, he is too familiar with the means of the eldest Liu Heizi. He won't give up without seeing blood. However, it's not other people who see blood this time, but himself. What's more, it's the lifeblood of a man. How can Liu Heizi, who is only 40 years old, give up What about it.

"Beauty, why haven't I seen you?" Ding Changsheng is the best man today. Because the bride is from other places, the bridesmaid can only be found by the man. So Chen er'dan finds his cousin to be the bridesmaid for the bride. The bridesmaid is also very happy today. The red windbreaker is covered with white high collar woolen clothes, which is a little bit of self-cultivation. Therefore, it is appropriate to show the full and slender wasp waist of a woman's chest Come out.

"Ding Changsheng, be honest with me. This is my cousin. I'm a junior high school student now. Don't try to have a bad idea.". The bridesmaid hasn't answered yet, but Chen Er'an rebukes him.

"Oh, so this is my cousin from high school?" Ding Changsheng is still very concerned. He is not looking for trouble. This is the fault of a growing man. When he sees a beautiful opposite sex, he always hopes to have a conversation. In this way, he can also get great satisfaction. What's more, facing such a high school girl who is about 1.7 meters, Ding Changsheng's heart begins to grow grass again.

"You see, what's wrong with that? What's the matter?" The beautiful Bridesmaid didn't pay any attention to Ding Changsheng. Instead, Chen Erdan and Luo Zihan looked up and were shocked. They were really afraid of something. Five people came from the distance, of whom Luo Zihan's parents were tied together.

Ding Changsheng, standing behind Chen Erdan, saw that the situation was not good. These people had come to smash the scene. He called Huo Lvmao and described the situation very badly. He even reported to Huo Lvmao that these people might have official weapons. As for whether it is a knife or a gun, you can think about it yourself, and you have already controlled the hostages.

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