"Wait, wait.". Just when everyone, including Chen Erdan, felt that it was difficult to escape the robbery today, Ding Changsheng yelled behind him.

"Who are you? Get out of here.". Liu Heizi is not interested in this man dressed like a dog. His biggest wish now is to send Chen Erdan and Luo Zihan to the West.

"This big brother, I'll go right away. I have no grudge against you in the past and no hatred in recent days. Please let me go.". Ding Changsheng a pair of humble trembling kneeling, so that Liu Heizi's vigilance greatly reduced.

"Is this your brother?" Luo Zihan was also very afraid, but he did not forget to take pleasure in his husband to be Chen Erdan.

Chen Er'an smashed his mouth and didn't say anything. At this time, more and more people were watching the scene outside, and he vaguely remembered the sound of the siren. This made Liu Heizi a little impatient. He came to revenge, but he didn't want to put himself here. Originally, his subordinates didn't want him to come. They could do this, but Liu Heizi hated it very much, If Chen Erdan and Luo Zihan die, he will not be able to dispel his hatred at all, which will be impossible to mix up in the future.

"Get out of here, or I'll die with you.". Liu Heizi pointed to Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng was scared to death. He thought that if this went wrong, Laozi would really be reimbursed.

"I'm going, I'm going.". Ding Changsheng quickly agreed.

Just passing by Liu Heizi, Ding Changsheng's course of action suddenly turned. One hand held Liu Heizi's wrist holding the gun, and suddenly held it high to the sky. At the same time, a vicious and extremely Yin lifting foot was kicked on the male root of Liu Heizi who had been injured half a month ago. The place is still wrapped in bandages. This can be said to be a new injury plus an old injury, which is painful Liu Sunspot coughed and screamed, but the gun in his hand also rang at this time. After two shots in succession, there was no sound. But Liu Heizi was still pulling the trigger, but it seemed that it was stuck.

Luo Zihan was quick to respond. When Ding Changsheng kicked Liu Heizi's stall, she understood Ding Changsheng's meaning. A sweeping leg tripped the bridesmaid behind her and pushed her right hand to the ground. Thanks to her timely response, the first shot hit the air, but the second shot went through the ground where they had just stood Fang, broke the glass of Chen Er Dan's house.

All this happened too quickly, and not everyone had pistols like this. Three of Liu Heizi's men had only machetes, and there were no other firearms. The three men were not Luo Zihan's opponents at all. They were immediately disarmed and fell on the ground, wailing constantly.

At this time, no one paid attention to Ding Changsheng. He grabbed the gun from Liu Heizi's hand and smashed it into a blood gourd. After a look at the three men who were helping Luo Zihan to kidnap Liu Heizi, Ding Changsheng, sitting on the ground, quietly stretched out his feet and kicked Liu Heizi's crotch several times, until Liu was killed Sunspot curled up in pain.

"Ding Changsheng, are you ok? What's wrong with this?" At this time, Huo Lvmao, led by Chen Bing, Zhang Qiang and other police stations, arrived.

"Director, if you come a little later, I think I will become a martyr.".

"Who is this guy?" Huo Lvmao pointed to the bloody man on the ground.

"This guy is Liu Heizi, a famous underworld boss in Wenzhou. When he came here, he wanted to kill today's bridegroom and bride. Just now he tied up the bride's parents. This guy still holds a gun illegally. Nuo, this is his gun. Thanks to the jam, we would have to hang up today.".

"You child, why don't you stabilize him first and wait until we come. What if something happens?".

"I said the same thing, but this guy seems to be in a hurry to leave. If I don't move, I'll be the target. Anyway, I'm also a policeman. When the people are in danger, I'll step forward, right? Director, I don't seem to have done anything wrong about this?" Ding Changsheng chirped.

"OK, OK, just as long as it's OK. Get up and send this guy to the hospital to be bandaged. I'll report to the county bureau.". Huo Lvmao waved and stopped Ding Changsheng's long speech.

"Director, I, I can't get up, this leg, this leg doesn't listen to me.". This time, Ding Changsheng was not pretending, but frightened. Seeing Ding Changsheng in such a situation, Huo Lvmao could not say anything more. Zhang Qiang pulled Ding Changsheng up and carried him to the car.

Along the way, Huo Lvmao's face was gloomy, and there was a shooting incident in his area of jurisdiction. This has never happened in the past few decades. Ironically, it is not a serious police officer who caught the gun, but a joint defense team member. How can we report this? "Lao Chen, what do you think we should do about it?"

"Report it according to the facts. It's too big, and there are too many people to cover it up?" It seems that Chen Bing didn't understand Huo Lvmao's words, so he said so.

Huo Lvmao frowned and reported according to the facts. It was a first-class feat. He took the gun empty handed, saved several lives, and also rescued two hostages. How much credit is this? If the higher authorities allow the publicity, maybe he can get a labor medal or a national model. If he gives up the report, it is true Sorry.

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