"And that?" In the office of the director of the County Public Security Bureau, Huo Lvmao stood nervously in front of the oval desk of the director of the County Public Security Bureau. He was reporting Ding Changsheng's affairs. He originally meant to find a policeman in the police station to take charge of the matter. However, Chen Bing, the instructor, disagreed. He thought that it was too risky to do so. Since such a big thing happened, even if we wanted to publicize the typical cases, We must interview the parties and the victims. If a impostor needs to be made, then all the interviewees will be interviewed. If they are exposed, the consequences can be imagined. At that time, not only the Linshan town police station, but also the entire Haiyang county and even Baishan City public security system will be discredited.

"Yes, it's a pity if he doesn't publicize it.". Said Huo lumao, considering the language.

"What's the name of the arrested guy Liu Heizi? If he is charged, how many charges can be carried out?"

"What can be determined now are illegal possession of firearms, attempted intentional homicide, crime of organizing underworld organizations, and kidnapping, and that's all.".

"Well, this is a big case. If these charges can be carried out, he will stay in it for a lifetime. Well, you go back first, and I will discuss with the political commissar what to do.".

"OK, thank you, director. Goodbye.". Huo Lvmao stood at attention, saluted and left.

In Chen Erdan's home, Luo Zihan, the bride, had already taken off her wedding dress and put on a very festive red Maonong. Ding Changsheng curled up on one side of the Kang Table and tilted on a back. He pinched a few peanuts in his hand and put one in his mouth from time to time. However, his venomous eyes kept patrolling the shuttle on a woman opposite him.

The weather has not yet reached the level of wearing cotton padded jacket, but this woman has put on a white down jacket. The ponytail is simply tied up with a rubber band, showing a slightly immature face white and bright. The lower body is jeans, which shows her slender long legs in the best way. A pair of sports shoes on her feet are clean, and the white cotton socks inside make people daydream endlessly.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Chen er'dan knew what he was thinking when he looked at Ding Changsheng's obscene eyes, so he picked up a peanut and threw it to Ding Changsheng.

"Oh, I didn't see anything. I was wondering why all the beautiful women in the world came to your old son's house, which made me very jealous.". Ding Changsheng held up a glass of wine and lifted his neck. The liquor of fifty-two degrees flowed down his throat. All the way, he sent out a bitter and exciting ignorance.

Ling Shan, the bridesmaid who is helping Luo Zihan to cover his quilt, turns red and stares at the guy who insults himself at the moment of danger. If he hadn't saved his cousin's family, he would not have finished with him today.

"What's the matter? Is he talking about you?" Luo Zihan glanced at Lingshan and asked.

"Today, a crazy man," he said. Ling Shan didn't expect Luo Zihan to ask, so he didn't come up with any good words for a while.

"Ding Changsheng, Ling Shan said you are a madman.". Luo Zihan turned his face and said to Ding Changsheng, who was drinking.

"Yes, then I'll be a madman, little sister. Make friends with my brother and see if I'm much better than your cousin?" Ding Changsheng asked dimly.

"Say you're crazy, you can really pretend. Come on, I'd like to propose a toast to you, Ding Changsheng. Thank you for today's business.". Luo Zihan turned back to the Kang, sat down at the small Kang Table, took up a glass of wine and said to Ding Changsheng.

"Sister-in-law, you can't see what's the relationship between me and Chen Erdan. My name is Ding Changsheng, and his name is Chen Erdan. We all belong to two.".

"What kind of egg sister-in-law, so ugly, big grace does not say thank you, we don't say anything else here, all in the wine.". With that, Luo Zihan drank all the wine in his glass.

Chen Erdan and Ding Changsheng looked at each other and quickly drank them all.

Originally, Ding Changsheng had already returned to the police station, but Chen Er Dan had to ask him to come back. He was not happy if he didn't come back. There was no way for Ding Changsheng to come back to eat this meal.

After a while, Ding Changsheng felt a little anxious to urinate, so he got off the Kang and took his shoes to go out to find the toilet.

Rural toilets are mixed use of men and women, the general situation is that the toilet has a fence door, if there is someone inside, they will take the fence door, but tonight Ding Changsheng drank a little too much, and did not notice that the fence door was closed, so he stretched out his hand, opened the fence door and went in. Only a girl screamed, but then there was no sound They only heard that they were lifting their trousers and putting on their clothes.

This scream also wakes up Ding Changsheng. There are some people in it. After thinking about it, it can't be Lingshan. Ding Changsheng saw a black shadow coming out, so he withdrew a body position, but Ling Shan was tripped by the door rope of the toilet fence door and leaned forward. As a man, Ding Changsheng couldn't stand by, so he put out his hand to hold Lingshan.

Ding Changsheng felt a woman's body that was slightly thin but full of fragrance of virginity. He could not help but think of the plump and elastic buttocks in the daytime. His hand went straight to the target, but replaced the other half.

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