Ling Shan is young and young. When she is young and yearning for spring, especially after seeing Ding Changsheng's bravery in the daytime, her good feeling for Ding Changsheng rises rapidly. Although she insults herself in public during the day, she thinks about it later. She has never enjoyed the taste of growing so big. Her whole body is numb and her heart beats faster. This makes her more curious about what it is Feeling, eager to try again.

Usually the pressure of study is very big, especially now facing the college entrance examination, the teacher's eyes are always staring at your academic performance, including her parents, but the more like this, the more will produce a rebellious mood, but for a girl, this emotion is not shown in school, but now it is in a relative's home, and he does not in the daytime The last time I secretly looked at the best man around him and found that he was more beautiful than his cousin.

However, it is one thing to have a good impression, and it is another to really put it into practice. Especially for a girl like Ling Shan who has never experienced the love between men and women, she is curious about this matter, but she still has a kind of resistance from her heart.

As a result, Chen Erdan's toilet is in the backyard. As long as Ling Shan calls for help a little louder, people in the front yard will hear it immediately. But Ling Shan doesn't. She just asks Ding Changsheng in a very low voice to let her go.

"Let me go, or I'll call someone.". Ling Shan pleaded in a low voice. In fact, it was better not to say this sentence, which made Ding Changsheng even worse. His left hand held Ling Shan's back waist. During the day, Ding Changsheng saw that Ling Shan, who was wearing a corset sweater, had a lot of money. By now, it has proved his conjecture even more.

"You, you don't want to do this, I really call people.". Just now, when she saw Chang Seung's impolite, she only wanted to be rude to this guy in the backyard It's time to call someone in.

But as soon as her mouth opened, before she could make a sound, she was blocked by a big mouth with the smell of smoke and wine. She instinctively wanted to close her teeth, but Ding Changsheng didn't give her a chance. Her strong and powerful tip of the tongue pushed open the one she wanted to close, reaching deep into her mouth, constantly sucking her fragrance, and even more wantonly pursuing it Her sweet tongue.

Ding Changsheng was really bold in wine this time. It was a great relaxation of mind and body after the test of life and death in the daytime. However, this relaxation needed a vent. Huo Lvmao was at home, and he did not dare to go to Tian E Ru, and Li fengni was far away from the provincial capital. So after drinking wine, he kept staring at Ling Shan, the bridesmaid.

Although Chen Erdan warned him that this was his cousin and that he should not make a bad idea, who was Ding Changsheng? If he listened to Chen Erdan's words, he would not be Ding Changsheng.

At this time, the sound of footsteps came from the front yard, and then there was a cough with a broken throat. This is Chen Erdan's father. He came to the backyard step by step and wanted to go to the toilet. But now that he has a daughter-in-law, he is very cautious. He coughs and aggravates his steps. His purpose is to tell the people in the backyard toilet that if anyone is crying out.

Ding Changsheng took Ling Shan's hand and quickly hid behind a pile of firewood. As long as he didn't look for it deliberately, he would never find it. However, an accident happened at this time. When Er Dan's father wanted to enter the toilet, Ling Shan jumped up and quickly ran to the front yard.

This girl is very smart. She knows that if she doesn't leave now, she will be destroyed in the hands of Ding Changsheng who is bold and fearless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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