Ding Changsheng stood in front of Huo Lvmao's desk and looked at a piece of paper in front of him. There was a form on it. It can be said that as long as he filled in this form, he would be a serious policeman. He really didn't believe it was true.

Don't say that he doesn't believe it. Even Huo Lvmao, who just received the order, has been waiting for the bureau to decide who should give the credit. However, he did not expect such a result. It is said that some leader in the county said hello. The fact is the fact. Don't want to see the fraud, which is even more embarrassing when exposed. Since this Ding Changsheng is a member of the joint defense team, which shows that he has the quality of a policeman who acts bravely and dares to take responsibility. Such a person should be absorbed into the police force.

So there is this form on the table, the police special application.

"Boss, is that true? I just need to fill out this form and I'll be able to serve my iron rice bowl? "

"Two dogs, it's true, but I still say that. It's voluntary. If you don't want to, the Bureau won't force you. You know, the police is a very dangerous profession. You're also a person who has been walking around the devil's gate. You should know the risks, so you should consider them clearly. But once you fill out this form, you should be loyal to you all your life If you betray your profession, you will be killed by both God and man. ". Huo Lvmao said very harshly, apparently to prevent Ding Changsheng from joining in.

"Boss, I know that you brought me into this industry. I will take you as an example and do a good job. I will never let you down.".

"Well, you can fill in the form, but there are several places to pay attention to: age, 22 years old, education background, fill in Oh, by the way, didn't you apply for the self-study examination of the law department of Jiangdu university? Just fill in the undergraduate course of Jiangdu University. Don't tell others about these, and wait until the bureau decides. ".

The village branch secretary of lujialing falls into the hands of Chen's family. Chen haobing, the new secretary, is Chen Biaozi's uncle. Looking at the home of Li Jianshe, the former branch secretary, which is already a piece of white land, Ding Changsheng is full of emotion. Up to now, Li Jianshe is still lying in the hospital in the provincial capital, and Li fengni is completely cured, leaving only a few scars on her arm. Ding Changsheng is becoming true Before he left, he wanted to visit Li fengni's home, or talk to Li fengni on the phone.

Li Jianshe has been able to speak. Li fengni transferred Ding Changsheng's words to Li Jianshe, but Li Jianshe does not agree to live in Haiyang County, and strongly demands to go home and rebuild a house. Li fengni also felt helpless. She could not help it. Since she became Ding Changsheng's woman, she would discuss anything with him and ask him to make some suggestions. This matter is no exception. Li Jianshe has no savings except a few thousand yuan in the bank.

Ding Changsheng promised Li fengni that when Li Jianshe was discharged from the provincial capital, she would be able to live in her original home, of course, to build a new home.

Chen er'dan is not willing to go out any more. Besides, Luo Zihan's stomach is getting bigger and bigger, so Chen er'dan stays at home. Ding Changsheng asks him to help him to build the house. This is the most appropriate. Ding Changsheng draws up the design plan of the house himself, and shows it to Li fengni during the period Fengni was full of praise. It was much better than her original home, but she also knew that it would cost a lot of money. But after several disputes, she no longer argued about how much Ding Changsheng would pay her. She knew that it was Ding Changsheng's compensation for her.

Tian E Ru went back to her mother's home again. She also knew the decision of the county bureau. She was very happy for Ding Changsheng. After all, it was a serious profession. Unlike the united defense team members, she might be dismissed one day, which made her more confident. Because she was a policeman, she could see Ding Changsheng all the time. But one thing in front of her made her very unhappy Ding Changsheng is going to Baishan City for training for three months. This time is too long for Tian E Ru. It is an intolerable time, but she has no way.

The door rang gently. Tian E Ru looked at the time. It was 11:30 in the evening. She and Ding Changsheng agreed that it was the time to get up and open the door.

"Is the old lady asleep?" After entering the door, Ding Changsheng asked in a low voice.

"Well, I've been sleeping for a long time. Keep your voice down. The old man has a shallow sleep.". Tian E Ru held Ding Changsheng in his hand. All the way, Tian E Ru hid the bottles and jars in the yard and went directly back to her bedroom until the door was closed. Tian E Ru jumped and put her hands around Ding Changsheng's neck, while her legs stopped the boat and coiled on Ding Changsheng's waist. Her neck stretched upward, and she had already handed the fragrant lips to Ding Changsheng.

Ding Changsheng walked forward a few steps, and suddenly pressed Tian E Ru on the bed. With one hand, he untied the front button of Tian E Ru's pajamas, reached out to touch her two soft meats. Tian E Ru sang a song and enjoyed it incomparably. He opened his cherry mouth, stretched out his sweet tongue, and licked Ding Ding Changsheng's earlobe.

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