As the director of the two axis and two line command headquarters, Tang Jian is under great pressure. This is not true. He was called to train by Shi Shi Shi Aiguo early in the morning. The main reason is that the demolition speed is too slow, which will inevitably affect the construction of the competition venues. At that time, it will delay the hosting of the National Games. No one can afford to bear this responsibility.

Ding Changsheng just drove into Longgang Street office when he saw Cheng Qianqian and Huang Haomin standing on the porch with some documents.

As soon as Ding Changsheng's car stopped, they immediately came up and said, "director Ding, you can be regarded as coming. Mayor Tang is going to hold a demolition meeting this morning. We are going to attend it. Let's go. It will be too late.".

"Today? Why don't you call me? " Ding Changsheng doubts.

"Oh, yes, you shut down. Even Mayor Tang called you. You have been shutting down. We can't get in touch with you. We can only wait for you here. If you don't come again, we have to go by ourselves.".

It's broken. I forgot to charge it last night. Ding Changsheng explained that, in fact, it was that she forgot to recharge the battery. After receiving Xia Hehui's phone call, she was afraid that someone would disturb him. She simply turned off the phone. To know that men's passion is casual, and they may not be interested after answering a phone call. That makes women look down on her, so she simply shut down the phone and concentrate on exploring territory on Zheng Xiaoai.

Thinking of last night's incident, Ding Changsheng has a feeling of happiness, because he vaguely felt that it was last night when he and Zheng Xiaoai were engaged in men and women's warm-up exercise that he got a very important message.

In order to increase the passion and interest between them, it is clear that Zheng Xiaoai and Ding Changsheng are doing things that linger on. However, Ding Changsheng, who envies, envies and hates all the sexual affairs between Zheng Xiaoai and those two men. At the beginning, Zheng Xiaoai is not willing to say, but when she feels that whenever she talks about how she is with Zhu Hongjun and Jiang Wenshan, Ding Changsheng does not want to talk about it Changsheng will become extremely excited, and along with her own feeling of stealing, she constantly tells Ding Changsheng about the shame between herself and the two men.

If she was killed at ordinary times, she would not tell these things. But now, it seems that it is natural to tell these things to the men who work hard on themselves. So she told Ding Changsheng that Jiang Wenshan actually took medicine every time. She didn't know how much to take, and now she has less and less time to find her. It is likely that she is not healthy or has been tired of it But when it comes to Zhu Hongjun, Zheng Xiaoai says that Zhu Hongjun likes to do it in the office, especially when it comes to a plaque on the sofa background wall on the desk, and she will keep reciting the four words on the plaque: "learn high as a teacher, be upright as a model.".

She used to be a teacher. The motto of the normal school is "to learn high as a teacher, and to be upright as a model". However, as a teacher, she did not set an example for the students, but did something with the principal under the plaque of her school motto. This really made her intolerable. However, the more she was, the more happy Zhu Hongjun was. On the impression, Zhu Hongjun had never been with her anywhere else Once, only in the office, looking at the plaque, Zhu Hongjun's abnormal heart got great satisfaction.

Speaking of this, Ding Changsheng finally remembered that it was the first time he went to Huzhou No.1 middle school. He happened to meet two girls who committed suicide by drinking pesticides. At that time, they went to Zhu Hongjun's headmaster's office. No wonder he vaguely remembered where he had seen the plaque. Unexpectedly, it was in Zhu Hongjun's office, but Zhu Hongjun still talked about it when he was dying In a few words, what's wrong with this?

At that time, Zheng Xiaoai also saw Ding Changsheng's doubts, so he asked, but Ding Changsheng didn't tell her. Even what Zhu Hongjun said before he died, only Ding Changsheng knew it.

Ding Changsheng drove for a while to the headquarters. Ding Changsheng saw two or three people with their own notebooks or other materials to the headquarters. Ding Changsheng was empty handed and didn't bring anything. Cheng Qianqian reached out and handed Ding Changsheng a notebook. It turned out that she had already prepared the notebook for the derelict director Ding. The notebook has a texture and is not easy to see I don't know I can write down a few words in this notebook.

But Ding Changsheng soon found that the demolition meeting was unusual, because although there were not many people coming, they were all wearing various uniforms, including city management, armed police, police, and street old and old women. What's more, he also saw several people coming in hospital cars and firefighters.

"What does Mayor Tang want to do? Forced demolition? " Ding Changsheng asked Cheng Qianqian in a low voice that she had been following Xu Dajiang for a long time. She must have seen a lot of such situations.

"It must be. We have made great achievements. In recent days, several families have signed demolition agreements under the persuasion of Zhao Tiegang. Why don't the city give us more days?" Cheng Qianqian is also very helpless to say that after Ding Changsheng's trip to zhaotiegang, he didn't expect that Zhao Tiegang was also a person with exquisite mind. He secretly called Ding Changsheng to express his corresponding requirements of the city to be demolished as soon as possible. However, it seems that he has something to talk with Ding Changsheng. He had already agreed on a good time, but did not expect that Ding Changsheng had no time 。

"It seems that I can't wait. What can we do if we demolish it?" Ding Changsheng asked."We don't have to do anything. We'll just go with us then. Director Ding, you see, there are them in front of us.". Huang Haomin pointed to the city management and armed police in front of him.

"Well, it seems that people are not all here.". Cheng Qianqian said with a smile.

"How do you know?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"There are local ruffians who haven't come. They won't come to the meeting, but the demolition can't be without them. Director Ding, you can wait, and then you will cry. In fact, I've done enough of this work, and I really want to transfer.". Cheng Qianqian actually said in front of me that she wanted to leave the demolition office. I am the leader in my eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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