It seems that Tang Jian is going to be very serious this time. However, it is very difficult for people to leave the house when they encounter such demolition problems. Is it really that Tang Jian doesn't want to do it? Moreover, the central government has repeatedly ordered that forced demolition should not be allowed. Although there are countless petitions and disturbances in various parts of the country due to demolition, the process of urbanization is a historical trend that can not be blocked by several relocated households. The only way to stop it is to sacrifice. This is also the inevitable price of social progress. However, the local government will not bear this price, so the only one who can bear the cost is that the local government will not bear it People.

"Next meeting, recorder, roll call according to the roster.". As expected, Tang Jian is not good at coming, and the meeting has not made clear what the content is. First of all, she uses roll call to build her prestige. Cheng Qianqian takes a look at Ding Changsheng. This rich woman does not prohibit her small hand patting her chest. She must be saying that thanks to today, she will die.

Tang Jian had a lot of face this time, but none of them were absent. Tang Jian's face looked better on the rostrum, but he still seemed to owe him hundreds of dollars.

"I'm going to have a meeting now. To be honest, I've just been scolded by the mayor. Now I want to scold people. But who do you want to scold? It seems that no one wants to be scolded by me. I know that all of you here are excellent soldiers from various units. Otherwise, you can't do the demolition work. I'd like to say that in front of you, since you come, where I point to, you have to fight, Now we don't have much time. The most important thing is that I don't have much time. But I can tell you clearly that I'm not good, and you can't think of a better one. Ding Changsheng can't help feeling a little funny, a dignified vice mayor, actually took the means of threat.

For Mayor Tang's statement, except that Ding Changsheng was a little surprised when he heard this kind of shocking words for the first time, it seemed that nothing had happened to others.

"Mayor Tang often makes such mobilization. In fact, it's useless. It's a waste of effort. Demolition work is not so easy to do.". A man in a city management uniform nearby looked at the stunned Ding Changsheng and said in a low voice. Ding Changsheng looked at him and nodded his head to show his gratitude.

Tang Jian mainly stressed the importance of this task, and the other was the assigned task. The urban management was responsible for the demolition together with the demolition company. The urban management was mainly responsible for the internal order, while the armed police and police were mainly responsible for the external order. The person in charge of each department must be present and close to the area under the command of the urban management team members to persuade and master the scene In order to prevent casualties, more than two ambulances must be sent to the scene.

"Brother, are you from the Urban Management Bureau? Hello, I'm from Longgang street. My name is Ding. Taking advantage of Tang Jian's drinking water, Ding Changsheng accosted the middle-aged man around him.

"Hello, my name is Cui, Cui Zhenglin, Xiaoding from our municipal administrative law enforcement bureau. Your demolition task is not light.". Cui Zhenglin looked at Ding Changsheng and said.

"So, Cui..."

"Big brother, we have to deal with each other in the future.". Cui Zhenglin is a very enthusiastic person. He doesn't look like all the people in the Urban Management Bureau are demons.

"OK, brother Cui, did you often carry out such demolition before?"

"It's not often. In any case, if we encounter a very difficult nail house, we must unite to demolish them. Otherwise, the project will not go on and the construction period will be delayed. The leaders will not be happy. If they are not happy, we will have bad luck.". Cui Zhenglin glanced at Tang Jian, who continued to speak. Ding Changsheng nodded to show his understanding. But obviously, this is not the time to talk. It is said that the mayor of Tang likes to catch typical examples. If he is caught, it will be embarrassing.

Ding Changsheng thought that the meeting would last for a long time. How could he know that the astronomy and geography of Tang Jian talked a lot about astronomy and geography for more than two hours. Finally, it came to an end. Just as Ding Changsheng was about to leave, he was stopped by Tang Jian.

"Mayor Tang has something to do with me?"

"If you want to demolish Luogu Lane tomorrow, you must be on the scene, and you must be in front of the command. Then I will go. Although you have done a lot of work and reduced the number of relocated households, it is too late. The city must start the construction of venues before the new year, so that it can be used by the National Games next September, otherwise we can't explain.".

"Mayor Tang, I don't understand. What do I need to do?"

"You are the office of Longgang street, and Luogu Lane belongs to Longgang Street office. So we want to have a final dialogue with the relocated households. If not, we will have to demolish them. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand the meaning of Mayor Tang, but our street office has been working from more than 100 households to more than a dozen now. We think that if we give us more time, we can certainly do it until all the relocated households sign the demolition agreement happily. Why can't we wait a few days?". Ding Changsheng wants to fight for it. It's better to do the work of removing households, so that there will be no forced demolition. To tell the truth, every forced demolition means that these people may be hostile to the government and society in the future. If they are not resolved and guided, it is very likely to cause the existence of social instability factors."As I said, there is no time. At the end of this month, Luogu lane must be flattened, and then the construction units enter the construction site. This is the deadline. If the National Games is delayed, no one can bear the responsibility.".

"But Mayor Tang, if there are unnecessary troubles, petitions, or mass incidents caused by forced demolition, is it not more serious than not being able to hold the National Games? This point, Mayor Tang, we should think about it clearly. ".

"Well, Xiaoding, you can do as I ask. I can't help it. I'm in a dilemma now. You should know that. As for the things you said, we should try our best to avoid them. You should be prepared to go to the scene and talk with the relocated households early tomorrow morning. We will wait for you outside.". Tang Jian waved his hand, which meant that there was no room for discussion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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