At this time, a girl on the stage who had been holding a book clip to write and draw stood up. She took three steps forward in the posture of a soldier. Standing beside Li minghuai, she saluted these people with a standard military salute. The audience immediately exclaimed.

"Wang Ziwen, damn it, isn't it true?" The man next to him murmured in a low voice.

"Ah, elder brother, who is Wang Ziwen?" Ding Changsheng leaned to the right and asked in a low voice.

"my idol as like as two peas in a dream, the pure and pure, and the same on the stage." This guy is really crazy.

"In the next three dust months, I will be the instructor of physical fitness. Of course, there are some other skills training. I hope we can cooperate and make a decision.". A sweet smile, back.

"No, such people can teach us. Isn't this a girl?" Ding Changsheng whispered.

"Brother, you don't know. This woman is not simple. She must have killed people.".

"Kill people, no, we are police, not soldiers, we will not regard us as soldiers training.". Ding Changsheng is a bit smooth.

"I'll find out tomorrow. Hey, brother, what's your name?"

"Ding Changsheng, Haiyang people, where is the elder brother?"

"Qingshui, Ke Zihua, come to Qingshui to play with me later.".

"OK, now roll call. After the roll call, we can go back to rest and start training tomorrow morning.". Li minghuai looked at the roster and began to call the roll. Ding Changsheng felt uneasy. He thought that the training was not so simple.

Although he didn't know who Wang Ziwen was, he had seen the TV play played by that girl, so as soon as Ke Zihua said his name was Wang Ziwen, he thought of that ghost elf actor. He didn't expect to meet such a similar person here, Zhou Hongqi. It's really interesting and patriotic.

It happened that Ke Zihua and Ding Changsheng were in the same dormitory. The topic of these two people in the evening almost never left Wang Ziwen. Of course, they were talking about the instructor Zhou Hongqi.

After the lights out, the whole dormitory building is in the dark. Zhou Hongqi is wearing a pair of soft soled shoes. Even in the corridor at night, no one is difficult. When she hears her walking, she keeps patrolling along the dormitory corridor. These students are her opponents and tomorrow's opponents. She can see that many people are unconvinced. Now is the time for her to understand her opponents.

"I really didn't expect to meet my dream lover here. I love this training so much that I can't see the real Wang Ziwen. However, I feel that our instructor is no less than that little star. Ah, such a pure and beautiful woman should be a barbaric instructor, which is very dangerous to nature.". Ke Zihua sighed.

"What do you want to do with the coffin?" Ding Changsheng had the heart to tease the flower maniac.

"It's better for such a woman to stay at home and do nothing, just look at it as a vase and keep an eye on it. It's really eye-catching. If such a woman follows me, I won't let her do any work. Just sit there and let me watch.".

"Can you bear it? Just watching, nothing else? " Ding Changsheng said.

"Hey, brother, why are you so vulgar? Of course, what should be done is still to be done", and they both laughed. At this time, Ding Changsheng's eyes showed when he went out to steal things at night. He saw that the lights in the corridor could shine through the crack under the door just now, but now half of them are out of light. What does this mean? The light is not the sun, but it can move a little. It shows that there is someone outside, so he shut his mouth and put on his head to sleep.

"Long life, long life, sleep?" Ke Zihua didn't know what happened and continued to boast.

But Ding Changsheng did not dare to speak any more. Through the gap between the quilts, he carefully observed the dim light on the ground. Yes, someone was eavesdropping. After a while, Ke Zihua had no voice. So this man left. Ding Chang grew a breath. Who is this man? Is he an enemy or a friend? It seems that he should pay more attention to this in the future It's complicated.

"What's the matter with you two? You didn't have a rest last night, will you? Two more laps?" Zhou Hongqi glared at Ke Zihua and Ding Changsheng at the back.

In the morning, he didn't eat any food. When he got up, he was 5000 meters. Who could bear it? Many people quit directly, but Ke Zihua and Ding Changsheng still insisted. Hearing this, Ding Changsheng felt incredible. He ran slowly, but he didn't give up. How could he be punished? But he didn't dare to talk to the instructor The head ran up, and Ke Zihua, the flower maniac, was so happy to see the instructor taking care of himself. He quickly followed Ding Changsheng and ran forward.

"Let you have nothing, do not rest at night, arrange 1 drillmaster, against you.". Zhou Hongqi said with a stopwatch.

"Lao Ke, do you feel something wrong?"

"No, what's the matter?"

"You idiot, we are a bit slow, but we haven't given up, haven't we, but why punish us?"

"Yes, why punish us?" Ke Zihua is also a little awake."I tell you..."

"Ah, what you said is true. There is such a thing. It's over. It's over. My good image has been completely destroyed by you..."

"The two who are talking, what are they doing, mumbling something blindly, and adding two circles.". Zhou Hongqi yelled, the entire training ground cheered, this group of rabbit patients, as long as there is a lively look on the line.

Ke Zihua took a look at Ding Changsheng and believed that what he said was true. The door keeper ran up and he was honest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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