Looking at the two people running in the field, Zhou Hongqi felt speechless happy. "Smelly boy, I dare to arrange instructors behind my back. It's really boring. Ding Changsheng, the law department of Jiangdu University, looks wrong at this age." Zhou Hongqi flipped through the files of these two people in a stack of paper, but when she saw Ding Changsheng's page, she found that it was a little incorrect Often.

"Do you know why you are punished?" Zhou Hongqi said to the straight guys standing in front of them.

Ding Changsheng did not have time to say anything. Ke Zihua took the lead in saying, "report to the drillmaster, we know.".

Ding Changsheng sighs in his heart that this mallet is really not afraid of the opponents like gods, but afraid of the team like pigs. However, looking at Zhou Hongqi so closely, he feels that Ke Zihua's feeling is still a little different. That little star can be up to 1.6 meters, while Zhou Hongqi must be 1.7 meters. Even if she takes off her military boots, she also has 1.7 meters, because of her two slender big The leg reminds him of Ling Shan, the maid of honor he once had.

"You know? Who told you that? " Zhou Hongqi was stunned and asked.

This time, Ke Zihua didn't speak, but he looked at Ding Changsheng. It was obvious that this guy told me.

"Well, you go back to eat, you, Ding Changsheng, run another circle.".

"Oh, no, drillmaster. Why is that?". Ke Zihua doesn't understand why, but Ding Changsheng seems to understand that the instructor doesn't like smart people. In front of her, you'd better pretend to be stupid.

Ding Changsheng was helpless. She turned around and continued to run to the training ground, which made Zhou Hongqi stunned. How could this person be like this? She had no sense of resistance. She thought Ding Changsheng would yell, so that she would have more reason to add five laps.

It was not easy to run on an empty stomach in the morning. Up to now, Ding Changsheng has run twice as long as others. There are many students who have finished their meals around the training ground. We don't know how this unfortunate guy offended the instructor and was so abused.

After barely running for five laps, Ding Changsheng collapsed on the lawn and became a dead dog. However, Zhou Hongqi didn't seem to want to let him go. Although most of what Ke Zihua said last night, he was obviously well-developed and simple in mind, but he was the most hateful guy behind him.

"Well, do you have the strength to do another 50 sit ups?" Zhou Hongqi stands beside Ding Changsheng, overlooking this annoying guy. It is because of his cleverness that she secretly patrols the boys' dormitory. Although others don't know it, Ke Zihua knows it, and I believe it will soon be known to all.

"No, I can't do it.".

"Ai'ao, I know to beg for mercy. OK, add 50 more. When you finish eating, if you can't finish it, you can take a rest and wait for others to finish eating and continue training.".

Ding Changsheng's heart burst into a wail, why, this is why, why he is so unlucky, no way, do it, for a meal, or else the girl will be playing to death.

"OK, I'll do it.". Ding Changsheng put his feet together, put his hands behind his head, and began to sit on his back. However, no one pressed his legs, which made him unable to work hard at all. When Ding Changsheng was a little embarrassed, one foot stepped on his ankle, as if he had a root. This made Ding Changsheng quickly find the point of strength explosion and did it all in one.

"Drillmaster, can we have a rest?"

"No, there are 15 more. If we can't finish this time, we'll add another 50.". Zhou Hongqi said with a smile.

No way, Ding Changsheng tried his last bit of strength to start a hard action.

"Ah, what does the drillmaster mean? How can he take care of that boy like this? Do you like him and open a small stove for him alone?". Said one of the people watching the scene in the distance.

"Fart, it's just abuse. You can't see it's the drillmaster's intention to punish him. I guess it must be that he was refused to make love to the drillmaster, and the instructor was unable to stand down, which made the killing move. You see, the boy is expected to leave in the dark tomorrow"

of course, these words are said from a distance. If Zhou Hongqi hears this, he must be under the same situation as Ding Changsheng Field.

Finally, a hundred sit ups were finished, and Ding Changsheng was exhausted. That was really terrible. It was like the climax of a woman. He didn't want to move a finger. However, for Ding Changsheng, it was the first time that his strength was released like this. He didn't feel so tired after fighting with Tian E Ru for several hours. Now he wants to sleep deeply Go, don't wake up.

"How do you know that?" Zhou Hongqi squatted down and looked down at the young boy.

"Drillmaster, what do you say? I really don't understand what you mean.". Ding Chang doesn't dare to be clever.

"The questions asked by instructors must be answered truthfully, otherwise, the activity just now will be repeated.". Zhou Hongqi's face was cold.

"I said, I said..." Ding Changsheng can be regarded as thoroughly tidied up and obedient. Although on the surface, he is not satisfied with a thousand or ten thousand people in his heart, but now he has no strength to show it.

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