Looking at Ding Changsheng lying on the bed like a dead dog, Ke Zihua felt a bit sad. He didn't think of his casual informant, but he was tossed into this by the seemingly lovely instructor.

"Man, how about going out for a drink in the evening? It's my treat. I'll make it up to you." Ke Zihua said, sitting by Ding Changsheng's bed.

"No, I'm going to sleep. I'm so tired.".

"Go ahead, go ahead. I've also called several people to go out and have fun together at night. I have acquaintances in Baishan. Let me introduce you to each other. I'll have a foothold in Baishan.".

"No, I just want to sleep, you go away, don't delay my sleep.".

"Are you going or not?" Ke Zihua had a cold face and a smile. When Ding Changsheng was opened his eyes again, he saw that the man actually held a thermos bottle in his hand. Ding Changsheng clearly saw that the water at the mouth of the bottle didn't flow.

"Let me ask again, if you want to go or not, you can bake the quilt in the room with a hair dryer.". Said a hand, a few drops of water has fallen on the quilt.

"Well, I'll go. I'm really convinced. What am I going to do? I'll sleep when I go.".

"Hey hey, you won't say that when you go. I'll take you to a good place tonight.".

Ding Changsheng dragged his tired body out of the door with Ke Zihua, but as soon as he got into the taxi, he still went to bed. Looking at the tired dying Ding Changsheng, Ke Zihua laughed and said nothing.

"Where is this, Ke Zihua, what are we doing? You have not forgotten, I am a person with strong principles. You don't want to see me in the water.". Ding Changsheng followed Ke Zihua behind. He was really tired today. He had never experienced such a cruel activity. He couldn't stand it for a while.

Several people who followed him all laughed. It was obvious to all that Ding Changsheng had been so badly punished today. They all followed Ke Zihua to drink and get girls. So when they saw Ding Changsheng like this, they were worried about Ding Changsheng's going to the horse later.

Looking at the decoration outside, it looks like a luxury club. In fact, it's a club. It's all the same in nature. It's just that it's better to change its name than nightclubs. What's inside is not the same. Moreover, some clubs don't open to the public. They're in the same circle. They play. That kind of club has more problems.

"How many, sir? &"Six, I have an appointment with Cheng Shao. Is it convenient for him now?" After entering the clubhouse, Ke Zihua's nature was exposed. He saw that the welcome lady was a fan of sex.

"Oh, it's chengshao. Please follow me.".

"Ke Zihua, you are very familiar with this place. Are you good friends here? We'll see you later.". The people behind him were joking with Ke Zihua.

"I'll have them all later. Don't mention it. It's all mine.". Ke Zihua waved his hand and cheered.

This guy is really a familiar guest here. It seems that he has a good relationship with the boss here.

"Sir, please come in. Maybe it's in there.".

Ke Zihua pushed the door in, but there was a woman's exclamation, and then the cup fell to the ground.

"Asshole, Ke Zihua, how many times have I said that you can't knock down the door before you come in? I have to be impotent next time.". There came a man's voice of scolding, but although it was a curse, everyone could hear the warmth in the words.

"Cough, I'm sorry, you're the same guy. You don't close the door every time you do business. I know what you're doing. Besides, you didn't hear me knocking at the door just now.".

At this time, a girl with a little messy coat crowded through the crowd, lowered her head and disappeared at the end of the corridor. Everyone could see that the silk stockings on the girl's legs had been torn one by one. Ding Changsheng's nose has always been very good. As soon as he smelled the girl's body, he knew that he was having a deep communication just now.

The few people who follow behind are all staring at the girl who is far away.

"Well, people have gone far away. Besides, it's the boss's woman. What do you see?". Ding Changsheng scolded in a low voice.

"Come on, brothers, this is the success of the boss of Sakura club. It's my childhood. The consumption tonight is his.". Ke Zihua said with a smile.

He looks at this guy with a smile. Every time he comes, he brings a group of people to spend without paying. However, he knows that the people he brings are people who have a certain influence. When doing business, he pays attention to making good friends. Maybe something will happen. When he comes, he will say hello. If there are friends, it will not be a matter.

"Here, let me introduce to you. This is Ding Changsheng. Today, he is a bit listless. He has just been tossed by the instructor. Now he still wants to sleep. I will find a gentler one to accompany you to sleep.". Ding Changsheng happened to be by Ke Zihua's side and was first introduced by him.

"Oh, I know you. I heard my little aunt mention you a few days ago, but I can't see that you still have some courage?" He successfully pinched off the cigarette in his hand, walked forward a few steps, and grasped Ding Changsheng's hand. Ding Changsheng felt that the other side was very strong, which was not like the general perfunctory handshake.

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