"Well, I said, sister Xiaomeng, is there anyone like you? I'll kill the donkey. Ding Changsheng yelled.

"That's what you said. I didn't scold you. If you said you were a donkey, you'd better go out and eat grass instead of eating in our house.".

"Xiaomeng, come on. Changsheng and I are talking about business.". Gu Qingshan is very happy to see Gu Xiaomeng's mental state getting better these days. Although he still quarrels with Ding Changsheng from time to time, he can see that this kind of bickering is more a way of communication between two people, rather than really angry.

"Hum, he can have any business, either to make trouble or to pick up girls. I think that's all he has.". Then he turned around and twisted his buttocks and left. Ding Changsheng looked at Gu Xiaomeng's enchanting waist and full and elastic buttocks. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva without a trace, and quickly turned his face to discuss with Gu Qingshan.

"Godfather, there is another thing. I can't make up my mind. You can help me analyze it.".

"What's the matter?"

"You are my godfather. No one knows about this, but I am Shi Aiguo's secretary. If I don't tell him in advance, I'm afraid that if he knows about it from other channels, he will certainly have an opinion on you. If he doesn't make a good mistake, he will think that you have set up a spy around him. Do you think I will tell him the truth.".

"Well, it will be known sooner or later that there is no airtight wall. Well, you can find a suitable opportunity to tell him that it will not have a good influence on you even when it comes.".

Ding Changsheng nodded happily. What worried him most was Gu Qingshan's attitude. If Gu Qingshan didn't agree with him, it would be really hard for him to be caught in the middle. Moreover, he thought that no matter whether Shi Aiguo would be promoted to Secretary of the municipal Party committee, he should try his best to pull into the relationship between Gu Qingshan and Shi Aiguo, which is not only for his own sake, but also for the sake of the two leaders Even if Jiang Wenshan left Huzhou City, the people in his circle would not fall down and scatter for a while. Gu Qingshan and Shi Aiguo must work together to divide the differentiation, strike and compile.

After dinner, Ding Changsheng helped to clean up and then wanted to leave. Xia Hehui's beauty salon also entered the water and was cleaning up. Originally, Ding Changsheng was asked to help. Because the whole urban area of Huzhou has been flooded, so now they are cleaning up in their own home. Now they can't find an hour job. Xia Hehui can only think of her own man, but her own man I'm too busy to see anyone.

So it's easy to have some time tonight. He wants to help.

"You, wait a minute. Come upstairs. I have something to tell you.". Gu Xiaomeng looks at Ding Changsheng and says.

All the people in the room were stunned. Ding Changsheng was a little confused. He looked at Yang Xiao, Yang Xiao looked at Gu Qingshan, Gu Qingshan was watching TV, and Ding Changsheng was watching TV.

"You are deaf. Didn't I hear you?" Gu Xiaomeng said again.

"Oh, that, sister Xiaomeng, what can I do here? I have something else to do. I want to go back earlier.". Ding Changsheng's mouth is a bit awkward.

"OK, then you go, but remember, as long as you go, don't come again.". Gu Xiaomeng then turned and walked upstairs. Without looking at Ding Changsheng and other people in the room, Gu Xiaomeng threw Ding Changsheng very embarrassed in the living room.

"Well, godfather, godmother, I'll leave first. I'll come back another day. If there's news about that, I'll call you.". Ding Changsheng wants to leave.

"Stinky boy, where are you going? I didn't hear your sister looking for you. Go ahead. Although Xiaomeng is a little angry, she won't eat you.". Gu Qingshan looked up at Ding Changsheng and said.

Ding Changsheng looks at Yang Xiao again. Yang Xiaowei nods with a smile. Ding Changsheng is relieved. This is what you asked me to go. Don't blame me then, Ding Changsheng thought.

"Well, I think sister Xiaomeng has something to tell me.". Ding Changsheng thought that he had found a good reason and went upstairs.

Looking at Ding Changsheng's figure disappearing at the corner of the stairs, Yang Xiao looks at Gu Qingshan and says, "Lao Gu, how do I think these two children are wrong? When did Xiaomeng have this attitude towards a man? Although it seems very unfriendly, why do I always think Xiaomeng said this on purpose?".

Gu Qingshan didn't pick up Yang Xiao's stubble, but sighed leisurely: "well, after all, a dry son is a dry son. It would be nice to have such a son. Hey, this boy, you can't underestimate it. In a few years, he must be a character.".

"That's even worse. Xiaomeng's heart is not enough. There is no heart to fight with men.". Yang Xiao is worried about her daughter's loss.

"What do you care so much about? Don't worry. Changsheng is a decent person. At least without my consent, he doesn't dare to do anything. Don't worry. The child's character is still good.". Gu Qingshan filmed the back of Yang Xiao's hand and continued to watch TV.

Upstairs, Ding Changsheng pushed open the door of Gu Xiaomeng's room. He was stunned by everything in front of him. In only a few seconds, Gu Xiaomeng actually changed his clothes when he came up from his front and back feet. Moreover, although the room is not cold, there is no need to wear a suspender pajama.

"Sister Xiaomeng, what's the matter? I really have something to do. I have to go back quickly, or you can call me.". Ding Changsheng wants to leave."Ding Changsheng, am I a monster?"

"No, no, no, you're not a monster. The monster looks ugly. You look so good. It's obvious that you are a goblin.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile, he thought, what are you afraid of? If you don't look, you may not have this shop after the village. When you look at it, you should seize the time to look carefully. This kind of welfare is not available every day. So she settled down and looked at Gu Xiaomeng with a large chest.

Gu Xiaomeng is aware of the aggressiveness in Ding Changsheng's eyes. Her face turns red. She can't help but regret it. She reaches out to cover her chest for fear of going naked.

"What are you looking at? I ask you, what is the relationship between you and that Xu Jiaojiao?"

"Xu Jiaojiao? Who is Xu Jiaojiao? I don't remember such a man? "

"Ding Changsheng, you still pretend to say, is she your girlfriend?"

"Well, is she my girlfriend related to you?"

"You just said that, didn't you?" Gu Xiaomeng stretched out her neck and blushed like a cockfight.

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