"Ouch, sister Zhou, don't be so quiet. It'll scare people to death.". Ding Changsheng looked up and saw that it was actually the head nurse Zhou Hongyan. He could not help but feel relieved.

"It's you who are out of your mind. I called you twice, but you didn't hear me. I didn't sleep at night. What do you think about here?" Zhou Hongyan looked at Shi Aiguo's ward and whispered.

"What else can I do? It's not on duty.".

"What about the driver? The mayor is ill and doesn't need him to drive. He has to wait here every night. When you come, he leaves?"

"All right, sister Zhou, are you on duty this evening?"

"Nonsense, it's not someone on duty who is wandering in the hospital at night.

"Oh, by the way, how's the mayor?"

"I can be discharged at any time, but how can I hear from the doctor that the mayor wants to stay a few more days to consolidate his life? By the way, you don't know, this afternoon, the mayor and his little daughter-in-law quarreled, which was heard in the whole corridor.". Zhou Hongyan looked at no one in the corridor, put her mouth to Ding Changsheng's ear and whispered.

"Really? Why? " Ding Changsheng asked, but just when he asked this sentence, a discovery made him almost jump up.

"I don't know. Who knows about the couple? OK, I'll go to the ward. Goodbye. When I drink water, I'll pour tea and coffee.". Zhou Hongyan said quietly.

"OK, I'll have a drink later. Thank you, sister Zhou.".

"You are welcome. You are polite to me.".

Zhou Hongyan left, but Ding Changsheng's heart is not calm. Just now, he saw Zhou Hongyan's neck with a necklace. If it was just a common necklace, Ding Changsheng had seen it, not in other places, but in QQ and a video called Tiangeyifang.

Because "heaven and earth" refused to show her face all the time, Ding Changsheng could only see the place below her neck. On that day, in response to Ding Changsheng's repeated requests, she actually took off her upper body to only a bra. Therefore, the white gold necklace with pearls in her neck was particularly attractive. Seeing this necklace again, Ding Changsheng was shocked and difficult It's Zhou Hongyan who says "heaven is different from each other". It's not so clever.

At this time, the light in the room was on, Shi Aiguo sat up from the bed, and did not know what he needed. Ding Changsheng had no time to think about it, so he quickly pushed the door and entered the ward.

"Mayor, what can I do for you?"

"Oh, Xiaoding, you're back. Where's Xiao Hu?" See come in is Ding Changsheng, stone patriotic surprised way.

"Oh, I told him to go back to rest. He is on duty these days. I'll take his place.".

"Well, when did you come back?"

"At night.".

"Well, you just go back and have a rest. It's not too late to come back tomorrow. Wait a moment. I'll be convenient for you.". Shi Aiguo said and went to the bathroom.

Ding Changsheng can't think about Zhou Hongyan any more. Since he's here, Shi Aiguo is expected to ask him about the provincial capital, rationalize his thinking, and think about how to report to Shi Aiguo later. Qiao Yang's sudden change of mind is a huge blow to Shi Aiguo. It can be said that he lost the confidence he had been in, just like what Zhonghua said to Ding Changsheng at night In that case, once people lose their confidence and worry about what they do, they will look forward to the future and lose many opportunities.

Sure enough, after Shi Aiguo came back from the toilet, although he sat on the bed, he didn't want to sleep any more. Ding Changsheng shook up the bed to make Shi Aiguo sit more comfortable.

"Mayor, do you want to continue to rest?"

"No, I'm old. I don't have so much sleep. How are you in the provincial capital?"

"Well, I got hooked through the relationship, but commander Zhou didn't seem willing to interfere with local affairs.". Ding Changsheng told the truth that he clearly saw a disappointed look in Shi Aiguo's eyes. It seemed that he was going to admit his life.

Ding Changsheng didn't hold much hope in the whole journey. However, after Qiao Yang refused, Ding Changsheng had the only hope. So it was natural for him to be disappointed.

"Of course, if the military meddles too much in local affairs, the local government and the central government will not be too happy.". Shi Aiguo said numbly.

"Yes, but commander Zhou didn't say anything, and pointed out a way. He said that he hoped the mayor would report to Secretary an more. In the final analysis, Secretary an is the most important decision maker.".

Secretary an? That is to say, but after anshuji came to central and southern province, I only met him once. Did he have any impression on me? Besides, there was no urgent matter at this time. Would it be abrupt to report his work like this? " As soon as Shi Aiguo's eyes brightened, he was immediately darkened. Ding Changsheng was right to guess that he did not have the confidence, but this is not possible. Shi Aiguo is now his confidence of Ding Changsheng, and he must first drum up Shi Aiguo's confidence.

"Before I came, I contacted di Kuncheng, Secretary of secretary an through a friend, and he promised to arrange a meeting between the mayor and Secretary an at the right time. Mayor, at present, the main studios in the city are being restored and rebuilt. We should do something about it. As long as the provincial government pays attention to our efforts, things will change. Moreover, I have not heard from the province who wants to go down The rumor of coming. ".Shi Aiguo widens his eyes and looks at his little secretary Ding Changsheng. Even Secretary an can reach him. His secretary really has the ability to know the world. However, as a boss, he can't be too anxious. He should be reserved.

"Well, you're right. Post disaster reconstruction is the first priority. We must first stabilize the situation in the city. In this way, Xiaoding, you can help me with the discharge procedures, and I will be discharged immediately.".

"Mayor, it's night.".

"Well, at night, let's go to work at night tomorrow morning. Call Xiao Hu and let him handle it. By the way, first send us to the municipal government to consider the work arrangements for tomorrow.". Ding Changsheng was infected by Shi Aiguo's vigorous attitude. He knew that his words played a role. The provincial government would not choose a mayor lying in the hospital to take over the secretary. This is the most important message that Ding Changsheng conveyed to Shi Aiguo.

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