At night, the road is filled with the odor of sludge. At that time, the water in the underground sewage pipeline overflowed the street because of the flood. Although the water has receded, the environmental treatment of the city has just begun.

"Xiaoding, please note that at 9:00 a.m., a meeting of the top leaders of all bureaus and branches of the whole city will be held in the conference room of the municipal government. Be sure to attend the meeting and call the roll at the meeting."

"OK, I will inform you as soon as I go back.".

Well, it's too late today. Let's call at eight in the morning. Shi Aiguo looks at a messy street with a gloomy face. He lives in the hospital these days. Although he has evaded the responsibility of flooding the city, he can not avoid the responsibility of governance. This is what he must do, and he must make achievements quickly.

After arriving at the office, Shi Aiguo entered his office, which was spotless. However, his eyes did not just focus on the urban area, but on the map on the wall. His eyes fell on the high-tech high-tech Development Zone in Dongcheng, where the flood was the most serious. It is said that all the foreign-funded enterprises introduced before were flooded, and the foreign investors have already proposed compensation Please.

"Mayor, have a cup of coffee.". Ding Changsheng put a cup of hot coffee on Shi Aiguo's desk.

"Well, Xiaoding, you've been running around these days. You're tired. You'll have a rest in the office first. I'll look at the documents.". Shi Aiguo said, sitting at his desk.

"OK, if the mayor needs anything, just call me.". Ding Changsheng said. I wanted to take a nap in the hospital tonight, but who knows Shi Aiguo is so neurotic. He leaves the hospital all night and comes to work in the office. This makes Ding Changsheng feel a little tired after working all night.

Ding Changsheng went back to his office. He was going to lie on his desk for a while, but when he saw the computer, he thought of Zhou Hongyan's necklace that he had just seen, so his fatigue quickly disappeared. What was left was the excitement of curiosity. He turned on the computer and logged on QQ. However, everyone was online, just a mobile phone online.

Ding Changsheng: "are you there? What are you busy with?"

"On duty, haven't you had a rest? So late? "

Zhou Hongyan quickly replied that when Ding Changsheng left, she was clear, but she didn't know what had happened, which led to a mayor leaving the hospital in the middle of the night. When she was sleeping in the office, Ding Changsheng actually landed on QQ to call her.

Ding Changsheng: "work overtime.".

"Oh, it seems that I'm not the only one who has suffered.".

Ding Changsheng: "well, are you busy now? If I'm not busy, I'd like to see you.

Finally, Ding Changsheng's request went back to the last time they chatted with each other. He believed that with the last experience, each side of the world would not be very disgusted with his request.

Sure enough, just a minute of melancholy, each side of the world replied to his request: "I'm in the office now, it's not convenient for video, and I don't have a camera here. How about tomorrow? I'll have a rest at home tomorrow.".

Ding Changsheng: "Oh, well, but I will be very busy tomorrow. I have no time, and I am extremely disappointed.".

In fact, Ding Changsheng knows that Zhou Hongyan's office computer has video, Lenovo all-in-one machine and camera are built-in. The last time Ding Changsheng and Zheng Xiaoai were making love in her office, they had seen it, and there was no mistake. It was just Zhou Hongyan's trick of playing hard to get.

After Zhou Hongyan sent out the rejection message, she regretted, but she was afraid that Ding Changsheng would make unreasonable demands like that day. Although she was exposed in the camera that day, she felt a kind of extreme psychological satisfaction in her heart, because she saw the expression of Ding Changsheng salivating three feet in the camera, especially when Ding Changsheng saw her upper body with only bra She was tickled by the movement of her tongue sticking out to and fro between his upper and lower lips.

This scene even appeared in her dream. She dreamed that Ding Changsheng's tongue strongly licked the end of her breast peak. Soon her bud became hard and protruding, so she wanted to see that kind of scene once, but she turned him down just now.

"Really want to see it?"

Ding Changsheng: "it's a pity that I don't know when I'll have the right opportunity.". Ding Changsheng sent out a melancholy, he also poured himself a cup of coffee, waiting for Zhou Hongyan to take the bait slowly. He had already determined that half, that woman was Zhou Hongyan.

"I lied to you just now. The computer in the office has a camera.". Zhou Hongyan hesitated for a moment, or to tell the truth, Ding Changsheng's words are very right, missed tonight, do not know when to wait, to tell the truth, after that day, she has been waiting on QQ, but Ding Changsheng has been very busy, not online, which makes her very disappointed.

Ding Changsheng: "really, you don't have to log in to the computer soon.". Ding Changsheng asked in a hurry.

After a minute, Ding Changsheng's computer showed that each side of the world had already logged in to the computer, instead of the mobile QQ login state. Ding Changsheng's spirit was shocked and immediately launched a video invitation.

But each side of the world did not accept the invitation, but refused the invitation to the video.

Ding Changsheng: "why? Why not? ""Because, because I feel it's immoral, I'm married.". Zhou Hongyan hesitated at last.

This is her last scruple. She is a married woman. If she doesn't know who the other party is, it's still a bit of a suspense. But she knows that the other party is a young man who is still in infancy, and she is a married young woman. Is it moral for her to do so? What's more, he is a man who is her best friend It's immoral.

Ding Changsheng: "what's wrong with marriage? I will not destroy your family and ask you to marry me.

Each side of the sky: "so what are we?"

Ding Changsheng: "I know that if you have a happy family, you should be accompanied by your husband at this time, but not. You sent me a friend request in the late night, which shows that it is not lonely, and I can just rule out your loneliness. In the world, maybe you can be imprisoned in your marriage forever, which is nothing, but you have lost a lot of fun outside the marriage.

"Funny things? What is it? "

Ding Changsheng: "open the video, let me see you, I'll tell you.". Ding Changsheng further temptation to find that he is doing a very bad thing, he is seducing a married young woman to cheat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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