Ding Changsheng went back to the dormitory in the early morning. After seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, he put on his clothes and lay down in his bed. When he turned his head, he saw Ke Zihua's black eyes staring at him.

"Disturb your sleep?" Ding Changsheng asked with a guilty heart.

"No, I'm just worried about you. You didn't come back this night. Where did you go?"

"Who said I didn't come back all night. I went to the toilet. I just came back.".

Ke Zihua sat up and wrapped himself in a quilt. "You can lie to me. I drank too much water last night and went to the toilet three times since 12 o'clock. Not only did I not see you in the toilet, but also there was no you on the bed. Let's say, as the head of the dormitory, I have the right to report this situation to the teaching director.".

"Dare you, do you want to try the invincible lift Yin feet again?" Ding Changsheng threatened.

"Ah, tell me where I went. Take me to the fun place tonight. Let's go together.".

"Who said I went to play, I went to do business.".

"Business? Hum, in my experience, there's nothing serious about going out at that point. You're a policeman. You shouldn't steal. You're just a duckling. Brother, I'm not talking about you. If you want money, brother, I can still lend you tens of thousands of dollars. It's harmful. You should be careful, and it's easy to get sick, Be careful to protect yourself. "

As soon as Ke Zihua finished speaking, he saw a shoe flying in front of him. His instinctive flash flashed over Ding Changsheng's attack, and he was lying down laughing.

"Nonsense again, I'll pull your tongue out.". Ding Changsheng threatened.

Fortunately, today is not physical training, but classroom theory class. Otherwise, Ding Changsheng must have a weak leg and stomach. Last night, he saw that box of rare things when he was coming back. Under the hint of Yang Fengqi, he practiced on Yang Fengqi completely. Unexpectedly, there was such a mentality in Yang Fengqi's bones, which he did not understand Why is he so abnormal? When he saw a dignified and beautiful woman just standing in front of him and making him admire him, he turned into a female dog to be slaughtered in a few minutes. This is not that he doesn't understand, but Yang Fengqi is changing too fast. Now he thinks about it, his heart is still boiling with blood.

After class, Ding Changsheng and Ke Zihua ran to the outside of the classroom to have a cigarette addiction. At this time, they saw a woman walking in the corridor in front of them, all covered with the PLA. Ding style military uniform, Qier short hair close to the ear, curled eaves military cap just right on the head, foot is a pair of high-heeled shoes, knock on the floor brick, issued a Ding sound, Ding Changsheng a look, the heart is not good, quickly dig the smoke to die in the grass under the foot, turn to go.

"What's the matter?" Ke Zihua asked.

"Here comes the lady Yama.". Ding Changsheng winked and was about to leave.

"Ding Changsheng, stop. I have something to do with you.". Zhou Hongqi saw Ding Changsheng want to run, so he quickly stopped him.

"Good instructor, instructor, we are having a theoretical class today. How did you come?". Ke Zihua has always been having a problem with the female drillmaster who is drunk like Wang Ziwen. When he saw Zhou Hongqi coming, he went up happily to say hello, but Zhou Hongqi didn't seem to treat him very much.

"I'm looking for Ding Changsheng. I didn't look for you. You go first.".

"Oh, look for him, Ding Changsheng, come here, the drillmaster is looking for you.". Ke Zihua said bitterly.

"Oh, drillmaster, how do you call me Ding Changsheng? My name is Ding Changsheng. Please call me Zhengming.". Ding Changsheng stands at attention and stands in front of Zhou Hongqi, but Ke Zihua doesn't go away. He looks at him in the dark.

"Well? How can people call me not? " Zhou Hongqi asked curiously.

"Because they are not people.". Ding Changsheng took a look at Ke Zihua and said.

"You're not a human being, Ding Changsheng. Are you swearing?" Ke Zihua protested.

"All right, Comrade Ding Changsheng. After class, come to the training ground and talk to you about something.". Zhou Hongqi said as gently as possible.

"Drillmaster, you're going to add circles to me. I haven't made any mistakes.". Ding Changsheng listen to and go to the training ground, aggrieved said.

"Is it? What did you do last night? If you don't go home, you still have a reason. Zhou Hongqi said in a stern tone.

"This..." Ding Changsheng turns his head and looks at Ke Zihua, but this guy is also at a loss. It seems that he didn't tell the secret. How did Zhou Hongqi know?

Just in Ding Changsheng's doubt, Zhou Hongqi has walked away with the sound of Ding Ding's high-heeled shoes.

"What does she want to do?" Ke Zihua walks to Ding Changsheng and looks at him sympathetically.

"Is that really not what you said?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"It's not me. I haven't had time to say it.". Ke Zihua exclaimed.

"Then how did she know, would she...".

"She's watching us?" Two people said with one voice.

If so, we should be careful, otherwise we will be killed. Ke Zihua looks like a conspirator at this time."I found out that you are not a good guy, are you still playing with the instructor's idea?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Kezihuali said with a smile, "how dare you, but I'm very optimistic about you now. You don't know. I saw her look at you just now. It's the most gentle look since we saw her. Brother, you should be careful.".

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