After class, Ding Changsheng walked to the training ground in Ke Zihua's schadenfreude. Zhou Hongqi asked him to go, but he didn't dare not.

Zhou Hongqi was walking slowly on the plastic track from a distance. The sun was shining on her. The green military uniform made Zhou Hongqi more attractive in the sun. He never thought that Zhou Hongqi would look so beautiful in women's military uniform.

"Drillmaster, are you really going to punish me?" Ding Changsheng asked a little uneasily.

"No, I'm looking for you for something else. Let's go.". Zhou Hongqi looked dignified and raised his finger in front of him.

"What's the matter?" Ding Changsheng walked beside Zhou Hongqi, one meter away from her.

"I heard about you yesterday, and I went to Huo Lvmao, the chief of the police station there, to verify what you said. I really didn't expect that what they said was that you took the gun empty handed.".

"This matter, at that time, the brain was hot, it was nothing.". Ding Changsheng is embarrassed to scratch his head. He didn't expect Zhou Hongqi to be so strict and serious, and he also investigated himself.

"Well, this time I went to the police academy as a coach, and I also had a task, that is to select a group of capable forces to enrich the secret police force.".

"Secret police? what do you mean? Why haven't I heard of it? "

"In fact, they are undercover agents who break into the enemy's interior.".

"What do you mean by that? You don't want me to join you?"

"Yes, you are a good young man. On the surface, you are unruly, but in your heart you are shrewd and courageous. This is the most important thing. Are you interested?"

"Drillmaster, I might have thought about it a year ago, but now I really don't have this interest.".


"Because I was still a beggar a year ago. I was sneaking around in my hometown. I didn't want to rob the bank even if you gave me a gun. But now I don't want to live an unknown life. Even if I'm an undercover, I have to be a bad person or a bad person. Since my uncle got me into the police force, I swear It's in my heart to be a good man.

"Ha ha, that's what I said. There's no other meaning. If you don't have the will to sacrifice yourself, even if you enter it, after a long time, it will be faded or exposed, so it will be meaningless.".

"Yes, drillmaster, I'm sorry, I don't have such a high realm.". Ding Changsheng said a little ashamed.

"It doesn't matter. The girl you rescued last night has a lot of background in her family. If you want to be an official in Baishan City, I think you should have a good relationship.".

"Drillmaster, no, are you really spying on us?" Ding Changsheng's face was very embarrassed, and his tone was slightly dissatisfied. We are here to train, not to be in prison. Why do we guard us like thieves.

"You're wrong. I don't have the spare time. Last night I was walking here and saw you sneaking out of the dormitory door and climbing over the wall. I'm very curious. It's more than 11 o'clock in the evening. What do you do out there? It turns out that you're waiting for the hero to save the beauty, and you dare not return home at night. How about last night? Was it really enchanting? The so-called spring curfew is worth a thousand dollars, but I am I'll tell you, that girl's family is not easy to mess with, you'd better take care of yourself.

"Drillmaster, I don't understand what you mean.".

"Go away, I don't understand. I don't have time to chat with you.". With that, Zhou Hongqi walked away with a manly step.

Zhou Hongqi was trained by Zhou Hongqi. It was estimated that there would be no rice to go back to. So Ding Changsheng decided to go out and find a place to eat the mat.

Just out of the school gate, I saw a group of girls coming by the school gate. What happened to Qingqing? But they all seemed to be high school students. One girl was wearing the uniform of Baishan No.1 middle school, and he had no interest in these young girls. However, there were several guys in the dormitory. Baishan normal university went to pick up girls, but it was just dancing. Up to now, I haven't heard of it Which one is going to start.

But just as Ding Changsheng was about to turn around and leave, he saw a familiar face in this group of girls. He couldn't help but feel happy that it was her.

"Lingshan, Lingshan, don't you know me here?" Ding Changsheng leans on a bare tree, arms in his hands and smiles at Lingshan, a face of cold consternation.

"It's you. Why are you here?" Ling Shan is also a surprise, although this hateful Ding Changsheng has touched himself, but the scene of the wedding she always unforgettable, and when she came back to talk about it to her classmates, no one believed it.

"Ling Shan, who is this? Is it your boyfriend?"

"I think it is, or graduated from the police academy, people have participated in work, it must be Ling Shan's boyfriend.".

During the conversation between Ling Shan and Ding Changsheng, her classmate "i.e. how did you talk about it? She made Ling Shan impatient," you talk nonsense, and I'll tear your mouth. ".

"Ling Shan, did you have dinner, or I'll treat you to dinner.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"We have to go in advance, Ling Shan, you and your boyfriend to eat.". A burst of laughter, a few girls, pointing to the left.Lingshan or very generous, a moment later, it returned to normal, "how are you here?"

"I've been training here for several years. Why are you here?"

"I go to school, Baishan No.1 middle school.". With that, Lingshan's eyes are a little proud. Yes, those who can go to Baishan No.1 middle school are not simple people, which is worthy of Lingshan's pride. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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